I've decided to PS for the next 3 months


Island Gyal
I'm in the process of braiding my hair (with extensions) in kinky twists tonight. When I wear braids I usually keep them in for a month and then re-do them. So I'm planning on keeping my hair in braids until January.

My own hair is currently SL. My hair got to SL in record time them seemed to screech to a halt. Hopefully with the braiding, I will get to my APL goal sooner rather than later.
I think that's a wonderful idea--that should help u get to APL in no time!

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Awesome idea:) I am doing something similar because of school :) I am keeping my hair in crochet braids(redoing 1X a month) until Christmas break.
I am with you, I have been keeping my hair in cornrows for over year. I am really praying I will be APL by Jan 1st.
thanks for the support gals!!

I'm finishing up the front before I go to bed... I'll tackle the middle tomorrow. I guess that's what I get for starting to braid my hair at 7PM
Sounds great! I just finished my first week of PS. I wore my half wig to work everyday. You and I are pushing for the same thing: APL! your idea is really good. Stay on your reggie and you may very well make it sooner than expected!

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Sounds great! I just finished my first week of PS. I wore my half wig to work everyday. You and I are pushing for the same thing: APL! your idea is really good. Stay on your reggie and you may very well make it sooner than expected!

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I did the same thing. I really want to make it to APL by February.
I'm PS-ing as well. I've PS-ed properly since August. I redid my yarn braids about a week ago and I plan on keeping it in for about eight weeks. Hopefully we'll both get to APL soon!
I PS every year in a bun from November 1st to April 30th and only wear my hair out on special occassions. I hope to reach APL by the end of my bunning.
Good luck Val! You can do it...who knows, you may get to the 3 month mark and decide to keep going :grin:

I decided to join the LadyP challenge last September, and I initially thought I'd stick with it and PS for 3-6 months. Well, I started at EL/NL, and after 1 year of PSing, I'm at APL, and I'm hoping to be grazing BSB by December :look: :pray:

PSing works! Keep us updated on your progress missy :)
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I'm with you on that OP. I normally PS'ing, but I'm really serious about it. I'm planning on keeping my hair cornrowed. I'm either going to wear wigs (more than likely) or weaves, but I really don't want to see my hair. I have a little bit out for my 1/2 wigs, but I'm wearing natural wigs, so I don't have to touch my hair with heat.

Good luck!
I owe most of my progress to PSing. My hair grew and I started wearing it out more. I didn't lose any length, but I didn't gain as much as I had when I was PSing.

Just last month I had my hair in extensions and I had the largest growth spurt I'd had my entire journey (almost 2.5 years).

One way to keep extensions in longer is to put them in a style when they start to look worn. I like to do some variation of a donut bun or updo style. That way, I leave it alone for at least another 1.5 -2 weeks.

Good luck girl! And even if you don't stick with the braids, you can find another PS that works for you and then alternate them.
Good decision!

Protective styling really helped me get from SL to APL in 6 months and continued to help me get to my current length.

Good luck op!!!
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Hey, great idea. I was thinking of doing the same thing today. Well either twist braids or Invisible braids. I need to get to full APL by Dec, 2011 since i'm in a challenge and then hopefully on my way to BSL by April 2012
I actually had the same idea of PSing. I thought I would have reached APL by now, but I haven't. I just took my hair out of braids a few days ago and noticed that it was a bit thinner than normal. I dusted the ends and didn't lose much length, but my hair isn't lookng the way I want it to. So, I've also decided to PS in buns or wigs for the next few months until I make my short-term goal of APL. I really don't want to wear my hair out the way it is now anyway, so this is a good option. Good luck to you. Hopefully we will both make it to APL pretty soon!
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i am going to give this PS thing a go and try bunning/french twist for the next five months. i plan on washing/cowashing twice a week and air drying. i will roller set as well. i really wanna reach APL by my birthday, so i will do all i can to get there. but i want to make sure i have fun with it, so i will buy a bunch of hair goodies and try different styles.