It's happening tomorrow!!! Phyto Relaxer after 3 yrs natural


Wish me luck!!!

I am going to the salon (b/c I don't do my own relaxer) to get my first relaxer in 3 years. :eek: I have called, confirmed and confirmed AGAIN that she knows what I want - texlaxed - so hopefully there are no surprises. Assuming all will go well, I will make sure to post pics!!!

:yay: :yay: :yay: I got my Phyto!!! I used Index I b/c I did not want her to have to rush and I wanted it done RIGHT. I am seriously HEART-ING on this stylist right now.:love: She's the first to actually listen to me (but that may be b/c I actually told her what I wanted and sounded seeerious). :lol:

Anyhow, at first she was like, "this ain't no relaxer :lol: :eek: :lol: b/c it was taking it's sweet time even loosening the curl. || I have very thick hair. || So it got to the texture I wanted and she started on the rest of my hair. Ya'll, she had to have asked me like 200 times how I even heard of this relaxer.:lol: I HAPPILY announced that I heard about it from people on the hair board (I'm selfish and I don't tell people the name anymore unless they ask). Thanks to all of you for giving me the courage and information to start this journey again.

It took her about 20-25 minutes to get it to the point I wanted it.

AND, (check this out!) she only used one relaxer to do it!!!

OK, now that I have oohed and aahed, I'll let you see the pics. They are in my fotki but I'll post some here too. She didn't rollerset or blowdry me, she liked the result so much we decided to keep it curly (it's pinned up, so you can't see the length yet).

My name is shaydufblu, and I am another Phyto convert. Phyto rocks!


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OOOOOOOH -I pray everything goes just as you want it to be in the name of Jesus! SOOOOO - you haven't been scratchin have you? Are you excited?
What made you decide to texlax after 3 years? Are you absolutely 100% positive this is what you want to do? Are you nervous? Your hair looks amazing in the pic, please post pics when you are done!!!! :)
Co-sign to what BreBre said!

*Bre~Bre* said:
What made you decide to texlax after 3 years? Are you absolutely 100% positive this is what you want to do? Are you nervous? Your hair looks amazing in the pic, please post pics when you are done!!!! :)
nomoweavesfome said:
OOOOOOOH -I pray everything goes just as you want it to be in the name of Jesus! SOOOOO - you haven't been scratchin have you? Are you excited?

LOL, no you didn't call on Jesus about a texturizer! :lol::lachen::lol:
hopeful said:
LOL, no you didn't call on Jesus about a texturizer! :lol::lachen::lol:

yea girl - we need Jesus to annoint the lady hands!!! ya'll know how we get about hairdressers sometimes. We need her to do exactly what Shadydufblu said!!!! lol- u made me laugh too!:lachen:
nomoweavesfome said:
yea girl - we need Jesus to annoint the lady hands!!! ya'll know how we get about hairdressers sometimes. We need her to do exactly what Shadydufblu said!!!! lol- u made me laugh too!:lachen:
Now, gurl....u know that's right! Amen!
Nice & Wavy said:
Now, gurl....u know that's right! Amen!

And texturizers are no joke! Everybody cannot do a texturizer. I think it takes really good technique and patience. I pray her hairdresser will do just what she asks especially since she has 3 years of lovely growth.
hopeful said:
LOL, no you didn't call on Jesus about a texturizer! :lol::lachen::lol:

Hey, that's how seriously we take hair up in this piece!:lachen:

One thing I've learned about naturals is that if they have already made an appointment for a relaxer or are on the way to purchase one, it's a done deal.

So cheers to the OP for embarking on another hair journey, I hope it turns out the way you want! :)
I think your hair is beautiful as it is:eek: :D :D ...but if this is really what you want then I wish you the best of luck:) ...just really be sure, cause once it's on...there is NO going back.:ohwell:
Mke sure they don't cut too much off, after ist's processed, take a really good look and run your hands through it to see how long it really is once it's stretched out.
Thanks!!! Y'all is the bestest (yes I said bestest). Don't think I haven't been offering up prayers myself!!! :lachen: But the lady who is going to do it has been natural and just did her relaxer about 4 months ago so hopefully it will be alright.

If not, I'm not afraid to cut it off again! :) But we're praying that it is cute. And healthy. And not overprocessed (I got a lot of prayers going up don't I?) :lol:
Yes, I definitely hope you get a great job done to your hair. Your making me want to get a relaxer too.:perplexed
Girl, all the very best to you. I'm sure it will be fine and look gorgeous (just as it did natural).

I recently texlaxed/texturised (still don't know which is which :lol: ) my hair about a month ago after being natural for 3 years too. I am so happy with my hair at the mo, and I'm sure you will be pleased with yours too. :yep:
Your hair is so pretty! I am so loving the way U can style yours. I am working towards being able to do some styling to mine.:D More inspiration.
girl - your hair look like a baby's.. It soo pretty and soft looking. I like the style too! so cute. I told ya'll prayer works!!!! Thank you Jesus she got what she wanted!!! lol.
nomoweavesfome said:
girl - your hair look like a baby's.. It soo pretty and soft looking. I like the style too! so cute. I told ya'll prayer works!!!! Thank you Jesus she got what she wanted!!! lol.
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: You are too funny!

<But thanks for the prayers. "Prayed up" must be the secret to a good hairstyle.:look: >