It's Saturday, what are you doing with your hair?


Island Gyal
even though I go relaxed yesterday I need to DC my hair. Also whatever heat protectant the stylist used makes my hair feel stiff and I don't like it.

After the DC I'm gonna rollerset and airdry or sit under the dryer.... when dry I will massage my scalp with my oils then wrap my hair.
i'm gonna wash to try my new Organix white tea shampoo and condish

thinking about doing curlformers since i haven't used them in a lil hot minute
I'm going to co-wash mine and do a protein treatment. Them I'm going to twist it up into come kinda yet to be determined style.

I'm thinking of blowing out my hair... I did a touch up last week so I want to see how long it is... I almost considered fully bonelaxing next touch up but...I like the flexibility of texlaxing...just a minor case of straight hair envy for a second
I have no idea. :lol: I shampooed and deep conditioned it yesterday and I rinsed it out kind of late so I didn't feel like doing anything to it. I tied it up to let it dry overnight so I need to figure something out because I'm scheduled to go to dinner at 5.

Maybe I'll do a ponytail rollerset and then wear a curly ponytail tonight.

Off to the bathroom to figure it out...
I'm thinking of blowing out my hair... I did a touch up last week so I want to see how long it is... I almost considered fully bonelaxing next touch up but...I like the flexibility of texlaxing...just a minor case of straight hair envy for a second
y'all really taking that bonelaxing seriously:grin:
I am wearing a twistout today for a graduation party. I plan on washing tomorrow so I can try out my new Redken purchases.
I'm washing it this morning and putting it into a wet bun for the day. Then tonight, I will come home for a nice deep condition and rollerset. I can't wait!
I did my hair last night. I cowashed then sealed with extra virgin coconut oil. I then put my hair into 10 box twists w/straws on the ends, to airdry overnight. Today, I will do a twistout. I will be attending a party at 2pm, and I plan to look fierce!:yep:
I am really excited to try out the Carols Daughter Tui Hair Smoothie conditioner that I bought yesterday. I am keeping my fingers crossed because I have not really seen any good reviews on these products. I got it at Sephora so I can take it back if it does not do anything.

Later today I am going to deep condition with it and rollerset.

(I also got a sample of Phytodefrisant Hair Relaxing Balm that I will try with the rollerset-- not expecting too much from this)
Nothing today. Right now the ends are in a baggie. Sometime this weekend I will clarify and maybe some protein.
Revisit the Smooth as Silk Giovanni shampoo and conditioner, and deep condition with Redken Real control on the ends and VS nourshing conditioner on the roots and stuff.

I want to do a rinse in blue-black...
I am taking my hair down from the protective style it has been in this week- see avi pic. Then I will do a quick rinse with V05 and a DC with ORS Hair Mayo, rinse again and then a moisturizing DC then rollerset.

I know it sounds like a alot but I haven't done anything in a week and I miss dealing with my hair. This will be my spa day!
I'm suppose to be getting kinky twist but my braider is missing in action at this minute :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

I love her to death but sometimes I could just kill her.'s raining really badly (dang FL weather...can't wait til i move to MA)
I'm prepooing with my butter mix (shea, avocado, mango).
Then i'm washing it tomorrow and dc'ing with Proclaim Aloe&Shea conditioner
I don't knw if its because of all this newgrowth but y hair is just not soft. I'm thinking of doing ANOTHER conditioning treatment or baggying. It's funny I used to HATE when my hair was soft, because it wouldn't hold a style. NOW i just wish it would hurry up and get moisturized
I'm gonna wash and DC w/ Pantene R&N Mask mixed w/ EVOO & Honey. Even though I've been cowashing a lot my hair feels weird. Hopefully this helps.

I might do a flexi rod set if I'm not too lazy. Or I'll try a twist out again.
Prepping for new do, next week....

untwisting, deep conditioning, deciding whether to color or no.:ohwell:
This morning I did the following:

Clarify w/ORS Aloe shampoo
Protein DC w/ORS Hair Mayo
Moisturizing DC w/PM Supercharged
Braidout w/ flexirods on the ends

And the fruits of my labor...


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Im currently pre-pooing with red palm butter. I will washe with Aveda Damage Remedy, DC with Aveda Damage Remedy. Use a lil Salerm 21 B5 Leave in. Seal with Coconut oil and make 8 cornrows for my braid out. While braided add a lil home made sulphur oil to my scalp.
I just chelated/clarified with Redken's Hair Cleansing Cream Shampoo (just got this today), did a quick protein treatment and now I have Redken's Smooth Down Butter Treat in my hair for a nice, long DC. I'm growing out a TWA so nothing really to do when I'm done except to seal with a little olive oil or coconut oil (I'll leave a little Butter Treat in).
Today is definitely "kitchen-tician" in full effect :lachen:!! I just shampooed my daughter's hair and she has deep conditioner in right now. We bought beads because she has requested cornrows for summer camp. Did I mention she's only 5??!!! I think I've created a diva, because she loves her hair and going to the stylist. So, it will be a long night. I have just made my Ayurvedic poo with powders and will shampoo, deep condition, and rollerset my own hair.
Already done:grin: Went to the salon to get a wash and deep conditioner. roller set and (only the bang blown out so it will not be puffy) and pin wrap.
Sitting under the dryer right now in purple rollers.

I had already washed and conditioned last night but I airdried it in a bun. My boyfriends sister has a get to together tonight. I baked a cake to bring but forgot about my hair. I don't own a flat iron anymore so I rinsed it with water, added some conditioner for a couple of mintues so I could roller set it.