I've been hearing so much good stuff about Moroccan oil...HELP!


SuperDuper Member
I swapped for moroccan oil. It was supposed to be brand new, never tested. Here's the pic she sent to me (THIS IS NOT MY PIC)... my gut told me not to go through with it right then:

but I did anyway. So she has less tokens than I do, so I wanted her to send first. Anyway, it came today and it looked like someone had pulled the sticker part off of the top and stuck it back on again. I smelled it and it stunk SO BAD! So I put it right back into another bubble envelope and sent it right back to her. I don't know... my tolerance for BS has been very short. I've heard that it smells heavenly by everyone that has smelled the stuff, but this stuff smelled like she poo-pooed in the bottle. That stuff is FUNKY! If this stuff was authentic, am I the only person on earth that thinks the stuff stinks? What does it smell like? It smelled like the worst bootleg oil I've ever smelled. I'm talking repulsive!:perplexed

Go 'head. Yall can call me dumb now...:look:
THe Sally Version of their "One & Only" Argan Oil smells nice. You should have asked her brand etc...prior to swapping.:look:

I've never had this particular brand, but I do have some "Morrocan Gold" that I haven't opened yet, so I am not sure of the smell.:ohwell:

You will need to see if anyone chimes in that use(s) this particular brand.:perplexed

Sorry that happened to you.:yep:
The moroccan oil that I have smells very good. I can't quite explain the smell but it's a good smell and doesn't evenly remotely smell like poo-poo. I've heard of ppl getting "bad smelling" bottles though. Not sure if that means the product is old, not authentic, etc. The hype surrounding the oil is yet to be achieved on my hair. I do like the product and it makes my hair feel silky but I attribute that to using too much oil when I apply it becasue I'm a bit heavy handed. I've yet to learn how to use the 'little goes a long way' concept.
The Sally's brand (Argan Oil) and the Moroccan Oil brand smell very, very similar. Not quite the same but close enough you wouldn't be able to tell the difference if both bottles were not side by side. After I use up the Morocaan Oil brand, I will not purchase any more because of the price tag. I think the Sally's Argan Oil does the exact same and smells closely the same and is much lesser priced. Morrocan Oil is ~$30 and Sally's brand is ~$9. A previous thread compared the Moroccan Oil brand and the Sally's brand and the incredients are very similar. Buy the Sally's brand! I got caught up in the marketing hype and just had to have the "brand name." Doubt I go brand again on this one.
I have that brand an I wear it as a perfume! It smells SOOOOOOO good. I can't explain the smell but it certainly isn't offensive. I have heard of others hating the smell though.