It's Official MY HAIR DON'T GROW!!! *pic*

Stay encouraged. I've been here since 2004 and didn't really start finding what works for my hair until 2006. Here I am now almost 4 years later and while my hair is longer, I haven't made any major progress - yet :grin:

I think your hair is like mine - it looks thick because it's dense but it's actually fine and it dries out and breaks easily. Aphogee (protein-based) may be too drying for your hair alone. Type 4 needs more moisture. When I used it, I got best results using the Shampoo for damaged hair followed by their Evening Primrose Shampoo or Creme of Nature because my hair needed a balance of the 2 on a regular basis.

I just re-read that your co-washing only so perhaps try doing so with something moisturizing and use the 2 minute less often. Check out Supergirl's post on Breakage 101 about maintaining moisture-protein balance if you haven't done so already

Either way, don't give up! Hair is fun!!!

ETA: The primary reason why my hair hasn't reached its full potential is because of me. I cut often, I don't wear my hair up much, I like heat, I rarely DC, I hate bunning, I don't drink alot of water, don't exercise often, can go a week without eating anything green, and the list goes on and on. If I did the opposite of all of these things and my hair still didn't grow, then and only then will you hear me say officially that my hair doesn't grow. Until then, it's all me ;-)
Being a slow grower sucks don't it!
I am sorry your not making the progress you want. I am a newbie, but like the rest, I feel a moisturizing dc will help in your regimen. I also only use protein conditioner no more than once a month, if I notice alot of shedding. When I do my protein treatments, I always follow with a moisturizing conditioner. Don't give up, your just at a phase were the growth isn't noticeable, but once you pass this stage you will begin to notice the difference in length. You have made progress.
I use Porosity Control to maintain pH as part of my hair care regime. Doing so has made a significant difference - what was good got even better.

Your hair is growing, never doubt this. My scientist daughter tells me that hair will continue to grow for a time even after death. Your hair, everyone's hair, is growing while you're alive. Unless you have some serious health issue, and you'd know from other symptoms, your hair is growing. The problem is your hair is also breaking. Shoulder length is a difficult length to overcome, but you can do it.

Never speak defeat!
Don't give up, it will get there. Think positive and try not to worry about it. Less manipulation and nurturing and I am sure it will grow. It looks thicker to me and thicker is better than thin and my opinion.
Don't give up!!! Please don't cut unless you note that your ends are damaged...

I really don't have much to add because the women here are so knowledgeable...but I think that wearing it in an afro might be a problem too. I am only saying this because of a sister in my church who does the same thing all the time, and it seems that her hair has not moved a millimeter in 7 months.

I mostly stay in shea-butter based, IC gelled defined twists (not this week, though because I am preparing my hair for the holiday week next week when family will be home and I don't want to think one time about my hair. I will be straightened the entire week...) and at the very end, I do a defined twistout for a couple of days. My styles tend to last 7-10 days with no need to do anything to my hair.

The low to no manipulation is helping me retain better because I JUST started into the close-to-shoulder phase of growth and can already see where my challenges will be. I have never passed my lower neck and am determined to do it in 2010!!! :wallbash:

After tweaking as the ladies have said here, you might do better by doing low manipulation styles like twists and only wearing your hair out at the very end to make a style last longer. Detangle with water and conditioner to help yourself not lose hair while detangling. A great regimen and low mani might help you a lot.

Please don't lose hope!!! We are here with you!!! Hopefully, I have said something helpful...

S-curl was death and destruction for my hair, until i diluted it with water and then cut it out all together. Other products i cut out was glosses and serums, they're only good for my straightened hair. Also, "long term" rotation between protein and moisture has helped my hair tremendously. Maybe these things will help you too.
Don't give up! If I understood correctly, you've had progress for 2 yrs now. Time to just regroup, and revive your hair. Everyone at some point runs into a bad hair phase. With all of the knowledge you've gained, it would be a shame to throw up the white flag:giveup:. You can get through this. I wish I could offer some suggestions. Now that it's gotten cold, are you protecting your ends against winter wear (collars, scarves, hats, etc.)?[/QUOTE]

BlkOnyx, this is KEY!
It looks like you've gotten all the advice you need....if you start DCing and protectively styling, then I think you'll definitely be able to retain way more length. Especially because you're shoulder length, and it's a very vulnerable place to be.

About DCing, (it's my favorite part of the hair process :love:), you don't need to try out a ton of conditioners, and it doesn't have to be expensive. Expensive isn't always better. Just pick a price range, and stick to it. Like, I try not to exceed ten dollars per conditioner, and I've been able to find some great DCs for my hair in that price range.
And don't be afraid to mix up stuff..if you get a DC and you don't really like it, try adding oils or honey to it before chucking it. It can be really fun to come up with mixtures, and when you get a good ratio, your hair really thanks you. :yep:

Good luck, and don't give up!! :bighug:
I totally emphasize and understand your frustration because I feel the same way. I don't have any advice for you regarding what to do about your regimen but I want to encourage you to hang in there. Maybe giving the hair board a break, babying your hair by giving it extra TLC, and just tell yourself it-is-what-it-is and work from there instead of beating yourself up. Hiding your hair for a while might also minimize the pain of non-progress. At least, that is what I have been doing.


***Warning*** I am about to Whine:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Ok Quick Hair history
Since I was 9 every two years I would have to cut my hair off and start all over. My hair would get to a certain length just alittle past my ears, right at the base of neck and I my bangs would grow about half inch past my eyes. What would happen is I would get to the "magic length" as I called it and i would notice my hair would jsut fad away into the night. there would never be hair on my pillow, I would just notice that some sections of my hair would go from being 4 inches long to 1 inch long seemingly over night. Before I came to LHCF I just wore wigs and completely ignored my hair, except to wash it, and keep it short cut short.

2 years ago or so when I came here I thought great I got all this information, this time will be different.

Well my hair has grown longer than it's ever been but now it seems to have stopped and worse than that my ends seem to be dis-appearing.
I do dust my ends but I never cut that much I am very sissor shy.

best case senario I have to cut my hair 1 inch
worse case I have to cut it back up to NL and start all over

Right now I am just sad I don't know what to do.
I think I will cut an inch off and then just leave it alone for the next 6 months

I hate to be a Debbie Downer, I love all the progress everyone has been posting with all the challenges coming to an end. I wish I had something better to report.

I guess I am just one of those people whose hair really can't grow:sad:
I say stop trimming. I don't think that your ends need to be perfect until you reach your goal, just let it grow and don't let cut be your answer to every setback. Also try to be careful when detangling.

I don't protective style and I use heat all the time and I don't DC, so I don't think that those things are the problem. I really think it's the trimming. I haven't cut an inch off since I don't know when, like at least 5 years. I think that if you stop trimming so much you'll see the results you want.
Def start DC'ing as frequently as possible. Maybe twice a week if you need it. Also Take vitamins and drink water, try to internalize the nutrients. Wear protective styles for a while and see if that can give you more progress.
How about moisturizing and sealing your ends on a regular basis? What are you using to detangle? Are you babying your ends?
Sounds like your hair is just very dry and is breaking as a result. The ladies have already given you some great suggestions. I would also suggest ditching the Aphogee. It's a great line for damaged hair, but provides very little moisture. I wish you the best as you take these new steps in your hair journey.

How often and with what do you deep condition with?

Is your hair coarse, fine or normal?

Do you seal the moisture in with oils?

Has your hair improved since you started baggying frequently? What essential oils do you use when you baggy?

Glycerin based moisturizers can work very well in humid environments, but will steal moisture from the hair if that humidity isn't there. Many people stop using glycerin based leave ins especially in the winter. - just throwing that out there.

I was gonna say the same thing about glycerin. I think i have a post in my blog about it.
Thanks for hte encouragement ladies.
I put the sissors back in my drawer LOL

I am going to sally's today to find a good DC product, and Moisturizer
And I am just going to keep my hair covered with my silk scarf

I will see how it goes in another 3 months

Again Thanks Ladies, if it wasn't for LHCF
I would be cutting my hair again.
Silk Elements and Ion both make really good moisturizing DCs that you can find at Sally's, and are both well under $10. You can also pick up a bottle of Roux Porosity Control there as well, to help lower your hair's pH. Now, that said, I prefer to use an ACV rinse for pH purposes. I know you use ACV to clarify, but the concentration I would assume is higher than when using it to correct porosity. I use approximately 1-2 tbs. per cup of water, which is higher than a lot of women here, mix in a little oil for slip, and use that as a final rinse in my hair after DCing. Either acv or PC I think is fine. You can mix the PC right into your deep conditioner too.
I am natural and if i wore my hair "out" everyday, I would not have much of it. What I have learned works for is moisturizing to death and protective styling. I enjoy my hair sometimes, but it thrives like nobody's business when I just leave it alone.

Scurl may not be doing the job for you. I have tried it and my hair responded to it like: :perplexed:nono::look::rolleyes:. Since then, I have implemented Joico Kpak reconstructor and intense hydrator to my regimen as well as the moisture recovery balm. I make my own spritz with aloe juice, glycerin and SAA or BIOPLEX NMF. I also make my own butters with shea, aloe vera gel, some type of protein and coconut or avocado oil. I whip it up and i'm good to go. I use to think I had the dryest hair in the world but this works for me:yep:. I'm a 4a and it took a while for me to figure out what works and what causes damage.

Oh and I only trim twice a year. I found that the excessive trimming helped it look more "neat" when straight, but as soon as my hair grew again, it would be uneven again and I was just cutting healthy hair for no reason as my hair is in it's natural state 90% of time.
I haven't read anyoens responses so I may just be repeating what you've already heard but:

1. DO NOT CUT YOUR HAIR. seriously.
2. DC often, moisturize often
3. Have PATIENCE (your hair looks thicker and healthier in the later pics
4. Wear buns or french rolls for a while or somehow keep your hair pinned up so it doesnt brush all up on your shoulders/collar/back etc.
5. Do you wrap / scarf your hair at night?
6. Just baby your hair, keep it protected and i'm sure you'll see more progress.

You're doing great. Keep it up!
Hmmm, maybe you should add heat to your hair diet. My hair used to have the exact same "magic length" problem. My whole life-- it would get to this length (rather short but long for me-- nape/ear length) and break off back to the scalp almost. NO explanation, no obvious shedding or hair in shower...Anyway, since going natural, I use heat when I wear my hair out (blow outs). No problems thus far-- plus I'm on my way to bsl. Keeping my hair in its complete shrunken state means breakage, knots, & dry desert thank u! The other suggestions people made sound good too!
The problem could be stemming from a variety of issues. I'm assuming that there is a legitimate problem because you know your hair better than anyone else, and this is an observation that you've been making over the course of time. All I can say is give your whole lifestyle a thorough examination. There could be an insidious cause to the length you are losing. It could be something very simple or something complicated and needs immediate addressing. I truly sympathize with you. I've had my share of setbacks (for example, I found out my hair breaks when I wet and comb it a lot and I also found out that my anemia was making my hair very brittle and I needed to stay on top of my iron supplements). Never give up. Just calmly sit down and think of what the problem may be. :bighug:.
I'm a newbie here, but ditto to DC. You don't have to use heat, but heat will open your hair and the dc will be much better! Use some form of heat with it: towel, heat cap, etc. HTH!! Good luck to you. Don't give up!
I am in good health I work out about 2 hours a day 5 to 6 times a week
My Vitals are good at last check up no high colesterol or BP
MY doc did say I am mildly anemic she prescribe prenatal vit for me to take. I got a kick out of making my DH think I was preggers for min:lachen: HE got the SNIP so if I am Preggers I would be in big trouble!

I have decided to just keep my hair in box braids under a silk scarf until March and then see how it looks then

I did go get soem silk elements for a DC
I will have to go back to Sally's for the 7 Miracle leave-in that stuff sounds lovely.

And I am returing to applying my homemade hair cocoction. and I am not using S-curl anymore.
MY cocoction is a mix
of MTG, Coconut Oil, Pure Shea Butter, amla oil, and Cayenne Pepper
it smells umm interesting

I also got some EVOO for Moisture
so hopefully that will get me back on track.

I will DC twice a week, with my hair in braids so I don't have to detangle

so hopefully that will get me on track

thanks Ladies
Sorry I am such a baby:grin:

How is your health? Have you had all your vitals checked? How recent is the first pic with your natural afro hair?
I'm a newbie and most of this has been said, so I apologize but I would def. add DCing weekly. And I noticed you use Cantu shea butter leave in and ApHogee 2 min reconstructor. I did this and it was a horrible mistake. That put my hair into protein overload b/c Cantu is a protein leave in. My hair type & texture sounds and looks just like yours and my hair does not prefer protein...moisture is my friend. I too am a slow grower with thin, fine strands.
It is tempting on this board but try not to compare your progress to someone elses. It is frustrating and will end up upsetting you. Every head is different and all the good practices in the world can't change genes. I have been practicing healthy haircare since March 09 with NL strands and some women on this board would be at APL by now but I'm just between NL and SL but thats is a thicker and healthier NL from when I started. My hair is looking and feeling better and I feel good about my progress, even though it is tiny.Progress is progress. Keep your head up!
Well your hair has definately gotten thicker, I would do a trim 1/2 in. all around and get a hooded dryer for DCing. I am sorry but there is a big difference in DC with heat for 15-20 min. verses sitting around for hours. Especially depending on the conditioner some penetrate better with heat from a dryer. Aussie Moist is a good DC that is inexpensive, it works great alone and for an extra boost adding honey and coconut oil or EVOO is even better. You may also need to trim more often then others like a 1/4 in. every 3-4 months to keep split ends away.