Its A nEW yR. & MY hair is a disaster!!


New Member
:nono:Hey guys,

I havent posted on LHCF for a pretty long time and Im just at a lost of words. My hair seems like it doesnt want to cooperate with me. Its thinning like crazy and now I notice that some of it falls out when i comb it. I really dont understand why because I follow my regimen and dont mess with it much. I really would like you guys help and advice because I dont know wht to do nemore. Maybe I should take vitmains which one? amd change my diet up a bit but does it really play a role? Im guessing its the relaxers but I relax like3 to 4 mnths so??? I am thinking ab getting single box braids and wodering it that will redeem my hair strength and lenght. I will post a photo soon. Plz every1 help me out. thnx
Sorry about your hair troubles :(
I don't know much about what to do about thinning hair, but if it lacks strength maybe you need more protein and/or moisture? Also, what is your diet like? You don't necessarily need to bulk up on supplements but maybe just start eating more veggies and fruits, as well as beans and poultry for some protein
So sorry to hear this - what is your regimen? It could be a multitude of things which is causing the problem...protien / moisture balance, switching relaxers, harsh shampoos or products etc. Keep us posted!
Aw man, I'm sorry that you're going through this! What's your regimen? I'm sure a lot more folks would be able to help you if they knew what you were (and weren't) doing with your hair

The only thing I can think of right now is Motions CPR, it helped a lot of members with their breakage issues :yep:

Keep us posted!
6 tiffers your hair is looking great in your avatar.

OP, Are you overlapping/overprocessing your hair? that caused my ends to thin out really bad.

if you can tells us your regimen. we'd be able to help you :)

i know how you feel, my hair isn't doing that great either, but it will get better.
girl , i feel the same way about my hair right now too :sad: there are a number of things that could be wrong. i feel you , cause im going through the same things with my hair, but I barely touch it through the week. i wear a half wig on the weekends, and through the week i clip it up and away. i moisturize before bed and when i wake up in the morning. and the only heat i use is with my flat iron after a wash ( which is once a week or more) . im most concerned right now with my ends. i had a trim a couple months ago , and they are starting to look rugged for some reason, even though i do nothing with them.

anyway, it could be the seasonal weather change thats affecting you. im here in fl and the weather changes from hot to cold almost every week. also, are you sickly at all? (have a cold? anemic? im anemic and taking iron helps my shedding alot) have you started or stopped any new vitamin supplements? have you started or stopped using new hair products? do you use a lot of product on your hair? whens the last time you clarified your hair? are your ends trimmed? are you drinking enough water ? (this is something i have been slacking in , so i know it makes a difference) are you eating enough veggies? (green veggies like broccoli and spinach are really good for hair growth). working up a sweat is also good for the scalp and stimulating hair growth (when i used to exercise, my newgrowth was coming in like weeds). if nothing seems to fit you , maybe you should ask your doctor on your next check up if you have any underlying sicknesses. as i mentioned before about being anemic, it affects the hair (in some people worse than others) as well as hyperthyroidism , etc. make sure its not a health issue. i think the key right now for us to help you better is to list what all you've done to your hair for the last few months ( or at least as far back as your last relaxer) switching relaxer may have an effect too. like switching from lye to no lye , and vice versa. let us know and we can help you better :)