It's Just NOT GROWING!!!!!


New Member
It’s just not growing!!!!:wallbash: I stretched 3 months and got a trim :mad: …it might be even shorter than when I first started. MTG, Vitamins, No heat, washing 2x a week..baggie…protective styling:huh:. You Name it and I’ve done it:angry2: . Im sooooooo low right now..about to cry. I didn’t even take an update picture b/c it would make me sick. Ready to give up and weave it up for the rest of my life:ohwell: …Maybe it was just not meant to be.:censored:
Don't get discouraged! I am sure your hair has grown in 3 months, Is it not as long as you thought it would be in 3 months? I see that you take vitamins and etc. But how is your eating habits? water intake? exercsie? do you warp it up at night? are you using the right shampoos & conditioners? deep conditiong treatments?

Sometimes it is the little things, Your hair is meant to be wherever you want it to be,It just may take a little longer than everyone else.

Tell us your Routine & are you Relaxed or Natural! That way we can get a better idea of what is going on.
BSweet said:
It’s just not growing!!!!:wallbash: I stretched 3 months and got a trim :mad: …it might be even shorter than when I first started. MTG, Vitamins, No heat, washing 2x a week..baggie…protective styling:huh:. You Name it and I’ve done it:angry2: . Im sooooooo low right now..about to cry. I didn’t even take an update picture b/c it would make me sick. Ready to give up and weave it up for the rest of my life:ohwell: …Maybe it was just not meant to be.:censored:
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

You are hilarious!! Just the title had me cracking up. I do not mean to make fun of your frustration but I feel your pain because I can identify with you. I have been stretching now for 7+ months and clipping off the straight ends. I have only 2.45" of growth which is frustrating. The only recommendation I have for you is to just let it go and don't get frustrated by the slow growth rate. The more you forget about growth obsession is the time you will see tremendous growth. Weaving it up for the rest of your life :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: is not the answer. Just keep doing what you are doing and I guarantee you will see result.....

P.S. By the way, I looked at your album and your hair is GORGEOUS. I would give anything to be at your length!! This is what you wrote...., "3/15/06 i guess its growing.." Of course your hair is growing!! Whenever you get discouraged, look at where your hair is coming from and where you are today and that will help put it into perspective.
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lahennesy26 said:

I know that's right...I started taking medication a few months back and my hair became damaged because of it. I held out for as long as I could, but I ended up getting it cut. I'm not gonna get discouraged though, 'cause I know that if I hang in there and continue reading the boards, it will grow back in no time, and besides, it did not look as bad as I thought it would:yay: .
NappyParadise said:
Don't get discouraged! I am sure your hair has grown in 3 months, Is it not as long as you thought it would be in 3 months? I see that you take vitamins and etc. But how is your eating habits? water intake? exercsie? do you warp it up at night? are you using the right shampoos & conditioners? deep conditiong treatments?

Sometimes it is the little things, Your hair is meant to be wherever you want it to be,It just may take a little longer than everyone else.

Tell us your Routine & are you Relaxed or Natural! That way we can get a better idea of what is going on.

The world has already ended for me..but her is my routine

wash every 4-5 days with
matrix sleek look or nexus diametress or botanoil

deep condition after every wash

my bad ..posted down below
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are you moisturizing your hair??? protein treatments??? also i see your at shoulder length....many ladies have said it seemed like their hair came to a halt at sl and then took off to currently a little bit under sl and i feel like my hair has come to a halt....but im just keeping my head up that this is a little its winter, many people dont get the growth spurt that they usually get in the summer time. so be paitient, and sooner than you know it you will be where you want to be. good luck and HHG
BSweet said:
It’s just not growing!!!!:wallbash: I stretched 3 months and got a trim :mad:it might be even shorter than when I first started. MTG, Vitamins, No heat, washing 2x a week..baggie…protective styling:huh:. You Name it and I’ve done it:angry2: . Im sooooooo low right now..about to cry. I didn’t even take an update picture b/c it would make me sick. Ready to give up and weave it up for the rest of my life:ohwell: …Maybe it was just not meant to be.:censored:

I think I see your problem. Your hair is growing, you just cut it off.

If you were protecting your ends, did they really need to be cut off?
NappyParadise said:
Don't get discouraged! I am sure your hair has grown in 3 months, Is it not as long as you thought it would be in 3 months? I see that you take vitamins and etc. But how is your eating habits? water intake? exercsie? do you warp it up at night? are you using the right shampoos & conditioners? deep conditiong treatments?

Sometimes it is the little things, Your hair is meant to be wherever you want it to be,It just may take a little longer than everyone else.

Tell us your Routine & are you Relaxed or Natural! That way we can get a better idea of what is going on.

The world has already ended for me..but here is my routine


wash every 4-5 days with

matrix sleek look or nexxus diametress or botanoil

deep condition after every wash

Nexxus humectress or matrix sleek look conditioner..nexxus reconstructer when necessary

Leave in

Rusk smother or nexxus headress or matrix sleek look extreme
either is mixed with diluted water, jojoba oil, and infusium (brown)
MTG while hair is wet

on the middle setting for like 1 hr 45 mins

ORS olive oil and Matrix Sleek look serum to seal the ends
Then wrap lightly and cover with satin scarf

Daily maintenance
moisturize ORS olive oil in the morning and seal with matrix sleek look serum

pin up for protective style (every day when out of the house)

satin hair bonnet if i'm in the house

MTG MIX (peppermint oil, jojoba oil, carrot oil, Shea oil and WGO) nightly on scalp..ORS olive oil or elsta QP mango butter on length of the hair...follow up with a scalp massage (10 mins) matrix sleek look serum on ends..then wrap lightly and cover with a satin Scarf

1 GNC ultranourishair with breakfast
1 msm 1000 mg with snack
1 centrum multi with lunch
1 GNC ultranourishair, 1000 mg flaxseed oil, 5 mg Biotin right before bed
JCoily said:
I think I see your problem. Your hair is growing, you just cut it off.

If you were protecting your ends, did they really need to be cut off?

tell me about it..they are protected and still damaged
i woudl say give your hair a rest and braid it up for a few months using Surge and maybe'll probably see you some progress. My hair has remained stagnant for the past few months but when I am in briads it grows much much better...i guess cuz less manipulation.

Anyway, also i heard that there are periods in which the hair grows more and periods when it doesn't grow as much. maybe your hair is in a kind of dormant period but will pick back up later....i dunno. dont discourage yourself. grin and bear it with a heapin helpin of weave.
JCoily said:
I think I see your problem. Your hair is growing, you just cut it off.

If you were protecting your ends, did they really need to be cut off?

ITA did they need to be cut off all now, or could you next time do dusting trim, and cut gradually instead. I agree you just cut off your progress but the good news is your hair def. is growing alot.
Lucia said:
ITA did they need to be cut off all now, or could you next time do dusting trim, and cut gradually instead. I agree you just cut off your progress but the good news is your hair def. is growing alot.

The ends look bad for some reason to me..i donno i just always get a trim whenever i relax its routine..but trim or no trim my hair has not made any progress to me
jaded_faerie said:
are you moisturizing your hair??? protein treatments??? also i see your at shoulder length....many ladies have said it seemed like their hair came to a halt at sl and then took off to currently a little bit under sl and i feel like my hair has come to a halt....but im just keeping my head up that this is a little its winter, many people dont get the growth spurt that they usually get in the summer time. so be paitient, and sooner than you know it you will be where you want to be. good luck and HHG

This happened to me. I was just below shoulder length FOREVER (I'm talking YEARS!). My hair grows (I can tell by the roots!), but I couldn't figure out why it always looked the same length. I thought I was doing everything right!In reality I was abusing it with a blow dryer, using dyes and rarely giving myself a good protein treatment... and it was breaking off. My ends were ragged, I didn't do CWs, no protective styles, nuttin! Then, I last summer I had to go to Florida to take care of my mother who was ill. This is when I found LHCF. At night I'd swim, slap on some good conditioner, bun it and walk around until the next night like that. No blow-drying, not much combing or brushing, no more Velcro/heated rollers or flat irons! My mother kept telling me I looked like something the cat dragged in... BUT... within 4 months my hair was past my bra strap! I was floored. My hair grew a good six inches! Now that I'm home, I minimize the heat and keep the ends trimmed and moisturized. It's still growing!

As an aside... I used to hate trims because obviously it affected the length. It seemed to me that my ends were always scraggly whether I trimmed them or not (or those horrible ends would return soon enough), so what was the point in trimming, right? Well, now I hate that! It's my new pet peeve... it's obvious when someone is keeping those scraggly ends just to keep length! I don't want to be "that kind of girl" anymore! A nice, even trim with nice, clean ends looks SOOOO much better! It shows you care! Awwwwww!!!:lachen: