Has anyone seen the "African Hair Growth Parameters" study??

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My probably "overly anlytical" two cents worth :spinning::

This "study" is not within the confines of the traditionally accepted scientific method. As was mentioned earlier, the "sampling" is not even statistically significant and the variances are too large. Furthermore, hair growth is only cell regeneration. If AA hair grows slower, then are we metabolizing and regenerating cells at a slower rate? It does not add up. All hair grows at approximately 0.5 inches/month. If not, there is a greater medical issue at the core of the issue. Our growth may grow in "tighter" and not seem to be in alignment with the standard growth, but there should not be any major variances. For example, has anyone gotten a relaxer on an inch of new growth, that turned out to be actually 2 inches of hair after the relaxer stretched it out? But the basis of hair growth is biochemistry, not race. Fundamentally, science has proven that race is just a myth used for political posturing and the like. Statistically, there is more variation within each race than between races.There are dominant and recessive genes, but there are not many scientific differences between races.

True...and well explained:clap:
Excuse me but I dunno WHO told you the bolded. Simple COMMON SENSE. First of all, if she had NO african blood, she wouldn't be called AFRICAN AMERICAN and wouldn't LOOK like one!:fishslap: DUH!! Secondly, that would make African Americans become ANOTHER race, which isn't TRUE!!! Even Hispanic is not yet a race, let alone AFRICAN American! The heck? There are only FIVE races on earth that has been classified and agreed upon: CAUCAZOID, MONGOLOID, AUSTRALOID, (CONGOID, CAPOID) -> NEGROID. Now, ANYTHING aside of those is an admixture.
So now, regarding Dr Jemison, I would like for you to show me the article or search that says she has NO genetic markers that can be linked to Africa. THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:angry2:

Go to this website:

slide 56, it says there, she is 100% WEST AFRICAN!!!!

Go to another site:
http://books.google.com/books?id=0c...m=7#v=onepage&q=mae jemison ancestors&f=false

Read the Mae Jemison article. Although they said, without proof, that she COULD have 16% asian, it was confidently confirmed that her maternal genes were linked directly to WEST AFRICA. Now her genes couldn't find her SPECIFIC african tribe; perhaps that is what YOU meant and therefore you need to re-phrase your sentence. Jemison could have ancestry in either Koto, Hausa, Mende, Fulbe or Mandinka.

So no matter what admixture any African American has, as long they have more African in them, they are still 99.99999% similar to an african BORN in africa. Besides, due to colonization and imperialism, Africans are FULL of admixtures as well (eg ethiopians)!! That makes us even more similar to African Americans. If you are disgraced and ashamed of your African genes, I suggest you STOP referring yourself as an AFRICAN American and identify as something else because it is SERIOUSLY offending!!:sad: As far as I am concerned, ALL african americans are AFRICANS. PERIOD. Believe it or not, take it or leave it, read it and weep. It's a FACT. I am African and I cant stand it wen african americans, just because i was "born" in Africa, try to act like there is something "different" about me wen I LOOK just like them!! I have kinky hair, dark skin, big jaws, big lips, plenty of admixture, JUST LIKE THEM!!! it jes gets me SOOO MAD!!:wallbash: WHAT THE F:censored:???

As far as the hair study goes, I am just as SUSPICIOUS as you are about it. If you READ ma comments properly on the post, I clearly said there needs to be more studies and INFO regarding AFRICAN HAIR.


First of all, get over it. Second of all, did you seriously just attack my blackness? LOL. Thank you for your suggestion, but I'll decline. I'm not sure who prepared that slide presentation, but it wasn't Gates, and if you saw the documentary when it came to the results of both Gates and Jemison, they were "less African" than they both thought. I don't even know how you could possibly think that Mae Jemison is 100% West African. You are seriously misreading that information. Now, as for what I "want to be" I'm very comfortable with who and "what" I am. Not so sure about you, though.
First off, english is not ma 1st lang so i don kia 4 it. 2nd, this forum does not have any "grammar" rules regarding de english language or restricts posts/comments strictly in the aforementioned language. So i will phrase my sentences as i plz.
3rd, am too old 4 a nanny, but thanks 4 stopping by. :look:

That's fine... but your behavior in this thread as exhibited in your replies not only to me but also to others, has convinced me that I can now add you to the list of people who are too ignorant for me to deal with. That said, I have now added you to my ignore list, have a nice life!
-deep breath-

I was going to talk about my belief that it's mostly retention issues....but A) it has been stated well by posters such as silvergirl and CarolinaGal and B) I got to the 3rd page and saw the ridiculous behavior on display. Thus, I shall just say that I think this study was poorly executed and leave.

Really? Is it that serious? :look:

This board is full of women (and some men) with many opinions. A person's views and opinions should be taken as just that-- their own and it shouldn't be a source of fury for you.

Relax. Its just a discussion and not an attack. :perplexed
First of all, get over it. Second of all, did you seriously just attack my blackness? LOL. Thank you for your suggestion, but I'll decline. I'm not sure who prepared that slide presentation, but it wasn't Gates, and if you saw the documentary when it came to the results of both Gates and Jemison, they were "less African" than they both thought. I don't even know how you could possibly think that Mae Jemison is 100% West African. You are seriously misreading that information. Now, as for what I "want to be" I'm very comfortable with who and "what" I am. Not so sure about you, though.

REALLY? first off, de article from the second website was BASED on de documentary. Jemison did not have anything but WEST AFRICAN genes. plz tell me where it says they were "less african" than they thought? They didn't and if they did think such nonsense, does dat make dem NOT African? my reply was to refute ur statement dat "When Henry Louis Gates was doing his DNA project, they could not find any genetic markers in common with any African ancestry for Mae Jemison" as a COMPLETE LIE. and I did exactly dat, so am over it. :grin:
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That's fine... but your behavior in this thread as exhibited in your replies not only to me but also to others, has convinced me that I can now add you to the list of people who are too ignorant for me to deal with. That said, I have now added you to my ignore list, have a nice life!

wow, I am ignorant because I feel more comfortable speaking another language other dan english. LOL. wen u start speaking MY language FLUENTLY, perhaps i'll let u kno wen i start 2 kia about ur so called "list". am so sick of all dese bullying, pple going off-topic because dey find it amusing 2 walk all over a "newbie". :sad:
Really? Is it that serious? :look:

This board is full of women (and some men) with many opinions. A person's views and opinions should be taken as just that-- their own and it shouldn't be a source of fury for you.

Relax. Its just a discussion and not an attack. :perplexed

YES YES YES. It is actually pretty serious 2 me. In fact, EXTREMELY serious. Perhaps der r also many men and women on dis board who r extremely sensitive and get offended easily and am one of dem.

I was offended by wat she said because i saw de "point" she was trying to make. My experience living with African Americans in dis country both in HS and college av been HELL. I came 2 america as a natural and all these black americans would mek fun of ma name, ma accent and ma hair. and dey'll say, ur hair looks like dat cuz ur african (as if der was something WRONG with "looking" african). dey even threw pencils on ma hair to see if it'll go through! dey'll also say, "am NOT african and its not ma fault i was born with nicer hair" (wow, ur relaxer means u av nicer hair). I was sooo mad.

They made sooo many suggestive degrading statements jes cuz i was BORN in africa. They tried sooooooooooooo HARD to make it clear dat i was "different" and dat dey were NOTHING like me, like dey had NOTHING in common wit me, like der was something WRONG wit me cuz i was AFRICAN! dey even went as far as 2 say dat how can dey be african wen dey werent born with flies on der faces, ETC!!!! even in college, some girl said eww shes not african. why would she even go to africa? shes not about to get chased by lions and dat it made no sense gong from an effed up country to an even more effed up continent! I WAS SOOOOO MAD I CRIED!! stuff like dat HURTS!! This is why wenever i suspect anyone of being discriminatory, i SNAP!

I av no problem if pple av diff opinions. But if ur opinion has NOTHING to do with the topic of de thread, keep it 2 urself cuz u dunno who will take GREAT offense to it. Ms SMARTY-PANTS had nerve to call me out on ma grammar! i mean, EXCUSE ME??? DO I KNOW YOU??? DO YOU KNOW ME? HOW DARE YOU??? i dont speak english often, and i av a NICE accent wen i do. I take english in school and pass with flying colors and to me, dats all i need. once i get ma degree in america, am going back to my beloved AFRICA and use ma degree to help ma pple. I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT ENGLISH AND MS. SMARTY-PANTS! she REALLY offended me wen she made dat un-needed opinion. It had NOTHING to do with my thread, she should keep it to herself.

I mean, she even came back to tell me am in her "ignore list"! I mean, WHAT? Your "ignore list" is sooooooo important in de world and in ma life dat i HAVE TO CARE? I mean, i don kia 4 english and now suddenly i should CRY cuz u think am ignorant??? WOW. am jes PURE mad. I thought african americans on dis board were different but i think i was badly mistaken. :sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:
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They tried sooooooooooooo HARD to make it clear dat i was "different" and dat dey were NOTHING like me, like dey had NOTHING in common wit me, like der was something WRONG wit me cuz i was AFRICAN! dey even went as far as 2 say dat how can dey be african wen dey werent born with flies on der faces, ETC!!!!

Hmmm...I'm gonna call troll on this one.. "White" Daisez? With that crazy pic and this language that clearly looks like the "Sambo Speak" the minstrel performers used. I mean, even the spelling with the "dat's" and "dey's" and "der's." That's some straight Amos and Andy talk.:busted:
REALLY? first off, de article from the second website was BASED on de documentary. Jemison did not have anything but WEST AFRICAN genes. plz tell me where it says they were "less african" than they thought? They didn't and if they did think such nonsense, does dat make dem NOT African? my reply was to refute ur statement dat "When Henry Louis Gates was doing his DNA project, they could not find any genetic markers in common with any African ancestry for Mae Jemison" as a COMPLETE LIE. and I did exactly dat, so am over it. :grin:

I think the complete lie here is that you actually read anything related to this study. Yeah, Mae Jemison, the face of 100% African. :lachen:
wow, I am ignorant because I feel more comfortable speaking another language other dan english. LOL. wen u start speaking MY language FLUENTLY, perhaps i'll let u kno wen i start 2 kia about ur so called "list". am so sick of all dese bullying, pple going off-topic because dey find it amusing 2 walk all over a "newbie". :sad:

I don't think anyone is trying to walk all over you actually. You've just come off very, uh, abrasive throughout this whole thread.

Also, it is easier to read when people spell things correctly and use full sentences.
Hmmm...I'm gonna call troll on this one.. "White" Daisez? With that crazy pic and this language that clearly looks like the "Sambo Speak" the minstrel performers used. I mean, even the spelling with the "dat's" and "dey's" and "der's." That's some straight Amos and Andy talk.:busted:
Yes, my pic is crazy and urs is OH SO WONDERFUL. Thank you for noticing my amos and andy talk. I am VERY proud of it Ms cherokee. at least u cared enough to TROLL ur way back into ma thread. :D
I don't think anyone is trying to walk all over you actually. You've just come off very, uh, abrasive throughout this whole thread.

Also, it is easier to read when people spell things correctly and use full sentences.

I have come off abrasive. Perhaps u should try and figure out WHY. I am sensitive, far from abrasive.
As for my sentences, I like dem de way dey r. Anyone dat don understand can PM me 4 further details.
I have come off abrasive. Perhaps u should try and figure out WHY. I am sensitive, far from abrasive.
As for my sentences, I like dem de way dey r. Anyone dat don understand can PM me 4 further details.

I thought this was a simple conversation about hair growth...I'm not trying to deduce your motivations or why you're being abrasive. Since you know that's how you're coming off, you can't be mad when people call you on it, that's all.

And if you like your sentences that way, great! Just don't get angry if people don't want to wade through broken english in order to read your posts.
I thought this was a simple conversation about hair growth...I'm not trying to deduce your motivations or why you're being abrasive. Since you know that's how you're coming off, you can't be mad when people call you on it, that's all.

And if you like your sentences that way, great! Just don't get angry if people don't want to wade through broken english in order to read your posts.

I thought so too till someone went off topic and told me dey dint kia 4 de study cuz it was done on africans and she wasnt african.....:sad: (emm, ya, dat ahd nothing 2 do with hair growth)

and i never agreed dat i knew i was coming off abrasive. i thought i clearly wrote dat i was sensitive, NOT abrasive. If ur not trying to deduce my motivation den how can u tell me i cant be mad if pple call me "on it". Call me on wat? wat av i done 2 dem 4 dem 2 call me on anything? exactly, u dont know. so perhaps if u tried to "deduce" my motivations, den maybe u would know dat i av every reason 2 defend myself.

If nobody wants 2 wade off broken english, NOBODY has to. I have not put a gun on anybody's head to read my posts and therefore I am NOT ready to receive insults because a bully doesnt like my english. Since wen was knowing perfect english a necessity on dis board? is dis board STRICTLY for english speakers? dont think so. if u don lyk de grammar, i av no reason 2 get angry if u jes SIMPLY look away and move on wit ur lyf.
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Whitedaiz, please...I am african as well. Born and raised in Africa. And my first langage is not english. I KNOW your english is excellent. Don't pretend overwise.
And if you know the law of attraction, you would know that getting mad at people you think are discriminating against you, will only attract more discrimination.
I might be living in a different universe because I have not experienced any of the things you are talking about. My husband hadn't either, as well as my kids.
I am sorry you went through that...how about just ignore the comments that you don't like and live your life in your own terms and beliefs?
And go back to hair talk?
I have come off abrasive. Perhaps u should try and figure out WHY. I am sensitive, far from abrasive.
As for my sentences, I like dem de way dey r. Anyone dat don understand can PM me 4 further details.

I thought so too till someone went off topic and told me dey dint kia 4 de study cuz it was done on africans and she wasnt african.....:sad: (emm, ya, dat ahd nothing 2 do with hair growth)

and i never agreed dat i knew i was coming off abrasive. i thought i clearly wrote dat i was sensitive, NOT abrasive. If ur not trying to deduce my motivation den how can u tell me i cant be mad if pple call me "on it". Call me on wat? wat av i done 2 dem 4 dem 2 call me on anything? exactly, u dont know. so perhaps if u tried to "deduce" my motivations, den maybe u would know dat i av every reason 2 defend myself.

If nobody wants 2 wade off broken english, NOBODY has to. I have not put a gun on anybody's head to read my posts and therefore I am NOT ready to receive insults because a bully doesnt like my english. Since wen was knowing perfect english a necessity on dis board? is dis board STRICTLY for english speakers? dont think so. if u don lyk de grammar, i av no reason 2 get angry if u jes SIMPLY look away and move on wit ur lyf.

In your other post (see bold) I thought you were acknowledging that you had come off as abrasive. Did I misinterpret that? If so, my apologies.

I was just trying to point out that your tone is contributing to the way that people are responding to you. And, that no one is trying to be a "bully", it really is more difficult to try to translate your "language" to proper, or at least clearer, English.

This board is not strictly for English speakers, but since everyone who participates speaks English, if you started posting in Spanish you'd be received in the same way. Right now it just seems like you are going out of your way to use improper spelling and grammar.

Anyway, like you said, I'll just look away. And I'm sure many other people will as well so don't get upset if you find that folks don't respond to your future threads/posts.

Also, what does "kia" mean? I thought that was a name.
Whitedaiz, please...I am african as well. Born and raised in Africa. And my first langage is not english. I KNOW your english is excellent. Don't pretend overwise.
And if you know the law of attraction, you would know that getting mad at people you think are discriminating against you, will only attract more discrimination.
I might be living in a different universe because I have not experienced any of the things you are talking about. My husband hadn't either, as well as my kids.
I am sorry you went through that...how about just ignore the comments that you don't like and live your life in your own terms and beliefs?
And go back to hair talk?

i kno ma english is excellent too and i never pretended dat it wasnt. dis thread and dis board r INFORMAL so i am not obliged to write perfect english and nobody has de right 2 insult me over it. :perplexed
In your other post (see bold) I thought you were acknowledging that you had come off as abrasive. Did I misinterpret that? If so, my apologies.

I was just trying to point out that your tone is contributing to the way that people are responding to you. And, that no one is trying to be a "bully", it really is more difficult to try to translate your "language" to proper, or at least clearer, English.

This board is not strictly for English speakers, but since everyone who participates speaks English, if you started posting in Spanish you'd be received in the same way. Right now it just seems like you are going out of your way to use improper spelling and grammar.

Anyway, like you said, I'll just look away. And I'm sure many other people will as well so don't get upset if you find that folks don't respond to your future threads/posts.

Also, what does "kia" mean? I thought that was a name.

no, i was not acknowledging dat i came off abrasive.
if u read de sentence in wich "kia" was used, its pretty self-explanatory. it means exactly how it is pronounced. de sentence wouldnt make sentence if it was a name...omg i hate dis board.:sad:
no, i was not acknowledging dat i came off abrasive.
if u read de sentence in wich "kia" was used, its pretty self-explanatory. it means exactly how it is pronounced. de sentence wouldnt make sentence if it was a name...omg i hate dis board.:sad:

I thought the sentence "I have come off as abrasive" was pretty much an acknowledgment. But since you say it's not...like I said earlier, my apologies.

Anyway, I read the sentence. I didn't understand what "kia" meant. That's why I asked. I've only ever seen it written as someone's name, pronounced "Key-Uh". No, that sentence wouldn't be a sentence if it was a name, but it also doesn't make sense to me now so I figured I'd ask you what it meant.
Something is bothering me about this grammatical issue.

You say that English is not your first language, and that is fine...but how did you go from typing like this, which is completely legible
who are these "some people" and where are these "many in here"?? and how does this thread suggest the bolded? I am looking for specific info on BLACK hair ONLY not because I dont think it grows but because I think most of the "scientific hair facts" we know have been tested MAINLY on non-black hair. But in NO WAY am I suggesting that African hair can't grow. NOT AT ALL. and I dont think av said anything on this thread that would make you think this.:ohwell:
to this stuff here?
First off, english is not ma 1st lang so i don kia 4 it. 2nd, this forum does not have any "grammar" rules regarding de english language or restricts posts/comments strictly in the aforementioned language. So i will phrase my sentences as i plz.
3rd, am too old 4 a nanny, but thanks 4 stopping by. :look:
You made it clear in your first few posts that you can and DO speak/type proper English, so why are you trying to flip the script now? :ohwell:

P.S. msa: kia = care. IDK why.
Something is bothering me about this grammatical issue.

You say that English is not your first language, and that is fine...but how did you go from typing like this, which is completely legible

to this stuff here?

You made it clear in your first few posts that you can and DO speak/type proper English, so why are you trying to flip the script now?

P.S. msa: kia = care. IDK why.

I also made it clear dat i don do so ALL de tym. i jes don speak english every single tym. y is it any of ur business? y cant u move on wit ur lyf? WHY? u jes said "IDK". so why is it OK 4 u 2 shorten ur sentences and I cant? WHAT HAVE I DONE TO YOU? PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE. I will write as i please and u can go jump off de window as u wish. if u don like dis thread or ma grammar, simply LEAVE. :(
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I also made it clear dat i don do so ALL de tym. i jes don speak english every single tym. y is it any of ur business? y cant u move on wit ur lyf? WHY? u jes said "IDK". so why is it OK 4 u 2 shorten ur sentences and I cant? WHAT HAVE I DONE TO YOU? PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE. I will write as i please and u can go jump off de window as u wish. if u don like dis thread or ma grammar, simply LEAVE. :(

I'm sorry, but this just isn't allowed. Please review the forum rules carefully before posting.

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