It's Not Too Late...For You and Your Mate (Message For Everyone)


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Hello Precious Lambs, Whom God loves so much: :love2:

Last night, the Lord gave me a wonderful word that I'd like to share with each of you. The first part of this message is funny. So let me get that part over with. Here goes:

Last night as I was very 'sllloowwwwwly' getting out of the tub and from washing my hair, the word of the Lord came unto me saying,

"Can these Dry Bones Live?" :lachen: :rofl: :lachen: :rofl: :lachen:

Okay, get your grins and chuckles out. :lachen: God Truly has a sense of humor. :lol:

However, I'm no where near 'retirement' age, it's a lonnnggggg way off; however last night I was so sore from so much walking (my Spring exercise regime) and I felt like I was 190 years old as I was getting up from the warm water.

While I was wrapping my hair to go to bed, I was talking to the Lord about some things that I wanted to 'still' accomplish.

Again, I heard the word of the Lord come unto to me saying,

"Can these Dry Bones Live?"

My thought was: " Lord you know."

His Reply was: "Prophesy! Speak life to the dry bones in every area of your life; and they shall live."

I began to cry because I could 'feel' (sense) that God holding before me prayers that had long been placed upon His Altar. I cried because these were prayers of desire, not so much of necessiity. But yet necessary for the future that I have written in my heart.

God spoke to my heart and said, His Will Shall be Done, in all that I have believed Him for. His Will shall be done. He spoke to my heart again, these very words:

It's not too late! Prophesy! Speak Life to the Dry Bones that have long 'settled' into the dust. Prophesy! Command them to live, in Jesus' Name!"

Precious Lambs, for each of here reading this message, know this:

It's not too late!

Again..... Precious Lambs, IT'S NOT TOO LATE!

It's not too late for those who wish to Marry.

It's not too late for those who are Married, for your Marriages to be

It's not too late for your husband's dreams and goals! It's not too late for his business to proceed and prosper. Go to him, Call him, Runnnnnnnn (:cowgirl:) and tell him, "Honey, It's not to late."

It's not too late for those in Ministry to have the vision manifested... fulfilled. It's not too late to have every Ministry and Personal need met. It's not too late to have the provisions for your "Outreach Ministries" or for your Ministry of Helps to come into the fold.

It's not too late! Prophesy! Speak Life into your Ministry!

It's not too late! Prophesy! Speak Life into your Marriage!

It's not too late! Prophesy! Speak Life into your Future Husbands!

It's not too late! Prophesy! Speak Life into your Children!

It's not too late! Prophesy! Speak Life into your Education!

It's not too late! Prophesy! Speak Life into All that sleeps!

It's not too late to have the new home, to be in a safer environment, to have the necessary space to accomodate your entire family.

It's not too late to return to school or college to obtain your degree

It's not too late to have all of your bills paid --- IN FULL

It's not too late to save your homes from the enemy's prison called "Foreclosure'

It's not too late to obtain the Favor of the Lord to be endowed with Blessings, untold.

It's not too late for your beloved child (children) to excel in school.

It's not too late to have decent meal on the table before your family arrives through the door expecting to find nothing.

It's not too late to be healed in your bodies, no matter what the doctor's report has said. By the Blood of Jesus, God is STILL Dr. Miracle! Dr. Healer! Dr. Care!

It's not too late to enrich your relationship with the Lord, for He is ever waiting and willing and ready to embrace you and love you as you learn more and more about Him. For anyone who comes to Him, He will in no wise cast out.

It's not to late to lose whatever weight you've carried as a burden which was so hard for you to shed. It's not too late.

It's not too late to be among the First in Line, for whatever it is you are due for.

Remember Lazarus? Four Days in the Ground....He even Stinkethed!

Yet he lived! Jesus said, 'Come Forth"

It's not too late! Prophesy! Speak Life! Speak Life! Speak Life!

It's not too late!

Precious Lambs, whatever you thought was 'over', dead and / or burried, it has been kept in the safest place of all to fulfill it's Destiny with and for you. Your Life Dreams have been shelterd within the Heart of God our Father, all this time.

Yes, all this time, God kept it safe; hidden from theft and destruction; hidden from the enemy's plan of deception.

Precious Lambs, whatever it is.....

It's not too late....

Can these Dry Bones Live?


It's not too late.

Prophesy! Speak Life! Praise God!

I love you.... 'all'. Please be blessed and speak 'Life'

Prophesy! It' "All' Shall Live.....

Love and hugs, Shimmie.... :giveheart:


Source: Shimmie's Tub :blush3:


Scriptural Source:

My Home Boy Ezekiel:

Behold, I will do A NEW THING; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. ------ Isaiah 43:19
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Thank you for this Message.

Romans 4:17 has been on my heart for a about 2 weeks now your post in more confrimation of this.=)

:kiss: I love that scripture...

Romans 4:17

(As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.

18 Who against hope believed in hope......

Who against hope, believed in hope; Now THIS is a powerful statement. For when you feel your back is up against the brick, steel walls of defeat, against all hope, when hope seems it has turned it's back on you....

Who against hope, yet you still believe in hope. For our hope is in Christ Jesus, our Lord, God forever and ever.

Who was, is and still to come.

He that will come, will come and will not tarry.

God bless you!

I think I like Shimmie's tub. :laugh: I'm claiming what's mine!

God bless both of you, Crown and 5Stars. :giveheart:

The Tub is funny :lol: For some reason, the Lord always speaks to me in water.... I never understood that. :drunk:

Hmmmm, :scratchch: I wonder I'd hear Him better in a 'Jacuzi' (sp?) :rolleyes:. I always wanted one in my home. :lol:

Hello Precious Lambs, Whom God loves so much: :love2:

Last night, the Lord gave me a wonderful word that I'd like to share with each of you. The first part of this message is funny. So let me get that part over with. Here goes:

Last night as I was very 'sllloowwwwwly' getting out of the tub and from washing my hair, the word of the Lord came unto me saying,

"Can these Dry Bones Live?" :lachen: :rofl: :lachen: :rofl: :lachen:

Okay, get your grins and chuckles out. :lachen: God Truly has a sense of humor. :lol:

However, I'm no where near 'retirement' age, it's a lonnnggggg way off; however last night I was so sore from so much walking (my Spring exercise regime) and I felt like I was 190 years old as I was getting up from the warm water.

While I was wrapping my hair to go to bed, I was talking to the Lord about some things that I wanted to 'still' accomplish.

Again, I heard the word of the Lord come unto to me saying,

"Can these Dry Bones Live?"

My thought was: " Lord you know."

His Reply was: "Prophesy! Speak life to the dry bones in every area of your life; and they shall live."

I began to cry because I could 'feel' (sense) that God holding before me prayers that had long been placed upon His Altar. I cried because these were prayers of desire, not so much of necessiity. But yet necessary for the future that I have written in my heart.

God spoke to my heart and said, His Will Shall be Done, in all that I have believed Him for. His Will shall be done. He spoke to my heart again, these very words:

It's not too late! Prophesy! Speak Life to the Dry Bones that have long 'settled' into the dust. Prophesy! Command them to live, in Jesus' Name!"

Precious Lambs, for each of here reading this message, know this:

It's not too late!

Again..... Precious Lambs, IT'S NOT TOO LATE!

It's not too late for those who wish to Marry.

It's not too late for those who are Married, for your Marriages to be

It's not too late for your husband's dreams and goals! It's not too late for his business to proceed and prosper. Go to him, Call him, Runnnnnnnn (:cowgirl:) and tell him, "Honey, It's not to late."

It's not too late for those in Ministry to have the vision manifested... fulfilled. It's not too late to have every Ministry and Personal need met. It's not too late to have the provisions for your "Outreach Ministries" or for your Ministry of Helps to come into the fold.

It's not too late! Prophesy! Speak Life into your Ministry!

It's not too late! Prophesy! Speak Life into your Marriage!

It's not too late! Prophesy! Speak Life into your Future Husbands!

It's not too late! Prophesy! Speak Life into your Children!

It's not too late! Prophesy! Speak Life into your Education!

It's not too late! Prophesy! Speak Life into All that sleeps!

It's not too late to have the new home, to be in a safer environment, to have the necessary space to accomodate your entire family.

It's not too late to return to school or college to obtain your degree

It's not too late to have all of your bills paid --- IN FULL

It's not too late to save your homes from the enemy's prison called "Foreclosure'

It's not too late to obtain the Favor of the Lord to be endowed with Blessings, untold.

It's not too late for your beloved child (children) to excel in school.

It's not too late to have decent meal on the table before your family arrives through the door expecting to find nothing.

It's not too late to be healed in your bodies, no matter what the doctor's report has said. By the Blood of Jesus, God is STILL Dr. Miracle! Dr. Healer! Dr. Care!

It's not too late to enrich your relationship with the Lord, for He is ever waiting and willing and ready to embrace you and love you as you learn more and more about Him. For anyone who comes to Him, He will in no wise cast out.

It's not to late to lose whatever weight you've carried as a burden which was so hard for you to shed. It's not too late.

It's not too late to be among the First in Line, for whatever it is you are due for.

Remember Lazarus? Four Days in the Ground....He even Stinkethed!

Yet he lived! Jesus said, 'Come Forth"

It's not too late! Prophesy! Speak Life! Speak Life! Speak Life!

It's not too late!

Precious Lambs, whatever you thought was 'over', dead and / or burried, it has been kept in the safest place of all to fulfill it's Destiny with and for you. Your Life Dreams have been shelterd within the Heart of God our Father, all this time.

Yes, all this time, God kept it safe; hidden from theft and destruction; hidden from the enemy's plan of deception.

Precious Lambs, whatever it is.....

It's not too late....

Can these Dry Bones Live?


It's not too late.

Prophesy! Speak Life! Praise God!

I love you.... 'all'. Please be blessed and speak 'Life'

Prophesy! It' "All' Shall Live.....

Love and hugs, Shimmie.... :giveheart:


Source: Shimmie's Tub :lachen:


Scriptural Source:

My Home Boy Ezekiel:

Behold, I will do A NEW THING; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. ------ Isaiah 43:19
This thread is amazing! Thanks for the bump!

P.S. I miss Shimmie. :sad:

i truly am so touched by her.. going back to old threads, I feel so encouraged by her and it feels like she's a spiritual friend if that makes sense. If i could say something to her right now.... itd be THANK YOU!
I'm not sure if I'd started posting in the CF when this thread was put up.. but I agree this post is very powerful. :yep:

She has unction.