It's Tearing!!!!!


New Member
Hi, Ladies! I need your help. Every time I comb my hair no matter if it's after a wash/deep conditioning or styling, it feels like my hair is just being ripped through. I use a wide tooth comb but it doesn't seem to be working. I tried clipping my ends thinking that would solve the problem but, that didn't work either.

I don't know why my hair is doing this, seeing as I have not changed products(CON, Lustrasilk Aloe Cholesterol/St. Ives Vanilla--something) or done anything differently than what I had been doing.

What might be going on here?
I'm at a loss as to what u are doing wrong. But i'd just say keep at it. Keep deep conditioning and moisturizing your hair on a regular basis. When i first started (2months ago), I was still experiencing breakage and dryness for like the first 5 weeks, but then after that, i think my hair finally made it out of that 'drought' stage and now it is acting right. Just keep at it.
maybe you need to clarify your hair because there is product buildup on the strands.
You also might be overconditioning. I have a tendancy to do this also because I think that conditioner is an impotant part of a regimen, but sometimes you might be using too much.
Thanks, Ladies! I'll try clarifying this weekend and see how that works. Do you think I made need to purchase salon quality products? If so, which one is best? I have coarse, 4bbb hair!
When you comb your hair are you starting from the ends and working up (comb ends, then comb midlength, then comb near roots) instead of starting from the roots and bringing the comb all the way to the ends? Also are you being as gentle as possible and stroking the comb through the hair instead of a raking motion?