It's happening tomorrow!!! Phyto Relaxer after 3 yrs natural

nomoweavesfome said:
girl - your hair look like a baby's.. It soo pretty and soft looking. I like the style too! so cute. I told ya'll prayer works!!!! Thank you Jesus she got what she wanted!!! lol.

Girl if you don't stop. LOL you had me dying laughing last night and now here you go again:lol: :lachen: :lol:.
Wow your hair looks awesome...Very healthy and great sheen!!!

I don't know why I was expecting to see straightened hair, I quess because it is called a relaxer. :confused:

I read your journal reminds me of my relaxed to natural back to relaxed journey:D
caribeandiva said:
it looks good. are you gonna stay texlaxed forever?

It's hard to say right now. I am going to take it one day at a time and see how it works out. I didn't think I had an aversion to straight hair until she got ready to put the relaxer in my head, and then I was like just to make sure you know I don't want straight hair!!!! LOL. :lol: It really surprised me so I think I will stick with texlaxed. Hopefully I will have better luck b/c I am coming from natural and can handle the frustration of tangles, etc. Today my hair is feeling a little dry and I am so tempted to take it down to wash it.... maybe I'll just take it down to moisturize, hee-hee. :grin:

Yall are so supportive!!! Thanks for the kind words. Know what's funny? You guys are probably the first people in my life to tell me that my hair is pretty in whatever stage it's in. And that means a lot. :cry3: (Please excuse me while I turn off this sappy music that's got me all sentimental.) :lol: