It's Hard Out Here In These Pj Skreets

I would say I'm a modified PJ. I no longer feel the need to try or purchase every raved about item, but I do still haul from time to time. Although I've found my HG products, I still like trying items with unique and interesting ingredients.

I don't see a problem with stocking up on my favorites because to me it makes sense economically; like buying from BJ's.
I'm desperately trying not to let myself become a PJ (although arguably I'm already there :confused:). I'm just starting out and still searching for my staples, so it's soooo tempting to keep buying and trying new things (especially as I just discovered a couple of new places to buy hair products in my town!). Trouble is, it's nearly impossible to tell what's actually working well when I'm changing so many things at once o_O
Throwing away literally thousands of dollars worth of product was my reality check. I left the forums for a few years and even after throwing away a flatbed truck full of stuff, still only had to buy shampoo during that nearly three year hiatus. I've curbed my spending habits immensely, but still have PJ flare-ups from time to time and guess what, I indulge. All those products don't help you get to toenail length, why waste the money?
:spank: bad @jbwphoto1 this is a safe place for those who wish to seek rehabilitation from their PJ ways! We won't be swayed by your sweet words!! *douses thread with holy water*

Back, back I say!!


:evillaugh: Off to What's on Sale thread where my gifts of sale shopping are appreciated. :auto:
First, putting everything in a storage bin helped me see how bad it really was. But since trying DevaCurl products in April, I haven't bought anything else and only use Tresemme Naturals conditioners to prep my hair for my DevaCurl products (and make the DC products last). I gave myself permission to use the stash on weekends so I can work through it, but i don't always do this.
There is NO straight and narrow. You buy something for the holy grail factor and it doesn't deliver. You hold onto it in case your hair changes its ways and the magic can possibly happen. My kids complained about my stash so, it's stash-cleaning time now. SMH. I try.
You're right! Curl Rehab was such a let down. I told myself everything I already have works, so stop buying more!
Throwing away literally thousands of dollars worth of product was my reality check. I left the forums for a few years and even after throwing away a flatbed truck full of stuff, still only had to buy shampoo during that nearly three year hiatus. I've curbed my spending habits immensely, but still have PJ flare-ups from time to time and guess what, I indulge. All those products don't help you get to toenail length, why waste the money?
Flat bed truck? 3 years worth of products left? Wow that's a lot.
I'm trying to curb my PJism. I don't think I've purchased anything for a month. My hair products (conditioners) are in a chest in the fridge. I have butters and leave in conditioners sitting on the shelf next to the chest. The shelf is cracked from the weight of the chest. I also have other products in a storage cabinet in the laundry room (mostly oils and OTC shampoos). It is way too much.

I'lol be watching this thread for tips.
I stopped being a PJ when I started learning how to formulate products. I started understanding ingredients as well as being able to gauge how much of it was in a product. I noticed a lot of formulations have very similar or have ingredients for label appeal, but in such small amounts they do nothing for your hair. I make most of my own hair/skin/body stuff now. But, I am now an ingredient junkie :lol:. I just traded one for the other.
Please donate to me!! Im in the opposite boat and need products because i hate waiting.! I end up buying stuff, using it all up and then im mad at myself that i didnt restock. There are tumble weeds under my cabinet from all the space under there.

Mad that i let my Naturelle products get used up and didnt re-up.

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That's great! Lord, knows I couldn't, but I rationalized it to myself as I am buying multiples of two products that I use regularly for my braid regimen.

Looking at all the things I bought in the past 6 months I got sick of myself lol! I have so many products I don't even want to use, but I'm glad I found my staples. Gotta find a way to give away some of this extra stuff though.
It amazes me how I rationalize in my mind the need to buy more hair products. And all these Sally's discounts that they keep emailing me just make it harder. I really want to go and buy a Shea Moisture Coconut & Hibiscus Curling Butter Cream and about 3 bottles of African Pride Braid Spray.
i stayed out of the hair forum, that's how i got over it
^^^ Recently this is what I did AND I didn't dare look at the "What's on Sale This Month" thread. I realized that I don't spend time analyzing the effect of products on my hair. If it is really good or bad I will notice it and use it for wigs/hairpieces. Given this fact, having a stock pile of shampoos or conditioners doesn't make sense, for me, that is. To use up my stash I shampoo wigs, wig caps, bonnets and hair combs/brushes with extra product.

"Drive-by" always get me. I did a drive-by to Walgreen's, yesterday, for something (can't remember what it was and I surely didn't buy it :lachen: ) and saw Elasta QP Olive Oil/Mango Moisturizer and Leave-In conditioner on buy one get one free sale . I've gone :auto: to over 12 Walgreens since yesterday to stock up. :D BUT, other than 2 jars of Nubian Heritage Honey& Black Seed conditioner (which is becoming impossible to find ) I haven't bought any hair products in almost a year.
Of course - oils - don't count !
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Please donate to me!! Im in the opposite boat and need products because i hate waiting.! I end up buying stuff, using it all up and then im mad at myself that i didnt restock. There are tumble weeds under my cabinet from all the space under there.

Mad that i let my Naturelle products get used up and didnt re-up.


:lol: I wish I had this problem!
I stopped being a PJ when I started learning how to formulate products. I started understanding ingredients as well as being able to gauge how much of it was in a product. I noticed a lot of formulations have very similar or have ingredients for label appeal, but in such small amounts they do nothing for your hair. I make most of my own hair/skin/body stuff now. But, I am now an ingredient junkie :lol:. I just traded one for the other.

I've always wanted to make my own conditioner/deep conditioner since my hair is so picky. Maybe one day! I can totally see myself becoming an ingredient junkie lol
I have been redeemed from buying products from new companies. I have my staple vendors I purchase from. That's huge for me.

Only problem I have is that my tried and true vendors keep making things. My goal is to just curb my spending and buy from them twice a year (Memorial Day and Black Friday).
I have been redeemed from buying products from new companies. I have my staple vendors I purchase from. That's huge for me.

Only problem I have is that my tried and true vendors keep making things. My goal is to just curb my spending and buy from them twice a year (Memorial Day and Black Friday).

What about Mother's Day????:look:
I used to have over 30 deep conditioners. Now I have just one. I stopped being product crazy because I wanted to nail down my regimen and have a set in stone arsenal of hair products I used. Ultimately, I like simplicity and wanted a simple regimen. I realized that in order to see results, I needed to be consistent. It took me a year to use up my army of deep conditioners. Now, I just buy things as I need them.
I used to have over 30 deep conditioners. Now I have just one. I stopped being product crazy because I wanted to nail down my regimen and have a set in stone arsenal of hair products I used. Ultimately, I like simplicity and wanted a simple regimen. I realized that in order to see results, I needed to be consistent. It took me a year to use up my army of deep conditioners. Now, I just buy things as I need them.
Your feelings in this post are mine exactly. Simplicity, results, and consistency are what I want. It would take me way longer than one year to get through 30+ DCs though.