Hair just not growing!


New Member
:wallbash: I am getting a lil upset right about now. I am trying to practice good hair methods and techniques, but I still see that once my hair gets to a certain point (I am just above shoulder length) it REFUSES TO GO PAST THAT POINT! I know that my hair is growing because I have new growth but what happens after that point is a complete mystery to me. I do protective styles (quick weaves and sew-ins). Help I am at my wits end with this stuff on my head.
When you do sew ins, what style are the braids in (vertical or horizontal) and how tight are they?

When you wear a quick weave, how is your hair styled under it?

How often do you wash and dc?

Do you wrap your hair at night?

How often do you moisturize?

From just what I read, maybe your hair doesn't like being confined with the braids. Since that's all you do, and your hair is obviously breaking off, my conclusion would be that your hair doesn't like braids. Have you tried other protective styles like french rolls, buns, twist outs, phony ponies etc?
there was a support thread for people itching towards shoulder length that had a lot of great advice in terms of protective styles and products. according to that thread a lot of the problems were solved once people changed their protective styles.
:wallbash: I am getting a lil upset right about now. I am trying to practice good hair methods and techniques, but I still see that once my hair gets to a certain point (I am just above shoulder length) it REFUSES TO GO PAST THAT POINT! I know that my hair is growing because I have new growth but what happens after that point is a complete mystery to me. I do protective styles (quick weaves and sew-ins). Help I am at my wits end with this stuff on my head.

My situation is not the same as yours but similar. I dont think mine is stuck at one length. I started a thread too and i just came off of a 5 month stretch with no progess. So sometimes our hair doesnt do what we want it do and grow how we want it to grow. You just like me have to continue to keep it healthy and like you said do the right hair methods and take care of it. And most of all be patient and be optomistic that one day our hair will ge to the length that we want. But i know how you feel its very frustrating when it seems like you are not making any progress.
I dont know if quick weaves count as a protective style.... It depends on how they are done... If they are done with glue, you might as well be ripping your hair out of your head and flushing it down the toilet., If they are done by gluing the tracks to a cap that might be better.... but it all depends.

Have you tried just wearing your hair in a simple bun? How about a french roll? How about a braid out? How long are you waiting between relaxers? If your hair snapping off when you brush/comb etc? If so how much of it?

Your hair isnt stuck. It WILL and CAN grow longer than that. We just gotta figure out whats going wrong so we can fix it.
ITA that is a good thinh to do....I have never known my hair to grown past a certain point, so that is why I started doing the C&G method for the year of 2008 to see if I can get past this point!
Maybe you should try the Crown and Glory method. Get braids until you get past shoulder length.