Ive become a hair snob


Well-Known Member

Im ashamed of myself!

When Im out and I see women with broke off hair I just be like smh

It dont matter long hair short natural relaxed, I just wanna be like, what are you thinking!!!!!!

Im working on myself :lol:
Khandi, I used to feel the same way and unfortunately still struggle with it at times. I think it's even worse when the woman's hair is short. I think to myself, "your hair is 7 inches, HOW can it be damaged?!":lol:

I've gotten better about the "snobbish" part of it though. Now, for the most part I just feel incredibly sad when I see women with chewed up hair because they most likely just don't know what to do.

Don't worry, it gets better with time!:lol:
MizAvalon said:
Khandi, I used to feel the same way and unfortunately still struggle with it at times. I think it's even worse when the woman's hair is short. I think to myself, "your hair is 7 inches, HOW can it be damaged?!":lol:

I've gotten better about the "snobbish" part of it though. Now, for the most part I just feel incredibly sad when I see women with chewed up hair because they most likely just don't know what to do.

Don't worry, it gets better with time!:lol:

:eek: ROFL:lachen: :lachen: @ "chewed up hair"!
I feel ya! I wouldn't exactly say it's being a hair snob, but I would say that you just really care about healthy hair and wish everyone else did. That's the case with me. When I see someone, esp. someone who's hair has potential, I just want to pull them to the side, sit them down for a good hour (or two), talk hair, and make a list of things they need to do to nurture their hair back to health:) . Shoot, I would even give them some of my stash of products!!!

I am sure most women would love to know and just don't know where to begin.
Yeah, I know what youre saying MizAvalon short hair, like 6 inches from the scalp with 3 inches of chewed up ends.. which IMPO is worse because I wore my hair short for years, and My hair was never damaged, cuz you have to keep gettin it cut to maintain the style...


Ok, we are not gonna talk about my husband yall.. he is almost as bad as me talkin about people's hair... I do wanna walk up to them and say, sis, I got something for your hair I think you'd like.. But I live in Catonsville and they prob wouldnt take too kind to me tellin them that :lol:
For the past few years, I was one of those people who just didn't care. I knew all the blow drying and other heat I was using fried my hair but I didn't care. I figured it was just hair then all of a sudden I decided I wanted it long and here I am. I am still nursing my hair back to health and have made great improvement even in the last month but in the past, it wasn't because I didn't know better, it was because I just didn't care if my hair stayed the same length or not. I can never say never but I guess since my hair has not reached it's full potential yet, I just can't imagine being a hair snob because I know that some people could care less about having "chewed up ends" because I was one of them. Now when I look at older pictures, I think about how terrible my hair loooked. I know I can't stand my own split ends now and I've trimmed them about three times in the last month but I guess I'm too self absorbed to care about other peoples ends.
So many people really don't know what to do with their hair. So many black women struggle with trying to figure out why their hair won't act right.

I only recently discovered how to consistently make my hair behave. It used to be hit or miss, now I have it down to a science. But it was not that I did not care, I really did not know what to do and would actually get depressed about it. :( So I know what other people may be going through the same.

What I do get snobby about is when I see a girl with hair weaved all down her back flinging it like she is all that. So many times, I have said to myself, let me see you try to look good and take care or your hair w/o that weave Miss Thang.

And I know better because for a year I weaved it up to avoid dealing with my hair issues. Before that I wore braids all the time. It has not even been a year since I have given up on using weaves as a crutch, so WHO AM I TO TALK?!?!. (Girls, only here will I admit my issue! :))
HoneyDew said:
So many people really don't know what to do with their hair. So many black women struggle with trying to figure out why their hair won't act right.

I only recently discovered how to consistently make my hair behave. It used to be hit or miss, now I have it down to a science. But it was not that I did not care, I really did not know what to do and would actually get depressed about it. :( So I know what other people may be going through the same.

I agree and that's what really helped me get better about my snobishness. Most of these women just flat-out don't know what to do with their hair. Now there may be a small percentage that don't care but I refuse to believe that the majority are ok with their hair looking bad.
Hmmmm.... I wouldn't call myself a snob as much as I might call myself a "healthy hair advocate".... It's more of a concern for me when I see children with chewed up hair, relaxers WAAAYYY TOOO SOON, and the like because it's not like they can take care of their own hair. It's like a form of abuse.... And here's my disclaimer: food, clothing, shelter, education, and safety are MUCH more important than hair.
MizAvalon said:
I agree and that's what really helped me get better about my snobishness. Most of these women just flat-out don't know what to do with their hair. Now there may be a small percentage that don't care but I refuse to believe that the majority are ok with their hair looking bad.

Some women don't know that their hair look bad.:ohwell:
If I was to take out my braids right now,wash, blow dry and then go out side I know a few to a lot of women around my way will come up to me and ask what have I been doing to my hair to make it grow back so fast. The last time they saw my hair out was in a TWA when I had cut it down to 1inch and that was in Nov. While the are walking around doing a bunch of stupidness to their hair and they think it looks good like that. If you tell them to stop coming their hair a lot, put it up in a bun for like a month a see what happens. or just keep it simply they will look at you like you are crazy.
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