It's Official MY HAIR DON'T GROW!!! *pic*


Well-Known Member
***Warning*** I am about to Whine:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Ok Quick Hair history
Since I was 9 every two years I would have to cut my hair off and start all over. My hair would get to a certain length just alittle past my ears, right at the base of neck and I my bangs would grow about half inch past my eyes. What would happen is I would get to the "magic length" as I called it and i would notice my hair would jsut fad away into the night. there would never be hair on my pillow, I would just notice that some sections of my hair would go from being 4 inches long to 1 inch long seemingly over night. Before I came to LHCF I just wore wigs and completely ignored my hair, except to wash it, and keep it short cut short.

2 years ago or so when I came here I thought great I got all this information, this time will be different.

Well my hair has grown longer than it's ever been but now it seems to have stopped and worse than that my ends seem to be dis-appearing.
I do dust my ends but I never cut that much I am very sissor shy.

best case senario I have to cut my hair 1 inch
worse case I have to cut it back up to NL and start all over

Right now I am just sad I don't know what to do.
I think I will cut an inch off and then just leave it alone for the next 6 months

I hate to be a Debbie Downer, I love all the progress everyone has been posting with all the challenges coming to an end. I wish I had something better to report.

I guess I am just one of those people whose hair really can't grow:sad:


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Your hair has definitely thickened up from the first pic to the last pic. Your hair probably grows in stages. It thickens up first and then there will be a drop in length. It looks like your top layers grew and caught up with the bottom layer making it appear thicker. The length will come. Just be patient and continue to take care of your hair.

Here's a eHug. I hope you feel better. You did make progress.
what have you done to your hair? In the small thumbnails it is straight, and in the 12/8/09 pic it is an afro? You haven't give much for anyone to go on here.
What's your regimen and hairtype? (Not just curl pattern, but density, degree of coarseness, etc..)
awwwww its ok, trust me your hair is always growing! But it sounds like ur having a retention problem, with your "ends disappearing" and all. Do you wear your hair down a lot? Shoulder length is a very tough time. When u wear ur hair down, the ends scrape right up against your shoulders, clothing, etc, making it very hard to keep length. I think the most important thing right now is to keep your hair up off your shoulders.

What's ur regimen? what do you feel is missing from it?

We're here to help!! :grouphug:
I made an assumption...did you want help, or just an ear (eye) to listen to your frustration? I don't understand why you'd need to cut, trim, dust your hair.
Don't give up! If I understood correctly, you've had progress for 2 yrs now. Time to just regroup, and revive your hair. Everyone at some point runs into a bad hair phase. With all of the knowledge you've gained, it would be a shame to throw up the white flag:giveup:. You can get through this. I wish I could offer some suggestions. Now that it's gotten cold, are you protecting your ends against winter wear (collars, scarves, hats, etc.)?
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from my experience when I was relaxed.... I got a relaxer every 6 weeks.. and when I washed I would blow dry AND flatiron every time... my hair broke off in shards... now that I usually just wash and air dry and bun my hair has grown and retained length. I not longer get up from a pillow with broken off hair all over it.
HAve you tried taking care of your hair from the inside? Like drinking more water, and eating "hair food"?

If your ends are suffering its simply time to change what you have been doing to make them look that way.

Usually when your hair has you in the dumps its best to put your hair away... either aggressively PS with buns and what not, or committ to a weave or braids.

Your hair can and will grow.... you just have to be patient! From the looks of your siggy you appear to be at SL which is that period that seems to make or break progress.... Usually those who PS past APL make it just fine. Others are lucky and grow on past with no prob. Are you wearing your hair loose? could that be the problem?

Now I could speculate for days but its up to you to figure out what the problem is and come up with a solution. But DO NOT make any rash decision like cutting to 1 or 2 inches when its not absoulutely neccessary... Hair grows uneven! did u ever think maybe your hair is growing and thats why it appears thin?

I wish you the best heart really goes out to you and your hair....hope you get over this slump soon :)
Im not a guru. But from what I can see of that timeline, your hair has thickened nicely and is growing in layers. Due to how you chose to cut it. You didnt cut it all in one length which is understandable. Your ends do look a bit dry. More than a bit honestly. your hair is at a length where I personally would put my hair in a ponytail and keep my ends in a baggie and put a fake bun on top.

Thats all I got.
Maybe you're at the point where your diet may need to be tweaked a little too. Do you drink lots of water?
Post your regimen up. Do you moisturize and deep condition regularly. Do you have a clean scalp? Do you wear your hair down everyday? How often do you wash?
Your hair has definitely thickened up from the first pic to the last pic. Your hair probably grows in stages. It thickens up first and then there will be a drop in length. It looks like your top layers grew and caught up with the bottom layer making it appear thicker. The length will come. Just be patient and continue to take care of your hair.

Here's a eHug. I hope you feel better. You did make progress.

Thanks for the Hug, I feel so silly being so sad about my hair, so if you see progress I will take you at your word

Sorry you're having a hard time with you hair. What's your regimen? Maybe it needs to be tweaked a little?
1. I started using the Aphogee product line
I co-wash only, then do the 2 min reconstructor,
then the moisturizer
I detangle with the gloss and shine and Cantu Shea butter
Sometime I do a bentonite clay mask over night and then rinse detangle
my hair loves it.

2. I also started using S-curl daily I noticed it dries out more in cold weather

3. I usely wear my hair in a fro with a head band

4. at night I baggie my hair with s-curl, or essential oils.
if I don't baggie, I always use a silk scarf it's nice and large and never comes off.

I detangle by sectioning my hair off in 8 sections, and I braid each section and let it air dry.

I don't do wash in goes it gets too knotty.

what have you done to your hair? In the small thumbnails it is straight, and in the 12/8/09 pic it is an afro? You haven't give much for anyone to go on here.

What's your regimen and hairtype? (Not just curl pattern, but density, degree of coarseness, etc..)
My hair type is 4a/b I think
the center of my hair is very dense but thin the 4b part.
the sides and front and back are 4a. it's detangles easier than the center
and seems to grow faster.

My hair is not thick at all. IT looks better natural and curly
when it's straight it's limp and lifeless
Your hair does look thicker to me as well.
I know how frustrating it can be looking at all of the people who have made great progress. Trust and believe that most if not all of us have had our setbacks with our hair.

Once you're able to figure out what it is that's not making your hair grow (in your opinion), then you'll be able to combat it.

I agree with the aggressive hiding of your hair with buns, braids, etc...but remember to baby your hair even then.

Good luck!
Thanks for the Hug, I feel so silly being so sad about my hair, so if you see progress I will take you at your word

1. I started using the Aphogee product line
I co-wash only, then do the 2 min reconstructor,
then the moisturizer
I detangle with the gloss and shine and Cantu Shea butter
Sometime I do a bentonite clay mask over night and then rinse detangle
my hair loves it.

2. I also started using S-curl daily I noticed it dries out more in cold weather

3. I usely wear my hair in a fro with a head band

4. at night I baggie my hair with s-curl, or essential oils.
if I don't baggie, I always use a silk scarf it's nice and large and never comes off.

I detangle by sectioning my hair off in 8 sections, and I braid each section and let it air dry.

I don't do wash in goes it gets too knotty.

My hair type is 4a/b I think
the center of my hair is very dense but thin the 4b part.
the sides and front and back are 4a. it's detangles easier than the center
and seems to grow faster.

My hair is not thick at all. IT looks better natural and curly
when it's straight it's limp and lifeless

How often and with what do you deep condition with?

Is your hair coarse, fine or normal?

Do you seal the moisture in with oils?

Has your hair improved since you started baggying frequently? What essential oils do you use when you baggy?

Glycerin based moisturizers can work very well in humid environments, but will steal moisture from the hair if that humidity isn't there. Many people stop using glycerin based leave ins especially in the winter. - just throwing that out there.
HAve you tried taking care of your hair from the inside? Like drinking more water, and eating "hair food"?
I am an avid water drinker
I don't drink sodas, and mostly eat a high protein low carb diet, because I had WLS surgery 4 years the Lapband not the Gastric. but I never experience the hair loss Gastric bypass patients have. I also take Prenatal Vitamins.

from my experience when I was relaxed.... I got a relaxer every 6 weeks.. and when I washed I would blow dry AND flatiron every time... my hair broke off in shards... now that I usually just wash and air dry and bun my hair has grown and retained length. I not longer get up from a pillow with broken off hair all over it.
My relaxed days were an endless nightmare

Don't give up! If I understood correctly, you've had progress for 2 yrs now. Time to just regroup, and revive your hair. Everyone at some point runs into a bad hair phase. With all of the knowledge you've gained, it would be a shame to throw up the white flag:giveup:. You can get through this. I wish I could offer some suggestions. Now that it's gotten cold, are you protecting your ends against winter wear (collars, scarves, hats, etc.)?
I do wear a fur line hooded coat is that a :nono:

awwwww its ok, trust me your hair is always growing! But it sounds like ur having a retention problem, with your "ends disappearing" and all. Do you wear your hair down a lot? Shoulder length is a very tough time. When u wear ur hair down, the ends scrape right up against your shoulders, clothing, etc, making it very hard to keep length. I think the most important thing right now is to keep your hair up off your shoulders.

What's ur regimen? what do you feel is missing from it?

We're here to help!! :grouphug:
This is how I normally wear my hair, i only straighten it to check my length


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^^^I would agree. I don't think the S-curl is working for you OP. It seems to be quite challenging to find a perfect moisturiser, but once you do, you'll know. I would suggest you start experimenting with some other brands.
How often and with what do you deep condition with?

Is your hair coarse, fine or normal?

Do you seal the moisture in with oils?

Has your hair improved since you started baggying frequently? What essential oils do you use when you baggy?

Glycerin based moisturizers can work very well in humid environments, but will steal moisture from the hair if that humidity isn't there. Many people stop using glycerin based leave ins especially in the winter. - just throwing that out there.

I don't DC:hide:
I don't have a hooded Dryer, I do put a cantu shea butter leave in, on my hair and baggie it with a heat cap.

My hair is Fine

the oils and natural products I use are
Unrefind coconut oil
unrefind shea butter
amla oil
grape seed oil
thyme, cedar wood, rosemary
How ever the last for months
I felt I was all over the map with my products and decided to try and stream line and just use one product line
and S-curl for moisturizing
Your hair is definitely growing, but you might want to consider a couple of things -

1. you won't always notice the breakage, but wearing your hair with ends out in cold weather is breakage waiting to happen. have you considered wearing a bun? I know bun-city can be deadly dull, so i always mix it up a little by wearing a french braid and tucking the ends under. Flexi-8 clips are great. that coat you mention needs a silk scarf around the collar - again, breakage in the making.

2. i don't see a deep conditioning treatment in your hair regime. i think deep conditioning is extremely important. i prefer a creamy moisturizing leave in and then seal with a few drops of camellia oil - but you need something to keep the moisture in, especially in the cold weather.

3. when you use certain products that cause build up yet co-wash only, the continual build up can cause breakage. there are gentle shampoos that won't dry out your hair. S-curl is one of the products that the ladies say means clarifying later.

4. i'm really big on the porosity issue - make sure you lower the pH

5. and this one is most important: you've been taking care of your hair for two years now which kind of feels like a long time, but if you think about it, given the number of years you didn't know and were learning, two years is not so long. more than any product or procedure, patience is key when you want your hair to grow.

Your hair is always growing - think of it this way: if your nails are growing, your hair is growing as well. I think your ends need more protection, and you'll look back on this thread later and smile.
I'm sorry you're feeling this way... Be assured your hair DOES grow though, it keeps proving it to you each time you chop it all off to start over!

Any issue with retaining your length will not be solved by BCing, you need to find the hole in your reggie/ diet/ technique and plug it. Wearing your hair in a fro daily is exposing your ends leaving it vulnerable to damage. I would advise hiding your hair for better chances of retention and especially while you regroup. Previous posters have also given you a lot to think about.

I hope you get over this soon. Above all, believe that your hair will grow with time, the proper care and attention, all it takes is the will and the patience :yep:


I posted before I had read all the replies. Your products look good. :shocked: No DCing??!! Girl!!
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I would definitely start DCing. It makes a tremendous difference in the health and moisture level of my hair. :yep:

you should try eatinga more vitamin rich diet. Try incorperating fresh Parsley, salmon, broccli, and tomatoes into to your diet.
maybe try some protective styling? I was guilty of not doing this when i was relaxed, and it took me 18 months to do something that should have taken a year. I was also guilty of not really sticking to what worked best for me. I saw heavey breakage and didnt retain legnth. I would also take a look at your diet as well.. I can definitely tell a difference in the pics, but maybe not the kind u hoped for..

OK So this is what I gathered from everyone's wonderful advice

1. I need to start to DC
I have just never done it because it seems like you have to interview a lot of expensive conditioners before you find a good one
However I am willing to do the work,

2. Protect my ends more bunning less headband afros.
I thought I was protecting my hair because it's never rubbing against my collar.
I will make that change

3. Find another Moisturizer besides S-curl.
My hair never seems to get enough Moisture

4. I do Clarify I forgot to include that, I do ACV rinses ever 3 to 4 weeks

5 How do I lower my PH? I will do a search on this one

6. stay away from the sissors

7. Be Patient, it's easy to say, I will work on this.

Thanks ladies I really appreciate the support, I have been bummed about my hair since yesterday. I wasn't going to post but I am glad I did.
this hair thing can be very overwhelming
I hate to be the the joy robber and so negative but I tend to want to believe you. Some people just don't grow long hair. I think our hair get to that stage where it just stops growning. I have been doing this for a few years now and I have sholder length hair. The only reason I saw growth was when I used MT and OCT and phony bun. My hair simply does not like to grow. I like my phony buns though. You have to get creative. Good luck to you. Just keep going and one day you may find some magic.
I don't DC:hide:
I don't have a hooded Dryer, I do put a cantu shea butter leave in, on my hair and baggie it with a heat cap.

My hair is Fine

the oils and natural products I use are
Unrefind coconut oil
unrefind shea butter
amla oil
grape seed oil
thyme, cedar wood, rosemary
How ever the last for months
I felt I was all over the map with my products and decided to try and stream line and just use one product line
and S-curl for moisturizing

Revamp your regimen. The way you're wearing it daily may be causing dryness. If you choose to keep it that way, you will probably need to prepoo with proteins and follow with a nice deep creamy conditioner regularly. Invest in a good moisturizing leave-in, or even a regular conditioner that you just leave in the hair and not rinse out. And then use your oils as a sealant, but not as your primary source of moisture.

If you don't want to get a dryer, get a heat cap. Or simply warm up a hot towel and wrap the hot towel around your plastic cap. Or simply warm up the conditioner/oil prior to applying it to your hair.

Have you thought about braids (the Crown and Glory Method) or wearing cornrows under a wig for a while?
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Stay encouraged. I've been here since 2004 and didn't really start finding what works for my hair until 2006. Here I am now almost 4 years later and while my hair is longer, I haven't made any major progress - yet :grin:

I think your hair is like mine - it looks thick because it's dense but it's actually fine and it dries out and breaks easily. Aphogee (protein-based) may be too drying for your hair alone. Type 4 needs more moisture. When I used it, I got best results using the Shampoo for damaged hair followed by their Evening Primrose Shampoo or Creme of Nature because my hair needed a balance of the 2 on a regular basis.

I just re-read that your co-washing only so perhaps try doing so with something moisturizing and use the 2 minute less often. Check out Supergirl's post on Breakage 101 about maintaining moisture-protein balance if you haven't done so already

Either way, don't give up! Hair is fun!!!

ETA: The primary reason why my hair hasn't reached its full potential is because of me. I cut often, I don't wear my hair up much, I like heat, I rarely DC, I hate bunning, I don't drink alot of water, don't exercise often, can go a week without eating anything green, and the list goes on and on. If I did the opposite of all of these things and my hair still didn't grow, then and only then will you hear me say officially that my hair doesn't grow. Until then, it's all me ;-)

My 2006 Starting Pic
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