I've added my photos


"Honestly, Truly"
I\'ve added my photos

Hi! Just thought i'd let you know i've added my album to my sig

password: hairstuff

Re: I\'ve added my photos

You do not look like a boy...I like how your hair looks shiny and silky. You should be glad it's not dry and frizzy!
Re: I\'ve added my photos

Hi Char, the way you described it I thought you had only an inch of hair left!! Its not that short, its kinda like bob length. Ultimately, one thing I have learnt the hard way is that it is better to have shorter healthier hair than long damaged hair. I have had to cut my hair on a number of occasions, 2.5 years ago, I went 'Halle Berry' short due to a miseducation about hair. Now that you have joined this board, find out what works for you. I wash my hair once every 2 weeks unlike most, but that procedure elicits benefits for MY hair. I use minimal products and dont jump on the banwagon at every product rave. See this as your oppourtunity to grow the hair you've always wanted, overall, hair is a GROWING ORGAN....
Re: I\'ve added my photos

Your hair is pretty. And you certainly do not look like a boy. Do you have a wave noveau?
Re: I\'ve added my photos

Thanx lonei, i'm going to see how weekly washing goes for me, my wave nouveau is hard to get back moist afterwards, but it's obviously because I was doing everything wrong anyway, i've only started weekly washes, I used to wash fortnightly.

Puddles, yes, I have W/N

Re: I\'ve added my photos

I know what you mean about getting it back moist. I had one and I loved it. My hair grew soooo much. I loved the versatility of it. I could wear it straight or curly. I just didn't have anyone to give me my retouches anymore. So I no longer have one. I always wanted to have the bangs. How did you achieve yours? Did you not roll them?
Re: I\'ve added my photos

You hair looks very nice (and you DO NOT look like a boy). You look GREAT! Keep up the good work.
Re: I\'ve added my photos

o.k, I don't look like a boy

Puddles, My aunt rolls it with one big roller, so it's not completely flat.

Re: I\'ve added my photos

Puddles, do you have any pics from when your hair was in w/n?

Re: I\'ve added my photos

CharUK---your hair cut is too cute and so are you---love that smile. I kinda miss having my hair the length because it was so much easier to manage....