Janky A$$ Aveda Consultations

Crackers Phinn

Either A Blessing Or A Lesson.
For the most part my hair is healthy but I haven't had a thorough trim in a year and I'm going prematurely gray with the quickness. Since i've heard so much good stuff about Aveda Salons and natural hair, I thought I would go holla and see what they are talking about as far as color and a trim.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

First stop - Aveda Vicara at Del Amo Mall

I go in wearing my puff and I asked at the front desk if they have a stylist with experience with highly textured hair. The manager/franchise owner came out and assured me that he had a stylist who was very experienced with my type of hair and was certified by both Aveda and Paul Mitchell to teach courses on styling textured hair.

So I'm like "BET" :clap:

The stylist is on a break so in the mean time, the manager/owner dude escorts me through the facility shows me how state of the art it is. The place is moderately busy (most patrons were white) and the people close to being finished were looking on point.

Every stylist in the spot had colored hair and all of their ish was on point. So I'm all kind of gassed up.

Then I meet the stylist who 'would have been' doing my hair and the owner/franchise dude leaves us alone to chat.

He had honey blonde texturized/texlaxed hair that looked nice, so I'm still on board.

I asked him if he had experience with highly textured hair and he said, yes he had experience with black people hair.

So I rephrased my question, I said "Do you have experience with natural hair?" and he said yes he had experience with all types of hair.

Then he asked me WHEN MY LAST TOUCH UP WAS AND WHAT BRAND OF RELAXER I USE? :eek: :eek: :eek:

After I picked my jaw up off the floor I told him that my hair is not permed.

So I asked how he would go about trimming my hair. He said that it needed to be straightened first. While this isn't necessarily true, I was prepared to get my hair flat ironed anyway, so I asked what type of heat protectant did he use. He had to think about it for a minute, then answered the name of the Aveda brand. I asked if he could show it to me and whycome he didn't know where it was located in the store? That just let me know that he wasn't used to using it.

Next I asked what type of flat iron he used. He said that he couldn't use a flat iron on my hair, he would have to use 'the hotcomb that heats up on the stove'. :eek:

He also kept interchanging the words trim and cut. Everytime he said cut, I would say trim until finally he said that a cut and a trim were the same thing.

At this point I was done and my mind was made up that he wasn't getting his hands on my hair. (BTW - not once during the entire 'consultation' did he touch my hair to assess $hit) So I decided to wrap up by asking how much it would cost. Now previously the owner/manager guy gave me a pricelist and I figured it would be around $300, plus they had a special for 1/2 off on the first visit. Well the stylist told me that the price list wasn't for African American hair. He quoted me prices that were $5-$20 above the listed prices for services. For color, highlights, a 'cut/trim', straightening and styling, his quote was close to $450, before the 1/2 off coupon.

I thanked him for his time and got to stepping.

But I didn't give up, next I tried this place http://www.amadeusspa.com/salon/
It's another Aveda salon located at the Grove in Los Angeles.

After spending 20 minutes trying to find it, I go in and ask if they have someone with experience with highly textured hair. They send a girl up front who only does cutting but no color, so I'm like fine and ask her how she would go about trimming my hair.

She told me that it would probably be best if I washed,conditioned and straightened my own hair at home then come in so she could trim it. :ohwell:

Know how much she was going to charge for the trim?

...........................wait for it..................................


I thanked her for her time and bounced.


At this point it's looking like Aveda ain't happening. If anybody knows of a salon (preferably within 20 miles of L.A.) can you let me know.
Oh no that is just ridiculous but I totally understand why you bounced. Why are you stuck on services by an Aveda salon?
Damn J!:eek:

I wish you was in Dayton, Ohio. There is an Aveda salon where a natural sista (yes she is a type 4) with FIERCE hair used to work there. This was about a year ago so I don't know if she is still there but dang. I feel your pain.
In Atlanta the Aveda salons are more diverse friendly as one of my friends and hair board naturals trained in one and did hair in one in Georgia. Not sure what is up with L.A.
Wow... There has to be somebody on the board here that can reccommend you to somebody. Those people were ridiculous. I paid $40 to get my hair washed and flat ironed. He threw in the trim.

I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. Your post is very entertaining though and I haven't heard the word "Janky" in a while! :lol:

I applaud you for being so thorough with your questions and stuff. That's very admirable IMO! Good job :up:
Wow.. that sucks; I go to the Vicara salon to buy my products, chat about hair. and get my skin treatments. There is this Asian girl that works there with short blonde, beautiful hair, and she knows her stuff about AA hair. And she's cool and honest about the salon. She told me not to get my hair done there because, none of the sylist really knew how to properly manage our natural hair unless it had a relaxer in it. And looks like she was telling the truth.:ohwell:
LMAO @ "When was your last touch-up?":lachen:

$450 is a ton of money, I am willing to pay to have my hair look great but $450 for one visit:mad: and dude obviously doesn't know what he is talking about:cool:
girl that was just pitiful. well thank goodness for consultations, and at least no $$ was spent.

i've only had good experience at aveda salons in dc and boston doing my natural hair (and they only charged 1/3rd of that price he quoted you!). they were great with trims and colors, but not who i see for styling purposes lol.
Okay, why are they charging more for AA hair:confused: . Unless the salon is the is the complete bomb, I don't think I can go to a salon that charges more for AA hair.
Supergirl said:

I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. Your post is very entertaining though and I haven't heard the word "Janky" in a while! :lol:

I applaud you for being so thorough with your questions and stuff. That's very admirable IMO! Good job :up:

ITA, and I applaud your appropriate use of the word "janky"!:lachen: Those salons definitely were!
Ineedhair said:
Okay, why are they charging more for AA hair:confused: . Unless the salon is the is the complete bomb, I don't think I can go to a salon that charges more for AA hair.

My assumption is that it takes more product and time to do our hair then it would be to do other folks hair.

I don't know somebody help me out with that one.
FeelinIt said:
My assumption is that it takes more product and time to do our hair then it would be to do other folks hair.

I don't know somebody help me out with that one.

I don't get it either. It's like you're paying extra for "inconveniencing" them. They should be trained in how to do all types of hair at school period.
FeelinIt said:
My assumption is that it takes more product and time to do our hair then it would be to do other folks hair.

I don't know somebody help me out with that one.

It is not unusual for our hair to cost more than white women. I have never paid over $150.00 for my hair to be done. Dam. I guess J's puffs must have scared the hell out of him he must have thought this is going to be my entire day better get every nickel I can.:lachen: :lachen:
CurleeDST said:
Oh no that is just ridiculous but I totally understand why you bounced. Why are you stuck on services by an Aveda salon?

I've read alot of positive testimonials from naturals who have got their color done by Aveda. But I'm not married to the idea of going to just them. It was just a starting point.
blackmaven said:
It is not unusual for our hair to cost more than white women. I have never paid over $150.00 for my hair to be done. Dam. I guess J's puffs must have scared the hell out of him he must have thought this is going to be my entire day better get every nickel I can.:lachen: :lachen:

Fear the almighty JCoily puff!:lol:
Supergirl said:

I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. Your post is very entertaining though and I haven't heard the word "Janky" in a while! :lol:

I applaud you for being so thorough with your questions and stuff. That's very admirable IMO! Good job :up:

After reading all the salon horror stories I figure I'm getting everything understood about what I want and what they are going to do before I ever sit in a stylists chair.
pinkskates said:
Wow.. that sucks; I go to the Vicara salon to buy my products, chat about hair. and get my skin treatments. There is this Asian girl that works there with short blonde, beautiful hair, and she knows her stuff about AA hair. And she's cool and honest about the salon. She told me not to get my hair done there because, none of the sylist really knew how to properly manage our natural hair unless it had a relaxer in it. And looks like she was telling the truth.:ohwell:

How are the skin treatments? I go there to buy my Be Curly leave in.
You did a good job and sounds like you definitely made the right choice. Try your best to find someone who can color natural hair. I found one here in Maryland.

God luck

JCoily said:
After reading all the salon horror stories I figure I'm getting everything understood about what I want and what they are going to do before I ever sit in a stylists chair.
Ineedhair said:
Okay, why are they charging more for AA hair:confused: . Unless the salon is the is the complete bomb, I don't think I can go to a salon that charges more for AA hair.

Hopefully it's not just AA hair they charge more for.

I've seen higher charges for longer hair, for highly textured (i.e. curly) hair etc -- things other folks have too. Our kinky, curly hair probably qualifies in the highly textured range.
prettyinpurple said:
Hopefully it's not just AA hair they charge more for.

I've seen higher charges for longer hair, for highly textured (i.e. curly) hair etc -- things other folks have too. Our kinky, curly hair probably qualifies in the highly textured range.

ITA with the bolded.
That is straight CRAZY!!! And what did he mean, they didn't have a price list for AA hair. That just really pisses me off. Are their consultations free?
The thought of having price lists for AAs just sounds ridiculous to me!! I can see having a separate price list for relaxer services perhaps but charging more for AAs seems discriminatory.
Originally posted by JCoily:
How are the skin treatments? I go there to buy my Be Curly leave in

They are wonderful but a little pricey. I get the Outer Peace acne treatment and the Skin exfoiliation once a month for $195.00. As far as hair goes, only buy your products there; they have no clue what to do with our natural hair. They cater to the wealthy white women who live in Palos Verdes.
so so chic said:
That is straight CRAZY!!! And what did he mean, they didn't have a price list for AA hair. That just really pisses me off. Are their consultations free?

I didn't make an appointment, I just walked in and asked if someone there was qualified to do my hair. Bedamned if I was going to pay for asking. :lol:
JCoily said:
He also kept interchanging the words trim and cut. Everytime he said cut, I would say trim until finally he said that a cut and a trim were the same thing.

For color, highlights, a 'cut/trim', straightening and styling, his quote was close to $450, before the 1/2 off coupon.

I thanked him for his time and got to stepping.

But I didn't give up, next I tried this place http://www.amadeusspa.com/salon/
It's another Aveda salon located at the Grove in Los Angeles.

After spending 20 minutes trying to find it, I go in and ask if they have someone with experience with highly textured hair. They send a girl up front who only does cutting but no color, so I'm like fine and ask her how she would go about trimming my hair.

She told me that it would probably be best if I washed,conditioned and straightened my own hair at home then come in so she could trim it. :ohwell:

Know how much she was going to charge for the trim?

...........................wait for it..................................


I thanked her for her time and bounced.


1st place: I would've run faster than Marion Jones when he said trim and cut are the same thing.

2nd place: You had to wash, condition and straighten your hair then come in and pay $80.00 for her to trim? I would've laughed in her face and told her to find a different job if she's telling me to do my own hair first, then go to her. It seems as though good stylists are officially on the 'endangered species' list.
Yikes...that's horrendous. I checked out the local Aveda salon's websites, and I could tell just from looking that they wouldn't be too familiar with my texture.

Yet, I still love the products!
