Jamaal Bryant: My Reply to the Email I Received

Monilove122 said:
I'm sorry Shimmie (and I just want to say you are an awesome woman of God!!!) but, I think that the Black Church is the problem with the Black Church. It's not always the enemy (although in some cases it is) but more times than many WE are the problem.

There is certainly a difference between someone who has fallen & repents, and someone who covers up one deceitful act with another. Now, although we don't know all of the circumstances with this particular case we (Black Church) have always allowed too much to go on then say it's the enemy when someone calls us out on it. I've been in church all my life and was taught by my parents early on that it's in God whom I trust not man so I'm so thankful that these types of stories and events have not shaken my faith. But, by allowing too much to go on we have certainly turned those away that are new babes in Christ, I hear too often about folks KNOWING the Pastor is sleeping with Sis. Such and Such, that Deacon is an alcoholic, this Sis. sleeps with everyone's husband yet they are allowed to have positions of authority and power. It's absolutely ridiculous.

Our Black Leaders have proven themselves to be unworthy, Jesse Jackson having an affair and a child out of wedlock, this one being accused of this then that. If they stop doing the stuff they are doing they wouldn't have these problems. A minister who I heard speak many times gave this verse when it comes to false prophets and I had to dig a little, LOL but here it is:

"And they come unto thee as the people cometh, and they sit before thee as my people, and they hear thy words, but they will not do them: for with their mouth they shew much love, but their heart goeth after their covetousness. And, lo, thou art unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument: for they hear thy words, but they do them not. And when this cometh to pass, (lo, it will come,) then shall they know that a prophet hath been among them." (Ezekiel 33:31-33)

What she explained is that so many preachers come with their own agendas and it appears that they are really going after the things of God cause they know how to talk the talk and it appears that they are walking the walk but in their very heart, they aren't living right. That's what I think about Pastors, etc. such as Jamal Bryant (again, although there are court documents who knows what happened so I'm just saying those LIKE him) they know how to hoop, holla, shout, give you an awesome word will even have you crying and all but - because they are so far from LIVING the gospel they preach they are false.

Now, don't get me wrong, I will pray for him and those like him because as Christians that's what we do, don't condemn but show love and pray for people but to keep saying "the enemy is busy" is a disservice to those who are turned away from the church and most importantly God because of incidents like this. NO one is saying they should be perfect and we shouldn't look to them to be God cause they are not and that would be worshipping false idols but c'mon, we've (Black Church) have gotta do better.

You haven't spoke anything but the truth. I agree 100%.

I just read her first post on the matter.

I couldn't agree more.

And why is the "devil so busy" in the Black church? And what about churches that are truly sending out the gospel and living it as well?

It's unfair to them.

The Jamaals of the world cannot live a Christ-like life because they have not been saved, much less called to lead others to Christ.

I will continue to say that either these "falsifiers" don't believe in God or they believe the Bible is a falsehood.

It's either one or the other and for their sake, they better hope the Bible is a lie.
Blackoutzangel05 said:
I believe that the church itself has been corrupted not just the black church. I know that there are good black churches out there, I have been to a few of them. White churches have their issues as well, hence the whole priests and their molestation charges. Its time that we stop accepting this and make a stand. Until we do that and stop worrying about black and white, we are going to continue to have problems. God seeks unity, not division...

Exactly... I didn't really want to say anything, but I'm sick of this black vs. white as if whites don't have issues in the Protestant community.

Have you all forgotten Swaggert and Bakker?

A false prophet is someone that tries to convience you that what the word of God says is not true or someone that speaks something other than what God is speaking.

If Jamal is reaching truth is not a false prophet he is a hypocrit.

The word is the word is the word, no matter who's speaking it.

But what make his witness bad is that he's not living what he's preaching (if things are true). HYPOCRIT.

See if the word says sleeping with someone without being married is a sin, but I try to convince you that it's not really a sin it's a minor infraction, I am a false prophet, I want you to believe something that's outside of the word of God.

But if I tell you I know the word says you're not suppose to sleep with a man without being married but I'm doing it. I'm a hypocrit.

I hope that made sense.
The difference is he is in the pulpit preaching to people about what they need to be doing and he's out doing contrary.

If he wasn't in the pulpit and going out in Jesus' name as a man of God, he would be just a hypocrite.

I believe the 'man of God' should be held to a higher standard than the rest of us, since we aren't upon some throne talking down at others under the sound our voice.
Monilove122 said:
LOL, you are too funny. I don't think it's that new but I use it probably too much. I actually found myself talking to a friend on the phone and said 'Girl, WITW'. Yes, I said the letters like I was on the danggone internet :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: . The other one I use is WTH = What The Heck.
Growing up, our parents 'spelled' the 'bad' words (:lol:). Or the famous, "What on Earth?" or "What in the World?". My mom's favorite was "Oh for Goodness Sakes".

I can just hear you spelling 'W-I-T-W".... :lachen: And you know you're being labeled Church Lady...because of it. :lol: But that's alright. You're among the 'good' ones...not messy....:kiss:
Monilove122 said:
I'm sorry Shimmie (and I just want to say you are an awesome woman of God!!!) but, I think that the Black Church is the problem with the Black Church. It's not always the enemy (although in some cases it is) but more times than many WE are the problem.

There is certainly a difference between someone who has fallen & repents, and someone who covers up one deceitful act with another. Now, although we don't know all of the circumstances with this particular case we (Black Church) have always allowed too much to go on then say it's the enemy when someone calls us out on it. I've been in church all my life and was taught by my parents early on that it's in God whom I trust not man so I'm so thankful that these types of stories and events have not shaken my faith. But, by allowing too much to go on we have certainly turned those away that are new babes in Christ, I hear too often about folks KNOWING the Pastor is sleeping with Sis. Such and Such, that Deacon is an alcoholic, this Sis. sleeps with everyone's husband yet they are allowed to have positions of authority and power. It's absolutely ridiculous.

Our Black Leaders have proven themselves to be unworthy, Jesse Jackson having an affair and a child out of wedlock, this one being accused of this then that. If they stop doing the stuff they are doing they wouldn't have these problems. A minister who I heard speak many times gave this verse when it comes to false prophets and I had to dig a little, LOL but here it is:

"And they come unto thee as the people cometh, and they sit before thee as my people, and they hear thy words, but they will not do them: for with their mouth they shew much love, but their heart goeth after their covetousness. And, lo, thou art unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument: for they hear thy words, but they do them not. And when this cometh to pass, (lo, it will come,) then shall they know that a prophet hath been among them." (Ezekiel 33:31-33)

What she explained is that so many preachers come with their own agendas and it appears that they are really going after the things of God cause they know how to talk the talk and it appears that they are walking the walk but in their very heart, they aren't living right. That's what I think about Pastors, etc. such as Jamal Bryant (again, although there are court documents who knows what happened so I'm just saying those LIKE him) they know how to hoop, holla, shout, give you an awesome word will even have you crying and all but - because they are so far from LIVING the gospel they preach they are false.

Now, don't get me wrong, I will pray for him and those like him because as Christians that's what we do, don't condemn but show love and pray for people but to keep saying "the enemy is busy" is a disservice to those who are turned away from the church and most importantly God because of incidents like this. NO one is saying they should be perfect and we shouldn't look to them to be God cause they are not and that would be worshipping false idols but c'mon, we've (Black Church) have gotta do better.
AMEN sista!
Monilove122 said:
Although I agree with you, you have to be at a point spiritually to understand the difference. And I'm sorry to say but the issue is that it's NOT a few, it's TOO MANY. Yes, all churches, dominations, etc. have issues but, in specific since we are talking about the Black church - we are messy. And I'm a church going, tithe paying, choir member who supports my church as well as others in the area, I'm on committees, give my time and energy to my church even on those days when I don't feel like it and most importantly I'm about UPLIFTING GOD'S KINGDOM. So again, I feel you and agree but, I so worry about those people who don't know God and those who have not matured enough in their faith to not be moved by what they see.

Exactly. If you have a sinner seeking out God/Christ and he comes to the church looking for guidance and direction and the first thing that smacks him in the face is a "Jamaal Bryant", how do you think that is going to affect him?

He's going to go back home and turn on a soap because it seems he didn't need to leave home if that's all that is going on in the church.

People who are new to the faith or weak in the faith are destroyed by these people. And what does the Bible say about causing one of them to fall?

Again, the "Jamaals" of the world better hope the Bible is a complete fabrication, because if it's not, I wouldn't want to be THEM!
Blossssom said:
The difference is he is in the pulpit preaching to people about what they need to be doing and he's out doing contrary.

If he wasn't in the pulpit and going out in Jesus' name as a man of God, he would be just a hypocrite.

I believe the 'man of God' should be held to a higher standard than the rest of us, since we aren't upon some throne talking down at others under the sound our voice.
Exactly Blosssom...

And angel, what hurts even more, is that it hurts one so precious as you in regaining your faith. I mean this as a compliment to you. You've seen enough mess in the name of the Lord...when does someone give you a descent break and see the realness of God in leadership?

Blosssom, the Real ones are truly here and out there, though. And your heart is set for that one who truly is real and that's Jesus, Himself who loves you as His very own. Afterall, you bring a sweet fragrance to His garden, why else would you be named, 'Blosssom'.... :kiss:
crlsweetie912 said:
I know Shimmie:
This is Very close to me as well. It almost hurts to hear others talking about it. Especially since I know people who are/have been touched by this. As well as the numerous people who are saying "see I told you" about pastors. Thinking that this is the norm and the this is why I don't go to church comments.
But, what's done in the dark ALWAYS comes to light. The thing that I pray for the most is the people in this congregation who are struggling with their relationship with Christ. They need Him now more than ever.[/QUOTE]

I definitely feel what you are saying here. I know someone who goes to that church and they were so discouraged after that had happened! They didn't even want to attend that church any more.
crlsweetie912 said:
I know Shimmie:
This is Very close to me as well. It almost hurts to hear others talking about it. Especially since I know people who are/have been touched by this. As well as the numerous people who are saying "see I told you" about pastors. Thinking that this is the norm and the this is why I don't go to church comments.

But, what's done in the dark ALWAYS comes to light. The thing that I pray for the most is the people in this congregation who are struggling with their relationship with Christ. They need Him now more than ever.
Here in our area he's on TV each Sunday morning at 6:30 a.m. Crlsweetie, I just feel so grieved. AND there are several billboards around the 'city' of Baltimore with a picture of him and his wife advertising their church services. He's also been a regular on TBN as host and guest.

All I can do is just pray....this is just so sad. :(

Hey, on a happy note... hug those beautiful babies of yours for me. AND a here's a great big hug for you too, angel. ((( hugs ))) ;)
Shimmie said:
Exactly Blosssom...

And angel, what hurts even more, is that it hurts one so precious as you in regaining your faith. I mean this as a compliment to you. You've seen enough mess in the name of the Lord...when does someone give you a descent break and see the realness of God in leadership?

Blosssom, the Real ones are truly here and out there, though. And your heart is set for that one who truly is real and that's Jesus, Himself who loves you as His very own. Afterall, you bring a sweet fragrance to His garden, why else would you be named, 'Blosssom'.... :kiss:

LOL! My name is Marrie! LOL!

Anyway, I hear what you're saying, chicka.

There are real ministers of God out there, but you are going to be hard-pressed to find one.

And just as the poster after you said (Indigo), someone goes to the church that Jamaal allegedly was placed at, and now their spirit is broken and they don't wish to go back.

I have a friend who attended churches regularly but OF COURSE a scandal broke out involving the preacher stealing, and she tried to find another true church and finally gave up.

She prays and reads the Scriptures with her family now.

Anyway, Christians should not despair. God is not dead and your faith is not dead. Just put these people out of the church and pray and ask God to send his truly anointed.
Monilove122 said:
Blossom, I agree. It's like they are doing one thing which most times is the COMPLETE opposite of what they are preaching which in turn is the COMPLETE opposite of the word of God.

I believe that one should practice what he preaches...however, the fact that he is a hypocrite does not necessarily make the message null and void.

I know the Word, but I don't always practice it. I'm not perfect. I "fall" into sin, but I try not to "walk" in sin. I understand that even men of God make mistakes. I take issue with those who perpetually and willingly make the same mistakes (ie. walking in sin).
Indigo said:
crlsweetie912 said:
I know Shimmie:
This is Very close to me as well. It almost hurts to hear others talking about it. Especially since I know people who are/have been touched by this. As well as the numerous people who are saying "see I told you" about pastors. Thinking that this is the norm and the this is why I don't go to church comments.
But, what's done in the dark ALWAYS comes to light. The thing that I pray for the most is the people in this congregation who are struggling with their relationship with Christ. They need Him now more than ever.[/QUOTE]

I definitely feel what you are saying here. I know someone who goes to that church and they were so discouraged after that had happened! They didn't even want to attend that church any more.
"That's the enemy's plan to get out us in doubt and away from the Church....but it's not going to succeed. The Church that lives in us is Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God and it's in Him in whom we believe and no other...

Can somebody just praise Him??? Glory to God All Mighty. We can have some Real Church right up in here among us. This is not going to get us out of God's order or His word. We're with Jesus to stay and ain't nobody mad but the devil, but who cares about him anyway? It's all about Jesus.
jwhitley6 said:
I believe that one should practice what he preaches...however, the fact that he is a hypocrite does not necessarily make the message null and void.

I know the Word, but I don't always practice it. I'm not perfect. I "fall" into sin, but I try not to "walk" in sin. I understand that even men of God make mistakes. I take issue with those who perpetually and willingly make the same mistakes (ie. walking in sin).
"Excellent" and we all agree....;) The Word of God will stand forever and ever...Amen. (Psalm 119) "Thy word O' God is forever settled in Heaven."

God's word is settled. No matter what man has/has not done. The word of God still goes forth and prospers wherever it is sent.

Ooooooooo Lord Jesus! ;)
Blossssom said:
LOL! My name is Marrie! LOL!

Anyway, I hear what you're saying, chicka.

There are real ministers of God out there, but you are going to be hard-pressed to find one.

And just as the poster after you said (Indigo), someone goes to the church that Jamaal allegedly was placed at, and now their spirit is broken and they don't wish to go back.

I have a friend who attended churches regularly but OF COURSE a scandal broke out involving the preacher stealing, and she tried to find another true church and finally gave up.

She prays and reads the Scriptures with her family now.

Anyway, Christians should not despair. God is not dead and your faith is not dead. Just put these people out of the church and pray and ask God to send his truly anointed.
Even the name "Marrie" has special meaning.... ;).

You're speaking the truth here Blosssom...(the bolded).
jwhitley6 said:
I believe that one should practice what he preaches...however, the fact that he is a hypocrite does not necessarily make the message null and void.

I know the Word, but I don't always practice it. I'm not perfect. I "fall" into sin, but I try not to "walk" in sin. I understand that even men of God make mistakes. I take issue with those who perpetually and willingly make the same mistakes (ie. walking in sin).

It's not about being perfect, but about obedience.

I don't believe men mistakenly insert their members into a woman not his wife.

I don't believe you can mistakenly steal money from the church coffers.

These are DECISIONS.
Shimmie said:
"Excellent" and we all agree....;) The Word of God will stand forever and ever...Amen. (Psalm 119) "Thy word O' God is forever settled in Heaven."

God's word is settled. No matter what man has/has not done. The word of God still goes forth and prospers wherever it is sent.

Ooooooooo Lord Jesus! ;)

My mother also agrees with Whitley's bolded. God's word does not go out in vain, even if Satan is putting it out there ;)

You so funny, Shimmie :lol:
Monilove122 said:
I'm sorry Shimmie (and I just want to say you are an awesome woman of God!!!) but, I think that the Black Church is the problem with the Black Church. It's not always the enemy (although in some cases it is) but more times than many WE are the problem.

There is certainly a difference between someone who has fallen & repents, and someone who covers up one deceitful act with another. Now, although we don't know all of the circumstances with this particular case we (Black Church) have always allowed too much to go on then say it's the enemy when someone calls us out on it. I've been in church all my life and was taught by my parents early on that it's in God whom I trust not man so I'm so thankful that these types of stories and events have not shaken my faith. But, by allowing too much to go on we have certainly turned those away that are new babes in Christ, I hear too often about folks KNOWING the Pastor is sleeping with Sis. Such and Such, that Deacon is an alcoholic, this Sis. sleeps with everyone's husband yet they are allowed to have positions of authority and power. It's absolutely ridiculous.

Our Black Leaders have proven themselves to be unworthy, Jesse Jackson having an affair and a child out of wedlock, this one being accused of this then that. If they stop doing the stuff they are doing they wouldn't have these problems. A minister who I heard speak many times gave this verse when it comes to false prophets and I had to dig a little, LOL but here it is:

"And they come unto thee as the people cometh, and they sit before thee as my people, and they hear thy words, but they will not do them: for with their mouth they shew much love, but their heart goeth after their covetousness. And, lo, thou art unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument: for they hear thy words, but they do them not. And when this cometh to pass, (lo, it will come,) then shall they know that a prophet hath been among them." (Ezekiel 33:31-33)

What she explained is that so many preachers come with their own agendas and it appears that they are really going after the things of God cause they know how to talk the talk and it appears that they are walking the walk but in their very heart, they aren't living right. That's what I think about Pastors, etc. such as Jamal Bryant (again, although there are court documents who knows what happened so I'm just saying those LIKE him) they know how to hoop, holla, shout, give you an awesome word will even have you crying and all but - because they are so far from LIVING the gospel they preach they are false.

Now, don't get me wrong, I will pray for him and those like him because as Christians that's what we do, don't condemn but show love and pray for people but to keep saying "the enemy is busy" is a disservice to those who are turned away from the church and most importantly God because of incidents like this. NO one is saying they should be perfect and we shouldn't look to them to be God cause they are not and that would be worshipping false idols but c'mon, we've (Black Church) have gotta do better.

Oooooooooh, you betta preach.
Blossssom said:
It's not about being perfect, but about obedience.

I don't believe men mistakenly insert their members into a woman not his wife.

I don't believe you can mistakenly steal money from the church coffers.

These are DECISIONS.

I agree with this Blossssom. And I don’t think that we have to condemn someone to make them accountable for their actions. These are the same preachers that hold us church folks “accountable” for not tithing, not having faith in God, not praying enough, living in sin, fornication, homosexuality, etc. They hold us God’s lambs accountable during their sermons, so they too must be held accountable. And if you truly have faith and believe in God, you know that He is the ultimate restorer of all things. So, no matter what you do, no matter how you are “brought down” “shown out,” etc. IF YOU TRULY TRUST GOD, you know that YOU CAN OVERCOME ALL THINGS BECAUSE OF THE LORD (NOT IN SPITE OF HIM).

And that’s what is missing from today’s ministers. They’ve become “celebrities” and “pimpsters” instead of preachers. They are “famous” b/c they are on television, and their “image” becomes more important to them than the truth. Honestly, I would be satisfied with a pastor that just said “sorry, I’m human.” But far too few of them on Bryant’s level will do this. No, they hire lawyers to help them “win their cases,” and “cover their tracks.” Matthew 5:25 says “When you are on the way to court with your adversary, settle your differences quickly. Otherwise, your accuser may hand you over to the judge, who will hand you over to an officer, and you will be thrown into prison. 26 And if that happens, you surely won’t be free again until you have paid the last penny”

Matthew 5:11 says “God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers. 12 Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted in the same way.”

And we as the body of Christ have the responsibility to lovingly uphold our ministers to a higher standard. Not because they will not fall, for they are human, but because we know (and God knows) they can do better. When a minister falls, he needs to step down and allow God to work on him until he can come back. Maybe God will show him that he can no longer minister in the way he once did, or maybe when he’s strong enough, he can. Only God can make this decision. But too many of these preachers become “pulpit pimps” because they cannot humble themselves in the sight of the Lord. According to these court records, this is not the first person Bryant has impregnated or had an affair with. And this speaks volumes to me, not b/c I expect any pastor to be perfect. Only GOD IS PERFECT. But it speaks to me, b/c I know in my walk and probably in everyone’s walks, we make mistakes and God gives us a chance to “shape up or ship out.” I believe God spoke to Bryant (and other preachers) about their wrongdoing. And God’s way of communicating is different from ours. That’s b/c it’s all about love, not accusation (like Satan). But God cannot continue to prosper us (not financially but in all areas) if we cannot become higher and more like Him. It just goes against all we know about Him. And this is where God has to bring us to our knees. Because God can’t be mocked, and allowing the Bryant’s of the world to continue preaching God’s message while living this way, is mocking God and it’s false prophetism (even if the message is biblical). Because you are deceiving innocent people. And this is why these scandals continue to happen. I believe God is doing some HEAVENLY HOUSECLEANING. I don’t think this is just Satan, although we know he’s always out to kill, steal, and destroy. But God also has to make some sweeps in His house, because dust and dirt will destroy. Again, maybe Bryant needs to go through God’s dishwasher and be made anew. But stories like this will not stop until the world ends, b/c God just can’t have it any other way.

Shimmie said:
"Excellent" and we all agree....;) The Word of God will stand forever and ever...Amen. (Psalm 119) "Thy word O' God is forever settled in Heaven."
God's word is settled. No matter what man has/has not done. The word of God still goes forth and prospers wherever it is sent.

Ooooooooo Lord Jesus! ;)

Yes it will!
Amen! Thread closed, Coco!

Nothing more needs to be preached here today!

Go'on, girl!

Every word of that is the truth!
Shimmie said:
Yes we ARE messy and it is a Big Mess. A mess that many carry a stench with it. There is no sweet fragrance of incense 'as unto the Lord...."

And here's why: We've compromise ourselves. We've sold out to the world. Literally, we have sold our souls out in compromise. We're using substitutes for God; "Cain's Offerings"; Plastic Prayers.....:( Paper Hearts. Hearts once set on fire for God are now literally ash...blown by every wind and doctrine.

Yes, we are indeed 'messy.'

Miracle spring water... yea, this one guy was selling it on Sunday after The Jamaal Show went off.
crlsweetie912 said:
I know Shimmie:
This is Very close to me as well. It almost hurts to hear others talking about it. Especially since I know people who are/have been touched by this. As well as the numerous people who are saying "see I told you" about pastors. Thinking that this is the norm and the this is why I don't go to church comments.

But, what's done in the dark ALWAYS comes to light. The thing that I pray for the most is the people in this congregation who are struggling with their relationship with Christ. They need Him now more than ever.

These people are weak in the faith and they need to ask God to strengthen them.

Don't let a mere mortal lead you to hell.
Shimmie said:
Indigo said:
"That's the enemy's plan to get out us in doubt and away from the Church....but it's not going to succeed. The Church that lives in us is Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God and it's in Him in whom we believe and no other...

Can somebody just praise Him??? Glory to God All Mighty. We can have some Real Church right up in here among us. This is not going to get us out of God's order or His word. We're with Jesus to stay and ain't nobody mad but the devil, but who cares about him anyway? It's all about Jesus.

I heard some shouting music in the spirit when I read this! Praise Him!!!
jwhitley6 said:
I believe that one should practice what he preaches...however, the fact that he is a hypocrite does not necessarily make the message null and void.

I know the Word, but I don't always practice it. I'm not perfect. I "fall" into sin, but I try not to "walk" in sin. I understand that even men of God make mistakes. I take issue with those who perpetually and willingly make the same mistakes (ie. walking in sin).

I couldn't agree with you more. I also take issue with those who continually do things over, and over, and over again yet they talk something else. I KNOW I don't always do what I'm supposed to do but I repent and with God do my best to not go there again. And when I repent if I do attempt to do what it was in which I asked forgiveness I'm telling y'all I am so convicted.

I'm one of those shoot straight from the hip type people, if you don't want to know what I REALLY think than PLEASE don't ask, LOL. Well, I had to learn the lesson of using tact (this is when I was like 19 y'all) after unintentionally hurting someone's feelings. I asked God to help me with it and after that whenever someone would ask my opinion (which funny enough people do often cause they know it will be honest on my part), I had to stop and think about what I said because God would convict me to consider the feelings of others. I would feel SO bad if I just shot off at the mouth that it really became 2nd nature to be more thoughtful in my responses.

I say all that to say that like you when I see people "walking in sin" it bothers me especially when those people say they have been appointed by God to be a leader in the Body of Christ. There seems to be no direct connection with God to convict them in their ungodly actions. No, you should not look to man because no one is perfect but they should be positive representatives of God. You know everywhere I go, I'm gonna let it shine...
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cocoberry10 said:
And that’s what is missing from today’s ministers. They’ve become “celebrities” and “pimpsters” instead of preachers. They are “famous” b/c they are on television, and their “image” becomes more important to them than the truth. Honestly, I would be satisfied with a pastor that just said “sorry, I’m human.” But far too few of them on Bryant’s level will do this. No, they hire lawyers to help them “win their cases,” and “cover their tracks.” Matthew 5:25 says “When you are on the way to court with your adversary, settle your differences quickly. Otherwise, your accuser may hand you over to the judge, who will hand you over to an officer, and you will be thrown into prison. 26 And if that happens, you surely won’t be free again until you have paid the last penny”

Matthew 5:11 says “God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers. 12 Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted in the same way.”

And we as the body of Christ have the responsibility to lovingly uphold our ministers to a higher standard. Not because they will not fall, for they are human, but because we know (and God knows) they can do better. When a minister falls, he needs to step down and allow God to work on him until he can come back. Maybe God will show him that he can no longer minister in the way he once did, or maybe when he’s strong enough, he can. Only God can make this decision. But too many of these preachers become “pulpit pimps” because they cannot humble themselves in the sight of the Lord. According to these court records, this is not the first person Bryant has impregnated or had an affair with. And this speaks volumes to me, not b/c I expect any pastor to be perfect. Only GOD IS PERFECT. But it speaks to me, b/c I know in my walk and probably in everyone’s walks, we make mistakes and God gives us a chance to “shape up or ship out.” I believe God spoke to Bryant (and other preachers) about their wrongdoing. And God’s way of communicating is different from ours. That’s b/c it’s all about love, not accusation (like Satan). But God cannot continue to prosper us (not financially but in all areas) if we cannot become higher and more like Him. It just goes against all we know about Him. And this is where God has to bring us to our knees. Because God can’t be mocked, and allowing the Bryant’s of the world to continue preaching God’s message while living this way, is mocking God and it’s false prophetism (even if the message is biblical). Because you are deceiving innocent people. And this is why these scandals continue to happen. I believe God is doing some HEAVENLY HOUSECLEANING. I don’t think this is just Satan, although we know he’s always out to kill, steal, and destroy. But God also has to make some sweeps in His house, because dust and dirt will destroy. Again, maybe Bryant needs to go through God’s dishwasher and be made anew. But stories like this will not stop until the world ends, b/c God just can’t have it any other way.

Girl, you BETTA PREACH UP IN HERE, UP IN HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blossssom said:
It's not about being perfect, but about obedience.

I don't believe men mistakenly insert their members into a woman not his wife.

I don't believe you can mistakenly steal money from the church coffers.

These are DECISIONS.

I hear what you're saying. Everything we do is a decision (except true reflexes). I do believe that your judgment can be temporarily clouded...note the word "temporarily". You should snap out of it at some point and realize the error of your ways...You should feel convicted when you're wrong. Some folks put a lot of energy into justifying their mistakes and not taking responsibility...the mind is powerful thing and you can convince yourself that what you're doing is okay...and end up with a "reprobate mind".
jwhitley6 said:
I hear what you're saying. Everything we do is a decision (except true reflexes). I do believe that your judgment can be temporarily clouded...note the word "temporarily". You should snap out of it at some point and realize the error of your ways...You should feel convicted when you're wrong. Some folks put a lot of energy into justifying their mistakes and not taking responsibility...the mind is powerful thing and you can convince yourself that what you're doing is okay...and end up with a "reprobate mind".

He needs to keep his mind on Jesus!