It Works So Well But It Smells So Gawd Awful!

Okay, I just read all 4 pages of this thread, that is time I cannot get back.

My thought was MTG until she said where you could buy it.
Love the post and the idea of the guessing game OP. I've never had this experience, but maybe you could try adding few drops of rosemary oil to try and curve the smell.

Thanks for the suggestion! At this point I love the product so anything I can add to get rid of the scent would be a God sent! Thanks for the suggestion.....

Now I'm off to figure out where I can get my hands on some Rosemary oil:grin:

~ Hera
Hey Everybody!

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I forgot that once you get a notification via e-mail about a response to a thread, they don't send you any more e-mails. So I thought only one person got back to me! :nuts:

Well I read some of the responses and so far it looks like Jcdlox, Sharifeh, Catlady10 and Ladybeesrch got it! It's

Mizani H2O Intense Night-Time Treatment

and it's intense alright. It's messed up when you can't even get away from yourself!!! Had my nostrils like "Wheeeew!":lachen:

Now, if anyone else figured this out then I apologize for not shouting you out. I plan to go back and read everything but as soon as I started reading threats of emoticons and stuff I figured I better answer soon! :grin:

So now that you guys know, does anyone know how I can dull down the smell on the stuff? I read that some people felt like it had a sweet smell but it didn't smell like old lady so I can only gather that just like different scents smell differently on different people, maybe the same thing happens with hair? :look: All I know is that I don't want to smell like a geriatric but this stuff is really good! So good in fact that today at work for the first time I got "weave checked". Yeah I know some people don't like the idea of someone asking or assuming that someone has a weave and hinting around for the name of the hairdresser, but I have a different opinion about that. As soon as I figure out how to use the blog feature, I plan to blog about it. But the bottom line is that I think that the reason why my hair looked extra good today was because of this product so....

Can anyone help a sista out? :cry3:Have you ever had a product that smell bad to you and if so what did you use?
Vatika and Amla oils are the same for me, they work really well but that smell is unbearable.

I used to feel that way about Amla oil but then I switched to Amla Gold (also by Dabur) and that gave me the same result but not the same scent. Have you tried it? Maybe that might work for you!:yep:
LMAOOOOOOO now ya'll know this should be posted in a magazine or some other sites because I was rolling the whole time especially the "it wasn't an old lady ghost" after all haha. But the only product I can think of like that is Aphogee which personally I don't think stinks but it has a horrible wrap for fonkalitis but that's a protein so I'm clueless.

:grin: I can laugh at it now but I wasn't laughing on Friday. Ok and I'll give it to you - Aphogee does smell like something awful but at least the smell goes away. It doesn't make you smell like you've been rolling around on beds at a nursing home! Youknowhati'msayin'? :nono:

Also, because my hair is such a punk when it comes to protein, I couldn't possibly use Aphogee.... maybe the two-minute reconstructor .....if I make it one minute or something but that's about it.

At any rate, it's definitely not Aphogee.... but I named the product below.

~ Hera
Hey Everybody!


I read that some people felt like it had a sweet smell but it didn't smell like old lady so I can only gather that just like different scents smell differently on different people, maybe the same thing happens with hair? :look:

or maybe i've just gotten used to my old lady smell :cry3:


Sorry, no suggestions as to how you can tone down the smell, but it was fun guessing.
AGREE :grin:


ROFLMAO!!! :lachen: That GIF is hilarious! And House no less!!!!! OH GEEZUS!!!! From now on I'll sign in from work to check on my threads!!!

OP seems like an LHCF lurker. I will LMAO if we don't see her for another few months !!! :lol: :rofl:

Lurker?? :sad: Naw :grin: I paid my lil money to learn alot about hair but looking back, I guess I can see why you might've thought that. :yep:

Really, I just wanted to see if anyone else thought it smelled like ol' lady and if they named the product without me saying it, then I'd know it wasn't my imagination.....
Go to Whole Foods or any other store that sells essential oil, find one or two that you like and mix away. Use a little with a drop or two of EO till you find the right combo.
Okay well as for the scent try lavender and rosemary essential oil if you aren't allergic ifso maybe peppermint or jasmine. I wouldn't say mix it in but make your own little spritz a few drops of whichever oils you like that compliment each other like the first two I named and some water or a carrier oil like olive or almond. Spray it on the next am and you should be fine. If ya don't wanna try that maybe oyin's spritzers most ladies love the scents and they may add moisture too. They cover scents of smoke well too hth
Go to Whole Foods or any other store that sells essential oil, find one or two that you like and mix away. Use a little with a drop or two of EO till you find the right combo.

Thanks! I'll do that while I'm out looking for Rosemary oil. I already tried to combine it with a few oils that I have here but it didn't work so I guess it will be like you said - a process of elimination.
Okay well as for the scent try lavender and rosemary essential oil if you aren't allergic ifso maybe peppermint or jasmine. I wouldn't say mix it in but make your own little spritz a few drops of whichever oils you like that compliment each other like the first two I named and some water or a carrier oil like olive or almond. Spray it on the next am and you should be fine. If ya don't wanna try that maybe oyin's spritzers most ladies love the scents and they may add moisture too. They cover scents of smoke well too hth

Hi Lala!

Remember when I said I was trying to be a chemist? The first thing I tried was the lavendar and then I tried the peppermint. The lavendar lasted awhileand the peppermint made me smell like an old woman chewing peppermint gum was behind me at all times. So now I think I'm going to add jasmine to the list (I think a friend has a bottle of that) and since you're the 2nd person to suggest rosemary so I'll try that too.


Thanks for everybody's help by the way! I'll let you know what kills it because it really is a good product!

~ Hera
Hi OP I am not sure if maybe we have two different versions of Mizani H20 Intense or something but mine smells AMAZING :love:. Even other ladies on the board have said it smells AMAZING. I love the smell of this product :lick:. It reminds me of Moroccan Roses :infatuated:

Did you purchase from a salon or BSS?

I am curious :scratchch now to understand why your tub smells so bad??? :perplexed
Hi OP I am not sure if maybe we have two different versions of Mizani H20 Intense or something but mine smells AMAZING :love:. Even other ladies on the board have said it smells AMAZING. I love the smell of this product :lick:. It reminds me of Moroccan Roses :infatuated:

Did you purchase from a salon or BSS?

I am curious :scratchch now to understand why your tub smells so bad??? :perplexed

I agree with the above...I love the way this smells.
Hi OP I am not sure if maybe we have two different versions of Mizani H20 Intense or something but mine smells AMAZING :love:. Even other ladies on the board have said it smells AMAZING. I love the smell of this product :lick:. It reminds me of Moroccan Roses :infatuated:

Did you purchase from a salon or BSS?

I am curious :scratchch now to understand why your tub smells so bad??? :perplexed

Really? Maybe it's the way it's reacting on my hair or I got a bad batch? I don't know. It looks ok and it smells ok in the jar. I just wish it would smell like that on my hair!

I know this sounds crazy but I got it from the salon portion (not on the shelves in the store) of Super Walmart. I've purchased other products from them before that worked (like Joico and Nioxin) so I've come to trust that their products are genuine. :perplexed

Tonight I'm going to mix it with Rosemary and see what happens. it cost a grip and I'm not going to give up until I find something that works!