Its been a long time


New Member
Hello ladies! Im so happy to be back! I first joined back in '03 (before having to subscribe) and i forgot my password so i had to lurk for a while but it just came to me tonight, I was getting close to pulling out my card anyways I look forward to sharing my pictures and chatting with yall. Looking at the pictures of such beautiful hair has reminded me why I joined in the first place. You ladies are all my hair inspiration.
Thanks! My hair is relaxed and healthy, its hard to tell but I'm guessing Im BS. I just read a post about different bras giving different lenght checks and ITA another thing i wonder about is height and torso lenght I'm 5'7 and i have a long torso and it seems like it took forever to grow my hair "BSL". I'll get some pictures posted and see what u ladies think.