Its killing me ...............i gotta vent


:ohwell: I can keep up with the water drinking/vitimans,/cowash/condertions/protain treatments/protain drinks and wrappin my hair up but...

I'm having a hard time with the deit thing :( *sigh* its buggin me but i found myself eatting a fried chicken sandwich for lunch..:perplexed was banggin :lachen: the woman that work in my college lunch room love me and always talking about "I need eat" and trying stuff me up :lol: but i know i gonna stay stong with this deit...
*moans then groans*
stay strong and believe in yourself... ohh and dont forget its cool to have a lil' treat every now and then! so see the sandwich as a lil treat and just jump back onto your healthy eatin again...

you can do it!!!

naturaline said:
stay strong and believe in yourself... ohh and dont forget its cool to have a lil' treat every now and then! so see the sandwich as a lil treat and just jump back onto your healthy eatin again...

you can do it!!!


I agree with this. It's okay to treat yourself every now and again. Consider the sandwich ure weekly treat, and now that you've enjoyed that, go ahead and step up that healthy eating game!

Good luck!
:lol: Girl I am having a hard time with it as well. I have the blessed gift of a high metabolism, so I don't have to worry about weight. The bad thing is I know my diet of fried foods and sweets can't be good for my body as a whole. Exercise...I HATE IT!!! I'm working on it too. I keep saying next week will be the week for me to start a LIGHT cardio routine. Hang in there. We'll suffer together:D !
:eek: i had that alll my life until like thsi past year and all i been doing is gaining weight and like half of everyone i know is like "lose what weight?" while like my ex- and my family are like.. :eek: lose it.
man i know im fighting i know i gotta step it up *sigh* but that chicken sandwich was like heaven :look:
silvergirl said:
OT:.. i dont get it, why is this thread one star......

Yeah why are people doing that so much lately. Back to the subject:

I agree with the other ladies, if you deprive yourself too much, you have a tendency to over do it when you decide to have a treat. So just remeber how good the sandwich was, but just don't eat another one until next week. You'll be alright.
Hi , I know exactly what your going through.:(
I gained 40 lbs over the past 4 years:eek: . My desk job is a little to blame sweet tooth is the rest. I love sweets. I'm good up lunch ,its down hill from there. I do eat healthy for the most part. I started walking more this month. I'm aiming to loos this weight by or before December 2008. Just like my hair I'm praying to God to help me. I need (The Spirit of self control). Still just as others have said, just get back up again and aim to make tomorrow a healthier day.:grin:
girl i feel you. ive been think im gonna eat healthy because i HAVe to get 3 inches by next year. but why did i just have a pizza and some soda. I feel guilty but i'll admit it sure was good. lol. don't give soemone else said. eat it every once in a while.
Hey Ladies,

Don't sweat the small stuff. You are beautiful women no matter what you eat or don't eat. My little indulgence lately has been lemonheads (tho I know that doesn't count as fatting foods)

Just to let you know all the healthy stuff is sometimes a drag.
Dannygirl said:
:ohwell: I can keep up with the water drinking/vitimans,/cowash/condertions/protain treatments/protain drinks and wrappin my hair up but...

I'm having a hard time with the deit thing :( *sigh* its buggin me but i found myself eatting a fried chicken sandwich for lunch..:perplexed was banggin :lachen: the woman that work in my college lunch room love me and always talking about "I need eat" and trying stuff me up :lol: but i know i gonna stay stong with this deit...
*moans then groans*

translation? :look:

just kidding. i can decipher you. Yes, I concur...dieting is soo hard. I tried to renew my commitment this week -- working out & just eating breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert with no snacks. And I felt I was going through withdrawal. I'm used to eating CONSTANTLY after dinner.

But really, I feel much more clear-headed when I limit intake. Good luck.
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