It's been a little while: Album update


New Member
Hey girls :wave: I've been away for a little has been busy, but I'm back and I updated my is in sig.

Wow, I missed you is everyone :kiss:
Your hair looks great LuLu. Do you find that you still keep up with your haircare practices even when you're busy and away from the board? For me it's just become habit.
You know what...I have to say I have fallen off the wagon as far as hair care goes. I've been washing like every two weeks and conditioning and that's it :( . Hopefully I can start back where I left off.

I do still have my highlights but they have grown out a little and look like they need to be redone.

I'll try to get some beter pics soon but I'm in the process of moving so the bookcase where I had my camera is no longer there...hence the different photos!