i've been observing my roommates hair practices...


New Member
and i dont know what to do :lachen:she uses her flat iron everyday on the highest heat setting with NO heat protectant:perplexed everyday our room smells like burnt hair and then she spritzes it up and then adds motions oil sheen:blush:
That's funny, I had a roommate like that once. What did I do? I cleaned her hair up off the floor, as I grew lovely BSL relaxed hair. She was tight, as usual.

Now, in your case, I'm assuming you like her and want to help :lachen:, so I would suggest mentioning that hair shouldn't smell burnt when you bump it. If she gets an attitude, she don't want no help, lol, but she might say, oh, my hair is so thick, I have to use a lot of heat, in which case, you should have some information for her about no-heat styles, or the dangers of not using heat protectant and bumping everyday.

You know what to do, girl. ;)
That's funny, I had a roommate like that once. What did I do? I cleaned her hair up off the floor, as I grew lovely BSL relaxed hair. She was tight, as usual.

Now, in your case, I'm assuming you like her and want to help :lachen:, so I would suggest mentioning that hair shouldn't smell burnt when you bump it. If she gets an attitude, she don't want no help, lol, but she might say, oh, my hair is so thick, I have to use a lot of heat, in which case, you should have some information for her about no-heat styles, or the dangers of not using heat protectant and bumping everyday.

You know what to do, girl. ;)

yes i do indeed lol
Is it bad that I would let her keep doing what she's doing?

But no, maybe mention that it's not healthy to use heat everyday. And if you do or don't detect attitude, go from there.
Be easy on her. Before I found this hair board like a year ago...that was me and I am sure I am much older than your roommate. :-) Depending on how close you are to her, I might nicely let her know that she may consider cutting down on the heat and using a heat protectant when she does.
I think it is best if you mind your business and just leave her alone. Some people might get offended if you offer unsolicited advice.
It depends in how close is your relationship with her (i had rommies that we just saw each other when we had to pay the apartment lol) so if you are friends, i think you can tell her that too much heat - every day - is not good for anybody,. Look for pictures/videos/threads that can show haer how her hair is gonna look like if she doesn't take care of it.
What does her hair look like?

her hair is broken off in the back and its about neck length and a little on the thin side. we're pretty cool overall we hang out and stuff but it only gets bad when a lot of other girls that stay in our dorm come over to our room and she starts talkin about how she does her hair and they just eat up everyword she says :perplexed i just listen quietly...
her hair is broken off in the back and its about neck length and a little on the thin side. we're pretty cool overall we hang out and stuff but it only gets bad when a lot of other girls that stay in our dorm come over to our room and she starts talkin about how she does her hair and they just eat up everyword she says :perplexed i just listen quietly...

If she left the heat alone her hair might be fuller.

Maybe you shouldnt say anything. You dont have to be on a hair board to know that using heat too much is bad. Maybe she's happy with the way her hair is:ohwell:
I remember those days. That used to be me as well. I'd offer a little advice and see how she reacts. People are offended easily by unsolicited advice.
if you are close to her i would show her this website and tell her that she should use something like chi silk infusion before she flat irons her hair if she acts like she does not care don't tell her again let her do what she wants with her hair maybe when she see's how your hair is growing maybe she will listen then.
I say you can show her better then you can tell her. When you have hair flowing down your back, her and her groupies will be begging you for hair advice! :yep:
I can't wait til someone begs me for hair advice so I can talk their head off about some hair.

on topic- I wouldn't say anything. Or maybe one day while she's doing her hair kinda slip it in there like "why do you straighten your hair so much?" Or something I don't know but you should catch my drift.
I'd simply ask, "oh hey, would you like to use some of my heat protectant before flat ironing your hair?" if she says yes then i would have a casual 'girl talk' about hair care the next day bc she obviously cares if she accepts the gesture. i'd take it slowly so you don't overwhelm her or make her feel like what she's doing is wrong. i too would get offensive with someone tells me everything i'm doing is wrong.
Perhaps you can enlighten her on the proper techniques of flat ironing hair or the right heat protectnant or better yet tell her about the site...we are always welcoming new recruits.
Not sure how well you know your roommie right now. You have some great suggestions given to you, but if she does rebuke your help if that is how your proceed then the best way to tell her is just to show her.

Keep doing what you are doing and sooner or later she will ask or at the very least she will see what you are doing.

Sometimes you have to show them in order to tell them. You sound like a great roomie! :)

Best to you this school year young lady.:yep:
You could try sitting with your laptop next to her on the couch while she's watching tv or something. Wait a while and then say something like "oh wow, look at this" and show her a thread about heat or proper heat usage. Sounds kinda dorky when I type it, but you know, just casually show her this website. If she's open to it show her more, and talk to her about haircare.
Unless she asks for advice, there isn't much you can do. I think many of us did some horrendous things to our hair before we knew better. If you continue to treat your hair with care, your progress may eventually inspire her to ask for advice and turn her hair care around.
I agree with offering her some heat protectant next time. If she says "no thanks" then leave her alone. If she accepts that can easily open up a dialogue.
At the same time some people don't care about their hair. Just because we do, doesn't mean everybody should.
I would pull the whole...

"Oh em gee I loooooove this stuff, blah blah blah... Here, smell it" (said stuff would obvs. be a heat protectant)

Insert how it makes your hair shiny and thick and swing and all sorts of other perfect stuff.

"Wanna try it?" If not, its cool-- no unsolicited advice offered, and you can help her while it being her idea. If she likes the result she'll return to you for hair matters, and then its all good right? Even better, tell her you found out about it on some site you go to, and you love it because there are tons of reviews. At best you sow a seed of healthy hair care, at worst, nothing happens but your friendship is intact.
I would pull the whole...

"Oh em gee I loooooove this stuff, blah blah blah... Here, smell it" (said stuff would obvs. be a heat protectant)

Insert how it makes your hair shiny and thick and swing and all sorts of other perfect stuff.

"Wanna try it?" If not, its cool-- no unsolicited advice offered, and you can help her while it being her idea. If she likes the result she'll return to you for hair matters, and then its all good right? Even better, tell her you found out about it on some site you go to, and you love it because there are tons of reviews. At best you sow a seed of healthy hair care, at worst, nothing happens but your friendship is intact.

i thought about doing that but i wasnt quite sure how to say it lol. im just tired of having to smell burnt hair everyday when i wake up. you can even smell it when you walk into our suite
I wouldn't say anything. Thats her method of styling her hair, if she stops she probably has no proper alternative. Good hair care is a complicated concept, she would have to have a general understand to practice proper hair care.. and advising her to stop would not necessarily point her in the right direction of proper hair care.
I always wondered when people make posts about ppl IRL and then we suggest that they join...what are you going to do when they join and they see that you got a post with said number of replies talking about how their hair is busted?
I always wondered when people make posts about ppl IRL and then we suggest that they join...what are you going to do when they join and they see that you got a post with said number of replies talking about how their hair is busted?

Lol, yeah that's not good.
I always wondered when people make posts about ppl IRL and then we suggest that they join...what are you going to do when they join and they see that you got a post with said number of replies talking about how their hair is busted?

There ya go! Keep this forum to yourself. I understand your enthusiasm about LHCF but as you grow here you'll learn to keep it as your own place; and this suggestion is not about keeping hair care a secret from other black women. People find it when they need it.
I wouldn't say anything.

Just like we and other people seek out the information through the internet/books or whatever else is out there... she can/will when she wants to.

Not everyone is into or open to new things with their hair.

If she ever asks for advice, I'd give her some. If she asks for more and shows real interest, that's when I'd go all out. :)
