Is $150-195 Too Expensive for a Relaxer&Style?

How much do you pay for your relaxer and style?

  • < $50

    Votes: 61 29.3%
  • $50-100

    Votes: 133 63.9%
  • $100+

    Votes: 14 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I have natural hair, but when I did relax I never paid more than $60 for a relaxer

The only way I'd pay $195 is if Brad Pitt himself was putting a relaxer on my hair (oh and he has to be naked)
...and totally defenseless.:lachen:
$195...yeah right.:rolleyes:
Firstly, I am so surprised how this thread just blew up! lol Thanks for all of the advice! I don't think I can respond to everything nor read it all by the end of my lunch break so I'll tackle these comments and come back later.

There is no way I would pay that much money to get my hair done. Of course, I may be a little biased because I haven't sat in a stylist's chair since 1982; I'm a total DIYer.

My advice: Since you indicate an interest in eventually learning to do your own relaxers, I would start now, because it would be easier for you to learn at your current length (NL). Then, when your hair gets longer, you'll have already fine-tuned your skills.

I am not a DIY-er. I prefer to pay skilled individuals to style my hair, so due to these circumstances, I am finally considering going this route, but I will do my best to get an appointment confirmed with a cheaper stylist tomorrow. If I can't get an appointment, then I might have to just flat iron my hair and buy myself more time to work up the nerve to attempt a relaxer on my own.

I've paid prices like that before, however, he is one of the best in the city and my hair was always healthy. It was hella expensive but for me worth it considering he was no run-of-the-mill joker. In fact that is the stylist who was honest with me and told me that my hair texture did not "need" any relaxer and that I could go natural and get the same results with just a flat iron if I wanted it straight. To me, his honesty was the best. He didn't have to tell me that b/c he kind of lost a client when I went natural. When it comes to most things in life, you get what you pay for and quality is not cheap.

In your situation I'd investigate thoroughly before paying those prices to make sure it is worth it.

Your points are well taken and are making me miss my old stylist from back home.

Okay. The bolded puts a different spin on things, IMO. I would never pay that much money for services done by someone who said the bolded; she can't be forreal. At best, she doesn't sound as if she knows/cares about healthy hair. (How does going a few months without a relaxer equal virgin hair?) At worst, she's trying to play you.

And I could see if you were a waist-length natural, but you're neck-length coming in for a touch-up? Again I have to ask, is she forreal?

Please search the forum for tips on self-relaxing. Try YouTube as well. I can't remember her name, but she's a member here; she relaxes section at a time, instead of doing her entire head at once, because she doesn't want to mess up. You may can do that, as well. Good luck with whatever you decide!

I swear, it's just the economy making some stylists charge more.
That's way too much, I live in Atlanta and even though it's a big city, you don't have to pay almost $200 just for a relaxer and trim. Sounds like she is definately taking advantage of you and might be charging you more because she might think that you have literally grown the majority of your perm out. I think you should speak up and ask her why she's charging you so much and get her to explain her reason behind it. Also, I would suggest that you consider learning to self relax or find a trusted friend to relax your hair for you. Trust me you'll save a lot of money in the long run.
Even at some of the high end salons in the DC area that's considered expensive. Unless she is just really awesome with the scissor skills, and you are going to have your cut for the next 16 weeks, I'd pass.
in NYC.. the gamut..from 20-40 to within easily to the price range you mention..Joseph's in NYC,for example it's 175 for the organic relax with 225.00 for virgin

upscale stylists can be prohibitive....and they just loooooove to inflate the price per square mile of hair...
my goodness~ the fuss they make if your hair has more than 10 strands

if it were me... I'd level with her..
look I've been going to you for all this time at this cost
but with these new rising costs I'm going have to look for another stylist and start going to her instead.

maybe she'd prefer to keep her ongoing client happy 'stead of losing her:yep:

try this? :grin:
can you make a midweek special for me..or early morning special..etc 65-75 exchange..I come at a time...when it's slow and you have the least clients?
ask her :)
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That is way too much. I could see if you were up north somewhere in a posh salon, but I am in Houston and that is just wayyy too much. And the fact that you are 14 weeks post makes it the same price as a virgin relaxer is a bunch of BS.

If she was a really good stylist I could see the 100, but I've heard of most stylists charging around 70-80 for a relaxer.

I could also see if your hair was near BSL or something and she charges more for longer lengths.....don't let this lady do your hair.

I think at no time it is okay people are crazy. They better be giving me a massage during the relaxer and serving me some fine wine.
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I'm sorry, but no no no. That is wayyy too much. I pay less than 50 and i stretch 12-14 constantly. 14 weeks post is not the same as a virgin relaxer. She needs to come off it. I would find someone else.
Girl, what!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:That is too much. It will take time but you can find a qualified stylist who can relax your hair. I heard visible changes have good stylist and JcPenney's has a salon. Do your research and good luck.
that is way too much $$.

It is actually funny that someone would charge that a relaxer and style.

I mean, that mess can get sweated out THAT night. I'd be pissed. I can get some braids or a weave with that and not having to worry anythiing for a while.

heck nawl.
WOWZA! I wouldn't pay that, especially since the stylist usually charges less! Maybe you have a friend that could help you with the relaxer? Or you can find another stylist after doing some research online. You could always start a thread looking for a stylist in your area...
I just got a touch up yesterday! It cost 60 bucks for a tex lax touch up, deep condition, blow dry and flat iron... if it cost 200 bucks i'd start having my aunt tex lax my hair since she does her own!
Basically, would you pay about $200 for a relaxer and style or start self-relaxing???

Ok, I've been stretching for 14 weeks and I scheduled a relaxer appt for this Saturday. The stylist gave me an estimate of $150-195 for a relaxer, rollerset and trim. So she basically wants $200+ and this seems way too expensive. However, she has done my hair well before and I don't want a cheaper stylist that might mess up my hair (I'm a former natural and don't want to have to BC again to a fade). lol

This stylist would normally charge me just $100 when I would get a relaxer every 10 weeks, should I have just lied to her?

But I don't think my hair, being that it is hopefully just past neck length now, warrants costing $150+ to relax. She only needs to put relaxer on the newgrowth and not treat my head like virgin hair like I think she wants to do so badly as well as trim/cut all of the growth I finally achieved.

I am almost ready to consider starting to do my own relaxers, but I am so scared of messing up. However, thanks to Megatek, I can comb through my newgrowth (which I never could before this long post a relaxer) and I might self relax this June/July if I get the nerve.

I feel so freaking stupid giving this woman all of this money just because I don't trust myself enough to use a $10 kit. $200...that's like half my tithes each month. I love my hair, but my budget can't take this constant assault even if I relax just about 4 times a year (then $50 rollersets twice a month, $120 for braids, etc).

Ok, I have vented, please give me some advice on being a self-stylist or taking your hair care into your own hands. I am so seriously considering doing my own hair from now on, but I need so much more courage or a stimulus check. :)

Me personally I would never pay that much money. I do not get trendy cuts (which cost more and worth it if you can find a good stylist) and I just get a basic set..I am very low maintinence....

Now...when it comes to services it depends on how the customer views it. Depending on the area especially in a major city that may be the average.. .but relative what most people I hear pay just for a relaxer that is alot. ...

You made a key point when you said she was the only one you trusted..that is just it. .You may find a stylist that charges below average that you trust and you may find one that charges well above average that you trust but its just all based on your own comfort level.

In addition to this some not so high end but not low end salons will charge more because of amenities they may offer like one stop shop (nails hair skin). Or they may be more attentive to you than a lower end salon that is just basic no frills service.

Again it depends on the customer. Some don't mind spending that kind of moeny b/c they see the value in higher cost services and in addition to this may just experience more professionalism in the higher cost place. I'm not saying that salons that charge less than lower end salons are unprofessional. But think about it if you are charging someone that kind of money you must be on point from start to end for a customer to see value in spending a couple hundred dollars on a single service.

Some may not feel like going through the trouble of searching for another stylist even if it saves them a substantial amount of money if they have found a stylist that they like that does everything they ask and is professional.

Service is so variable (ie stylist with great skills but very poor professionalism: triple booking, rude, etc). and has so many factors so you just have to find some criteria that are most important to you and make your decision based on that.
In her own words, 14 weeks post relaxer makes my hair the same as "virgin" hair, therefore she has to charge me as if this were my first relaxer.

I know salosn that do that so I do not think its unreasonable its a little more time and product if you want the relaxer to process evenly. Its the same thing with hair color if you have one inch (barring any "hidden" charges) you will pay the retouch price. But if you have more than that the application process is different, the time is longer, and the price will most definetely reflect that..

Someone who goes 3 months + without a relaxer is going to have way more than 0.5" to 1.0" of new growth. Lets say for this purpose your hair grows .5 inch a month and at the end of 3 months you have 1.5" that is most definetely a virgin relaxer.

If she treated it like a retouch then you would have straigth root and the rest underprocessed. The heat of your scalp will make the relaxer process faster and that is for about the first inch. If you have more than 1 inch say 1.5 or more the first inch will be process and the relst of the .5 inch will not. So if your stylist doesn't take the extra time to treat it like a virgin you will have underprocess hair on the last .5" or more OR you will have overprocessed roots and scalp burns to accomodate extra time for the .5" that doesn't have your
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No offense to anyone but how is it a rip off when she was told teh price up front? I mean if she quoted her a lower price at teh start and added on at the end to compensate for using more product or whatever then I could understand.

But if someone tells me they are going to charge me that much I have a choice to say no thanks or give them the green light. Again I personally wouldn't spend that much and would be willing to be that you could find someone to do a quality service for less but hey obviously people are willing to pay since they are still in business.