
New Member
Hi Ladies,
Just have a quick ? for naturals who are flourishing. How do you handle long natural hair??? I knew my hair was going to grow, but it's getting a tad bit hard to handle. It's getting harder to keep it seperated without making plaits. I hate making the plaits because it takes a while to plait it and then I have to unplait it(which is more time). If I don't plait it down far enough it unravels while I'm applying whatever and then it gets in the way. If I twist in knots they come undone and get in the way. My arms are getting really tired now and sometimes all of this hair does what it wants. I literally start sweating sometimes and a lot of times I have to sit down to fool with it. Maybe I'm just getting old....

But to be honest, even though this is a real gripe of mine, I thank God I can make this gripe! Sooo how do you adjust to have LOTS OF LONG HAIR?
Hi Ladies,
Just have a quick ? for naturals who are flourishing. How do you handle long natural hair??? I knew my hair was going to grow, but it's getting a tad bit hard to handle. It's getting harder to keep it seperated without making plaits. I hate making the plaits because it takes a while to plait it and then I have to unplait it(which is more time). If I don't plait it down far enough it unravels while I'm applying whatever and then it gets in the way. If I twist in knots they come undone and get in the way. My arms are getting really tired now and sometimes all of this hair does what it wants. I literally start sweating sometimes and a lot of times I have to sit down to fool with it. Maybe I'm just getting old....

But to be honest, even though this is a real gripe of mine, I tgeahank God I can make this gripe! Sooo how do you adjust to have LOTS OF LONG HAIR?

Have you tried using a Denman brush, oil rinses, or detangling in the shower? Those should help out. Also if you deep condition and use hair steam treatments, your hair should be more manageable and softer.

You can also try to use coconut oil and castor oil to soften your hair as well.
Have you tried to use clips to hold down a section of your hair while you're working on others? I usually twist a section loosely around itself, then clip with something like this:


I use a ponytail holder or duckbill clips (the same ones I use to rollerset).

If you don't mind me asking, how do you style your hair everyday? Long naturals seem to have fewer options. My hair gets way too huge to style. It's basically a briadout or a flat iron for me.
I so feel your pain! Your hair looks similar to mine when dry. Do you have fine hair and type 4?

I wash in sections and still still tough to keep all the hair seperated but I'll admit I should have your some clips.

As far as styling is concerned, the best thing for my hair is twisting it. From there, I can do different styles. Hair in a bun gets tangled as it dries and gets puffier and puffier. But I haven't found a good moisturizer to put in my hair when it's soaken wet to facilitate putting it in a bun when i get out of the shower. I like Giovanni Direct but only on DRY hair. If I saturate my hair in GD leave-in when dry, I can actually run a comb through my whole head! It does nothing for me on wet hair and can sometimes leave my hair crunchy.

Castor oil will soften the hair but also makes it difficult to put manipulate nevermind putting in a bun. I need gliding (silicone?)
I use duckbill or claw clips to keep the hair separated. Sometimes I have to tilt my head down so my hands could reach further when detangling/styling. I always gather my hair to the sides to comb, can't reach to the back to get the job done properly. Soon I'll have a permanent center part:perplexed.
I use duckbill or claw clips to keep the hair separated. Sometimes I have to tilt my head down so my hands could reach further when detangling/styling. I always gather my hair to the sides to comb, can't reach to the back to get the job done properly. Soon I'll have a permanent center part:perplexed.

Why have I not seen your fotki before....your hair is gorgeous!!!:lick:
I forgot all about this thread! Anyways, thanks for the tips. I do use coconut oil (actually all natural oils) and my hair is very manageable and soft. If it wasn't I'd really be in trouble. It's not manageability that's my concern, it's organizing it. I wear my hair in a donut bun everyday for work. When I apply clays and what not it's just such a hassle. It's like hair coming from everywhere. It seems to be getting thicker. I guess I'll see the length once I flat iron it. I'll definitely try the clips to keep it seperated. I guess that was my real question.
Hi Ladies,
Just have a quick ? for naturals who are flourishing. How do you handle long natural hair??? I knew my hair was going to grow, but it's getting a tad bit hard to handle. It's getting harder to keep it seperated without making plaits. I hate making the plaits because it takes a while to plait it and then I have to unplait it(which is more time). If I don't plait it down far enough it unravels while I'm applying whatever and then it gets in the way. If I twist in knots they come undone and get in the way. My arms are getting really tired now and sometimes all of this hair does what it wants. I literally start sweating sometimes and a lot of times I have to sit down to fool with it. Maybe I'm just getting old....

But to be honest, even though this is a real gripe of mine, I thank God I can make this gripe! Sooo how do you adjust to have LOTS OF LONG HAIR?

Why did I just think of Chandler from Friends: Wah, wah, my wallet's too small for my $50s and my diamond shoes are too tight!:lachen:

J/K of course. I have no advice since my hair is still short, but your hair is beautiful and I can't wait to have your problem.:grin:
Lauren450 you have a beautiful family and you look like a cute little girl.

When I ran this thread, I was thinking the same thing. That I sound like I'm just sooooo tired with all of this hair. I love my hair and I'm so thankful it's getting bigger! I used to have 30 strands of hair when I was relaxed and then when I was trying to take care of my natural hair I only grew an extra 10 strands. Now since I found out how to take care of this hair, it's really taken me by surprise. I just want to stay knowledgeable as it grows. But then again, there are sooooooooooo many women here with quadruple the length and double the thickness so it's cool to ask those kinds of ?'s here. If I asked a co worker, chile please!
Lauren450 you have a beautiful family and you look like a cute little girl.

When I ran this thread, I was thinking the same thing. That I sound like I'm just sooooo tired with all of this hair. I love my hair and I'm so thankful it's getting bigger! I used to have 30 strands of hair when I was relaxed and then when I was trying to take care of my natural hair I only grew an extra 10 strands. Now since I found out how to take care of this hair, it's really taken me by surprise. I just want to stay knowledgeable as it grows. But then again, there are sooooooooooo many women here with quadruple the length and double the thickness so it's cool to ask those kinds of ?'s here. If I asked a co worker, chile please!

Aww, thank you NG.

I feel you though, I was kidding. I see the sentiment a lot...that natural hair gets harder as it gets longer, which is the opposite of relaxed hair. I'll be taking notes so that I'll have an idea of what to do down the road.:yep:
Why did I just think of Chandler from Friends: Wah, wah, my wallet's too small for my $50s and my diamond shoes are too tight!:lachen:

J/K of course. I have no advice since my hair is still short, but your hair is beautiful and I can't wait to have your problem.:grin:

my thoughts exactly!
Lauren450 you have a beautiful family and you look like a cute little girl.

When I ran this thread, I was thinking the same thing. That I sound like I'm just sooooo tired with all of this hair. I love my hair and I'm so thankful it's getting bigger! I used to have 30 strands of hair when I was relaxed and then when I was trying to take care of my natural hair I only grew an extra 10 strands. Now since I found out how to take care of this hair, it's really taken me by surprise. I just want to stay knowledgeable as it grows. But then again, there are sooooooooooo many women here with quadruple the length and double the thickness so it's cool to ask those kinds of ?'s here. If I asked a co worker, chile please!

:lachen: No you didn't say 30 strands........
Hi Ladies,
Just have a quick ? for naturals who are flourishing. How do you handle long natural hair??? I knew my hair was going to grow, but it's getting a tad bit hard to handle. It's getting harder to keep it seperated without making plaits. I hate making the plaits because it takes a while to plait it and then I have to unplait it(which is more time). If I don't plait it down far enough it unravels while I'm applying whatever and then it gets in the way. If I twist in knots they come undone and get in the way. My arms are getting really tired now and sometimes all of this hair does what it wants. I literally start sweating sometimes and a lot of times I have to sit down to fool with it. Maybe I'm just getting old....

But to be honest, even though this is a real gripe of mine, I thank God I can make this gripe! Sooo how do you adjust to have LOTS OF LONG HAIR?

I definitely feel I am getting to old to have so much hair, I should have started this journey 10 years ago, seriously!!!

I'm not adjusting very well to having long hair, not to discourage you, but every time I cowash I want to take the scissors and cut it off, because I just don't see the purpose, and I don't enjoy the struggle of over an hour of doing my hair, but then I see beautiful pics of long-haired naturals and I stick with it one more day.

When I detangle, I start from the back and after I detangle that section I twist it then clip it with one of those magnetic roller clips to keep it out of my way.