Jbco Challenge (jamaican Black Castor Oil) 2017


Well-Known Member
JBCO Challenge (Jamaican Black Castor Oil) 2017 2018

Hi LHCF Ladies,

I've recently had my hair truly straightened for the first time since I went natural in 2009. While it was a fun 2 days (yes I only kept it for two days). The stylist was very gentle, and she didn't do a hard press to make sure my hair reverted just as I asked.

However I think the shock of the combing and heat was a bit much for it. I don't shed a lot, but I've noticed some hairs coming out from the root since then, which never happens to me.

So instead of focusing on wearing my awesome twist outs ;) which I love, I'm going to:

  • I'm going to wear it twisted and up around the crown, instead of down in twist outs. I'll do this 2-3 times a week after deep conditioning.
  • Deep condition 1-2 times a week.
  • Use leave in conditioner (+ water) to keep it moist.
  • Use JBCO as a sealant, and conditioner.
Currently I use Giovanni conditioners (Deep and Leave-In) and Kinky Curly Knot Today. I've bought L'Oreal Total Condition 5 and I like it, but I don't think I'll continue with that.

I'm also taking Complex B vitamins internally.

My Hair Type:
It is mainly 'O' shaped coils between 6 & 8 mm in diameter.

Hair length stretched: ---Top armpit length. I was lower, but I had a trim when I straightened.---

I'll also upload hair photos after my next wash.

The plan is to do this through the end of the year to see the results in terms of growth and retention.

Would you like to join me in a JBCO challenge?

Use whatever type of JBCO you like, but it has to be a main focus of your regimen.

Hair photo after cut: https://flic.kr/p/SQDmiB
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Sure, I'll join ya. What do I need to do? I was thinking of using JBCO to seal, as well as applying it to my hairline mid-week. Would that be sufficient?
Sure, I'll join ya. What do I need to do? I was thinking of using JBCO to seal, as well as applying it to my hairline mid-week. Would that be sufficient?

Cool! Yes as long as you use JBCO regularly in your routine. :) Which kind will you be using?
Hi Ladies --- So Rooted Treasure JBCO seems to be willing to donate some of their products for the challenge. I told (who I believe to be) the owner that I'd post that here in case any of you want to try it.

No I don't work for them I just spent $55 on mine! LOL So let me know. The more people interested in trying it, the more likely they'll probably give some. I'll also note this in a couple of other threads.

Info on their process: http://www.rootedtreasure.com/ourprocess/
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I'm down! I have a few patches on my scalp where I had serious hair loss and breakage, so I'd like to specifically focus the jbco there. I'm also using a DIY growth oil for my whole head, so thr jbco should add a nice kick to it
(def going to clarify once a week with this!)
I will post stats tomorrow.

@nysister I'm interested in trying their jbco!
Hey ladies :). I'll start next week when I can get some real JBCO. The BSS brand I picked up that you can get easily is diluted with other... lesser oils. It didn't even work as well as my regular cold pressed castor oil. I was real bummed about that waste of money :down:.

I'm 4a and almost BSL after a much much needed trim.

I plan on sealing with JBCO after my weekly dc's, and doing coconut and JBCO hot oil pre-poo treatments w/heat every bi-weekly shampoo day.
I'm in...
I plan on adding it to my DC mixture and sealing with it.
Once a week I may oil my scalp with it, I want my hair to thicken a bit.
What I love most about JBCO is how good of a sealant it is and how black it makes my hair!
Welcome ladies!

I'm looking forward to seeing all of our results and learning from your various hair routines. :)
I'm down! I have a few patches on my scalp where I had serious hair loss and breakage, so I'd like to specifically focus the jbco there. I'm also using a DIY growth oil for my whole head,

@nysister I'm interested in trying their jbco!

Do you mind sharing the personal mix that you're using?

Great! He said he'll be back in town next week and I'll see how he plans on getting it to everyone and post info here.

Hey ladies :). I'll start next week when I can get some real JBCO. The BSS brand I picked up that you can get easily is diluted with other... lesser oils. It didn't even work as well as my regular cold pressed castor oil. I was real bummed about that waste of money :down:.

I'm 4a and almost BSL after a much much needed trim.

I plan on sealing with JBCO after my weekly dc's, and doing coconut and JBCO hot oil pre-poo treatments w/heat every bi-weekly shampoo day.

That's a shame about the oil from the BSS.
I like the thought of that as a hot oil treatment. I might try that!

I'm in...
I plan on adding it to my DC mixture and sealing with it.
Once a week I may oil my scalp with it, I want my hair to thicken a bit.
What I love most about JBCO is how good of a sealant it is and how black it makes my hair!

I think I'll try that too. I was going to coat it with it and rinse then DC, and then seal with JBCO but mixing it with my deep conditioner sounds like a good idea. I'll see how that works for me as well.

I didn't realize. The brand that I normally use (Olde Jamaica Black Castor Oil) uses a dye to make their pomade black, but it would be great to get the same effect with this darker purer version.
Gorgeous hair @nysister. Is jbco new to your rehimen?

Thank you @Prettymetty | Not really I've use the mixtures that Olde Jamaica Black Castor Oil sells for the past 6 years or so. I have found it helpful for my edges and keeping my hair soft.

Between that and seeing Napp Queen on YouTube I thought that a more pure version might allow me better results so I figure I'd try something new and incorporate some of the "old" with it, at least until the end of the year to see how well I do.
@nysister Sure! It's Curly Proverbz's hair growth oil:

I didnt add the henna and I switched out coconut oil for grapeseed oil (my hair is protein sensitive)

Theres a thread where a bunch of us are trying this out for 3 months:longhaircareforum.com/threads/thoughts-on-this-homemade-hair-growth-oil.816155/

I applied the JBCO to my edges and ends last night after applying the growth oil. I think I'm also gonna focus on babying my ends since I still see some breakage after washing and detangling.
Hi Ladies --- So Rooted Treasure JBCO seems to be willing to donate some of their products for the challenge. I told (who I believe to be) the owner that I'd post that here in case any of you want to try it.

No I don't work for them I just spent $55 on mine! LOL So let me know. The more people interested in trying it, the more likely they'll probably give some. I'll also note this in a couple of other threads.

Info on their process: http://www.rootedtreasure.com/ourprocess/
I'm in and I'm interested in trying the Rooted Treasure version.

Currently, I have Sunny Isle Original & Lavender JBCO. If I run out of the JBCO, I will switch to my Kreyol Essence Peppermint, Orange, Lemon & Chocolate HBCO.

I will use the oil weekly for either my midweek scalp oil, pre-poo, or sealant. The growth oil recipe has also peeked my interest, so I may try that as well.
So today I mixed JBCO into the L'oreal Total Condition 5 and coated my hair with it. I left it in for a half an hour.

I washed it out with cheap V-05 shampoo, and then rinsed with unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar. I then conditioned it with Giovanni conditioner while in the shower and rinsed it out. Squeezing excess water from my hair so that I wouldn't be dripping wet but keeping the moisture in.

After I twisted it in large twists coating it with Kinky Curly Knot today and sealed with JBCO.

Length check photo with the conditioner castor oil treatment

Texture photo. They are 'O's and some 'S' shape coils.
I'm in. I will be using Curly Proverbz hair growth oil. I already ordered many of the ingredients I don't have and they should be here in a few days. I should be able to officially start by the end of next week for sure :yep:
So today I mixed JBCO into the L'oreal Total Condition 5 and coated my hair with it. I left it in for a half an hour.

I washed it out with cheap V-05 shampoo, and then rinsed with unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar. I then conditioned it with Giovanni conditioner while in the shower and rinsed it out. Squeezing excess water from my hair so that I wouldn't be dripping wet but keeping the moisture in.

After I twisted it in large twists coating it with Kinky Curly Knot today and sealed with JBCO.

Length check photo with the conditioner castor oil treatment

Texture photo. They are 'O's and some 'S' shape coils.
Your texture is almost identical to mine. I've used jbco before and didn't really notice a difference between it and my regular castor oil
@nysister look at all that hair girl!

:D I only hope I didn't mess it up with the straightening. Now I know better!

Your texture is almost identical to mine. I've used jbco before and didn't really notice a difference between it and my regular castor oil

Twinsies! Which brand did you use? I've used regular castor oil but didn't notice any difference in my hair.

My first thought on using this brand is that

1) the scent is intense, but not overwhelming. I use quite a bit to make sure I cover all strands though.

2) When I use it and wrap my hair my edges lie in place bring the look together. And I assume making me look younger! I was called Miss twice today instead of Ma'am. LOL

3) It's quite thick so using the KKNT is a good base before putting this over it.
I'm in. I will be using Curly Proverbz hair growth oil. I already ordered many of the ingredients I don't have and they should be here in a few days. I should be able to officially start by the end of next week for sure :yep:

Welcome! I'm very interested in hearing how this works. The fenugreek has captured my interest.
I plan on getting some Ghana braids in the next few weeks so I want to start oiling my scalp with JBCO every other night to thicken the edges in preparation. It's really helped thicken the back of my hair over this past month.
@nysister we are texture twins!
I plan on getting some Ghana braids in the next few weeks so I want to start oiling my scalp with JBCO every other night to thicken the edges in preparation. It's really helped thicken the back of my hair over this past month.
@nysister we are texture twins!

Triplets! You, @janaq2003 and me!

That sounds pretty! Photos when you get them please!

That's good to hear, what brand did/are you using?
Triplets! You, @janaq2003 and me!

That sounds pretty! Photos when you get them please!

That's good to hear, what brand did/are you using?
Will do!
I'm using the sunny isle brand. I usually buy the extra dark one but they had run out, so I got the ordinary kind.
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I am so excited about this challenge. I recently lost a lot of hair on my left side. It was due to a bad sew-in. I have fully bald edges on that 1 side and Im desperately trying to hrow it back. I want to do deep massages 2 to 4 times a week. I plan also add it to my deep conditioner. Let us all pray for amazing and thick hair...
I am so excited about this challenge. I recently lost a lot of hair on my left side. It was due to a bad sew-in. I have fully bald edges on that 1 side and Im desperately trying to hrow it back. I want to do deep massages 2 to 4 times a week. I plan also add it to my deep conditioner. Let us all pray for amazing and thick hair...

Oh that's awful! I'm sorry that happened to you! I think JBCO will be a great way for all of us to achieve our goals :)
So I took our my 'Crown/Halo' twists and re-wet my hair with water, added KKNT and then JBCO to seal. I have them in large braids now and I'll put them back in the above style and wrap and keep it until Friday.

My hair really likes to be wet, which I haven't been consistent in doing for a while. Wet, moisturize, seal and don't touch is a good way to go for me.