Jealous hair dressers.

I never even thought a stylist could be jealous until I went to one and she damaged my hair. I was reading a magazine, waiting for her to finish a client and looked up to see her looking at me strangely...I got a bad vibe from it, but I still got in her chair...Nevertheless to say, I always listen to my instincts now, no matter what.
But all because your stylist has long hair doesnt mean she wont hate or try to destroy your hair. Some women just want to be the only ones with nice long hair, so you have to look out for them too:nono:
This is why I stopped going. The girl who did my hair has long pretty hair BSL to MBL. I was SL to APL and told her the first day I met her that I wanted my hair to be just like hers... One day she told me I needed a trim and like dummy I let her. My hair was not touching my shoulders when I left outta there.:nono: Now my hair is grazing my brastrap...and I can't wait to go in and tell her "hello" when it gets to Brastrap length...:rolleyes:

It's horrible to hear these stories. Funny thing is, in my experience, hair dressers love the girls with long, beautiful hair being their clients because they can take the credit for it, although more than likely, it has nothing to do with them.
I only know ONE girl who owns a salon who really HATES trimming and cutting hair. She has short hair by CHOICE and its healthy. She's about a 30-35 minute drive away...

Reading this makes me think of what happened the last time I had braids...The entire time the girl was doing my hair (shop of Africans) they all kept talking about how long my hair was and how thick it was..and it wasn't a compliment. She didn't braid past my hair either. I couldn't tell my own hair from the braid hair in the end and ended up cutting my own hair.:ohwell: I don't like cutting my hair on accident:perplexed, lol so I was kind of upset. :sad: All of them were bald-headed too (like what WAS there literally was indeed a nappy mess with bald patches...which I didn't see until half my head was braided bc they had beanies and stuff on.)
This whole post pisses me off... I had these bald headed scallywags doin my braids and putting glue on the ends. I bombed them out and told them to stop, and the whole back bottom portion of my head was destroyed when I took my braids out.
The lady that does my hair is the SAME lady that did my hair in Eritrea and Israel when I heard she moved to the Chicago Area I was delighted. My other Friend Flowers McKnight over at Yahya's in Hyde Park is all about Health and growth. One has VERY long hair by chioice the other has short hair BY choice. But I swear Flowers can turn a cockroach into a butterfly. She does make up too. She told me many moons ago about Jealous hairdressers she has been one for over 30 years. She owned a shop in LA. I could not believe the stories. But yeah just like you have to be careful about who you let in your life you have to be careful about who you let touch your head.

both of them are very religious and spiritual and they both said touching of the scalp and hair is very intimate and you have to be careful or toxic people. You don't want negative souls touching your head

Makes sense to me

That is beautiful and really something to think about.

Anyway, no offense to the good stylists, but this is how I feel. To me stylists are like used car salesmen: Can't trust them as far as I can throw them and chances are I can't get them up off the ground.

I will not hesitate to go to a white stylists if I need a trim or something like that. And not the wannabee white stylists, the white ones that know they're white and are not trying to be something different. And that's all I'll say about that.
Thank yall for reminding me!

Gotta get a relaxer in a couple more weeks and i need to interview some stylists.

My main request to her is "No Scissors, No Scissors, NO Scissors." And when they think you playing or being snobby then i'll say "if i see scissors, you will not get paid."

Oh and please turn my chair AROUND so i can see you in the mirror.

Why do stylists style your hair with their back to the mirror?
Yes, they are jealous hair dressers out there. The best stylist I ever had moved to Atlanta, GA! I was so hurt by the move. ***CRIES**** I heard stories of stylists cutting too much length off and leaving relaxers on for too long.

I haven't been able to find a good stylist where i live since i moved from Cali! I've tried like 6 different ones and they all suck. Every one of them try to leave the relaxer on too long, so what i do is when 15 minutes have passed i tell them it's burning (even though it's not) just to get them to wash it out IMMEDIATELY! You should see me with the dramatics, i could win an Oscar: "OMG, it's burning! My skin is on fire! It feels like the devil is dancing on my scalp :evilbanana:HA HA HA :lachen::lachen::lachen:It works everytime.
I haven't been able to find a good stylist where i live since i moved from Cali! I've tried like 6 different ones and they all suck. Every one of them try to leave the relaxer on too long, so what i do is when 15 minutes have passed i tell them it's burning (even though it's not) just to get them to wash it out IMMEDIATELY! You should see me with the dramatics, i could win an Oscar: "OMG, it's burning! My skin is on fire! It feels like the devil is dancing on my scalp :evilbanana:HA HA HA :lachen::lachen::lachen:It works everytime.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: You are crazy. BTW, your dachsie is too cute. I love them, too. I'd love to get another dog but my baby would have a fit. She is spoiled beyond spoiled. :lachen:
Thank yall for reminding me!

Gotta get a relaxer in a couple more weeks and i need to interview some stylists.

My main request to her is "No Scissors, No Scissors, NO Scissors." And when they think you playing or being snobby then i'll say "if i see scissors, you will not get paid."

Oh and please turn my chair AROUND so i can see you in the mirror.

Why do stylists style your hair with their back to the mirror?

Please, please WATCH them!!! In 2000, a licensed stylist put relaxer in my hair 3 weeks after a virgin relaxer, AND was cutting it a @nd time in 3 weeks without asking or saying a word! I didn't realize both actions until it was too late. I was turned away from the mirror. On the cut, she said she was just evening it up. My hair does not grow fast enough for 2 trims in 3 weeks:wallbash:
When I first entered this thread I thought it was silly to think this way, but now I see why, I'm so shocked and disgusted that they could act this way, they should be happy; they could take the credit for your hair and their salon would benefit!!!
When I first entered this thread I thought it was silly to think this way, but now I see why, I'm so shocked and disgusted that they could act this way, they should be happy; they could take the credit for your hair and their salon would benefit!!!

This was a prime factor in me going natural. My daughter worked in a hair salon years ago and would tell me horrific stories about the *****ing and bad manners of stylilsts. She said that the white salons knew how to treat their clients properly.

Thank yall for reminding me!

Gotta get a relaxer in a couple more weeks and i need to interview some stylists.

My main request to her is "No Scissors, No Scissors, NO Scissors." And when they think you playing or being snobby then i'll say "if i see scissors, you will not get paid."

Oh and please turn my chair AROUND so i can see you in the mirror.

Why do stylists style your hair with their back to the mirror?

So you can't see as they proceed to turn your beautiful hair into a HAM.:wallbash:
Yes, I have had similar concerns. I'm a very optimistic person, but I've learned over the years that some people have jealous natures and will do things to mess you up if possible.
Are you afraid that a hair dresser might mess up your hair because of jealousy? I dont know why? But Im scared I might go to a stylist for a relaxer and she might pour something in the relaxer cream to make my hair fall out:look: Or she or the shampoo girl might not wash out the relaxer cream properly and my hair will break off. oooooooooorrrrrrrrr:look: she might trim from hair badly just to mess up my hair. I dont trust people with my hair because they might say your hair looks nice and secretly hate you because of it:look:

YES!!! Yes, I am. Don't trust them.
There is a lady that comes into my store and I had her going on a good hair care reggie and vits. Her hair was doing great. She showed me pics of her hair before and it was very thick and curly. Se has a bald spot on the top of her head because of relaxer being put on hair. Her hair was thick but its fine if that makes since. Anyway we have been working on her hair for a year! Her spot filled in and all. She went to a new stylist who was doing her hair good as she said. I told her to be careful because I still don't trust them. Well the lady put a relaxer in her hair after she told her that she does not do relaxers anymore. She said she felt the top of her head burning and she told the stylist and she said oh its the conditioner. Well she has burns and that spot that we had worked on is back bald and has scabs. I don't know of a conditoner that can do that I'm so pissed! I just don't undertand.
It is really sad. I was a weekly client for over 25 years in someone's chair. And I have the battle scars to prove it. But I suffered the biggest set-back in Nov '08 which totally made me give up on Salons altogether.

I generally have thick resillient hair that has bounced back from a Multitude of Sins i.e. razor cuts, double processing, color, highlights, bleaching etc.....

The mistreatment, the lack of accountability, the disrespect for your Hair, Money, Time and Wishes. The Whole Gamut. I have seen it all. But continued to go on a weekly basis anyway.:wallbash:

My mother cared for my hair until about 16 and from then on, I had relied on "some stylist" for the total upkeep of my Hair and Hair Health. (and that is sad).:rolleyes:

I am so glad to be "Set Free" from all that Madness.:grin:
There is a lady that comes into my store and I had her going on a good hair care reggie and vits. Her hair was doing great. She showed me pics of her hair before and it was very thick and curly. Se has a bald spot on the top of her head because of relaxer being put on hair. Her hair was thick but its fine if that makes since. Anyway we have been working on her hair for a year! Her spot filled in and all. She went to a new stylist who was doing her hair good as she said. I told her to be careful because I still don't trust them. Well the lady put a relaxer in her hair after she told her that she does not do relaxers anymore. She said she felt the top of her head burning and she told the stylist and she said oh its the conditioner. Well she has burns and that spot that we had worked on is back bald and has scabs. I don't know of a conditoner that can do that I'm so pissed! I just don't undertand.

Oh, my goodness!!! :blush:
These makes me think that the women who never braided past my hair, and glued or burned the ends (depending on the style) did this on purpose. And of course I lost hair in the process. Probably was...:rolleyes:
its DEF. on purpose, I'll never forget going to get micros 1 time and suffering unbelievable damage from it. the lady put glue on all my hair ends (i know she did it on purpose the hair was very obviously different than my hair so you couldn't get it "mixed up") she was acting jealous when i first got there and kept looking at me talking to her associate in french (they were african), now that i look back i REALLY wish i would've used good judgement and walked out, i lost 4-5 inches of hair and my hair was looking terribly thin (which is hard to do with my thick 4b hair) NEVER AGAIN will i trust a stylist! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
Never had what I would consider a "jealous" hair dresser. I've always gone to people who did long hair people. I think sometimes we are quick to say someone is jealous when the actual case is that they are incompetent or lazy.

I don't see why people here think that male hair dressers are exclusively not jealous. I don't discriminate either way... men and women can both *** you up. I find that men are often lazy and heavy handed and don't want to spend a lot of time on one head. Although I keep two men on the bench...:lachen:

So before saying the stylist is jealous...make sure they're competent and hardworking..that needs to be the basis for anybody you let touch your hair. I guess I'm a person that doesn't think folks are "jealous" per se. Anything that is out here anyone can have... no need to be jealous..just work towards the goal. That goes with hair, houses, shape/body, clothes...etc. I just think "we" throw around the term "jealous" way too much. Maybe there are some that are truly jealous... but I don't see why they would work in the industry of making folks look good... :look:
That's why on top of everything else I kiss major @$$ whenever I go to a hairstylist- I tip VERY WELL and I am super polite and friendly. :yep:
I trust my hairdresser. However, her shampoo girl is another story.

I was there last week and the shampoo girl's hair was HAM! It was literally standing on top of her hair (think that one commercial, Dr. Miracle or something) and was all dry.
She had the nerve to go out in public for a food run.

I have had to remind her to rinse out the nape of my hair during a relaxer. I also took the comb from her when she was combing the conditioner through.
I don't know if it is jealousy or incompetence, but it is hard to find a good stylist around here. I haven't been to one in about 2 years and my hair has never looked better.

Ive had my share of jealous and really incompetent stylists. I got a relaxer some weeks ago and this women would not wash it out for nothing. I kept asking her to wash it out and she said "mami its not ready" and would walk away to do someone elses hair!!! I had to lie to her and tell her it was burning in order for her to wash it out...and she had an attitude about it. I remember a few years ago I went to a salon for a relaxer and my whole head was BURNING! I mean....BURNING BADLY!!!! This woman refused to wash it out for the longest time. A lot of the salons where I live dont practice anything related to healthy hair care. Its all burn baby burn and cut cut cut in there! Thanks to LHCF, Ive learned many lessons on here.