Jaborandi and the hair


New Member
I did a search on Jaborandi after wanting to use Skala Jaborandi and not knowing what it exactly was. I did a search on LHCF, but could not find much besides the Skala information.

Jaborandi's scientific name is Pilocarpus and is Native to South America.

I found an article by the New York Times, even though it seems pretty old. Its about a scientific study that was done. The results of the two ladies were gray hairs turning to their original color.


There were also some articles on hair growth and hair loss. It seemed to really be helping many people.


Also many people selling jaborandi oil or tea claim it helps with hair growth and graying.


I was thinking of purchasing jaborandi oil, I cant test the study of greying because I have no grey hair... but I could see it does with growth.
Yea i think it is also indian hemp. But I was more interested in the pure oil than anything else. I read that some products containing it may not be potent enough...
is hemp the same as indian hemp. I love the way hemp oil feels on my hair the jaborando condish.... not so much!
this stuff is good but hard to find.

- I was reading through some old notes on hair care and stumbled across Jaborandi oil(100% Pure). I remembered I purchased some a couple of years ago, when I read about it (don't remember where) but never used it. I found it it my stash and it expires next month. I just made a hair tonic and massaged my alopecia areas with it.

Anyone - use this oil? @Kurlee and @DDTexlaxed?

I googled it and I didn't see a domestic seller. It is manufactured in India so perhaps it can be found in local Indian stores.
This is the one I have.


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