It might be wrong, but i did it to make her jealous!


Well-Known Member
In a good way , not a bad way. If some of yall remember my rant from my old thread about my sister's hair.

So im in the bathroom doing my hair right. My ears happenin to fall on the conversation that is taking hand in my living room. I hear my little 14 year old sister saying how she is going to wash her hair today and get a relaxer tomorrow :perplexed. My older sister is telling her that is not a good idea because she is going to burn :burning: because her pores are open but she insist that her pores will close over night or as she said "or whatever they do":ohwell:.

They think i have an obsession with hair so whenever i do try to help out, my 16 n 14 year old sisters give me this :nuts: look. Now i am not 1 , any more any way, to give advice about what to do and what not to do with your hair especially if your a relaxed head because just learning to take care of my own natural hair has taught me that i didn't know anything at all. I may not know everything, but im not on this board all day and haven't learned anything about hair at all :rolleyes:.

Well now i do my hair in front her face ON PURPOSE to provoke her to jealousy to she can go natural or at the very LEAST take better care of her hair. When im doing my hair, i see her kinda side eyeing my hair:grin:.

Since she won't hear my mouth, ill throw it in here face :rolleyes:. I know it might be wrong but i really want her to start healthy hair practices and i figure since she so stubborn and bullheaded if i do my hair in front her, she might just start asking me questions. It kills me because i know how her hair USED to look compared to now :nono:.. its hurtful to me :sad: and its not even my hair :ohwell:
by the way she is 14 and i know that her age, you have to have that sing, in their minds, at all cost! but its fried. I mean am i wrong for doing this?
LOL I feel where you're coming from I hope she'll come around

Friends and family just seem to come up to me at this point.... dont make any effort other then updating my Blog and posting it to my fanpage and personal page.

I had one friend that I really wanted to get started on her healthy hair journey and I wanted to bring it up to her but I opted not to. One day I posted LongHairDontCare's Hair journey video to my personal page to give inspiration to all my friends that were newly natural and she struck up a facebook im with me. Then I recently made a Blog post on my current length and she was sometimes the indirect approach can be more effective.

I do have one cousin that has ALWAYS had short broken off hair and has zero self-esteem when it comes to her hair...she's given up and I'm determined to show her the potential with her hair. She came up in florida and my aunts relaxed her super early then they put a curl and she just had tiny scraps by the time they were thru with her and it never got longer:ohwell:

I plan to put her hair in bangin protective styles back to back and really start getting her to retain.
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LOL I feel where you're coming from I hope she'll come around

Friends and family just seem to come up to me at this point.... dont make any effort other then updating my Blog and posting it to my fanpage and personal page.

I had one friend that I really wanted to get started on her healthy hair journey and I wanted to bring it up to her but I opted not to. One day I posted LongHairDontCare's Hair journey video to my personal page to give inspiration to all my friends that were newly natural and she struck up a facebook im with me. Then I recently made a Blog post on my current length and she was sometimes the indirect approach can be more effective.

I do have one cousin that has ALWAYS had short broken off hair and has zero self-esteem when it comes to her hair...she's given up and I'm determined to show her the potential with her hair. She came up in florida and my aunts relaxed her super early then they put a curl and she just had tiny scraps by the time they were thru with her and it never got longer:ohwell:

I plan to put her hair in bangin protective styles back to back and really start getting her to retain.
Im so glad that you feel that much love for you cousin. Kinda like i feel about my sis but at least your cousin LETS you help her out
Keep showing her. One day she may come around. The point is to get her to do healthy haircare practices be she chemical or non chemical. :yep:
Keep showing her. One day she may come around. The point is to get her to do healthy haircare practices be she chemical or non chemical. :yep:
The only thing about her hair and chemicals is that it doesnt get along with it... AT ALL. She left a relaxer in her hair one time for a HOUR AND 30 MINUTES! THAT IS RIDICOULUS!
She didn't burn or anything but it still didn't process....

I just don't think its for her.
14 yr olds know everything. Where have you been? LOL

she's just a baby and will come around. At 14 my hair was jacked up, but I didn't know any better.
14 yr olds know everything. Where have you been? LOL

she's just a baby and will come around. At 14 my hair was jacked up, but I didn't know any better.
girl look this 14 year old is of a new breed. Not only does she know everything there is to know about life, but she just as smart and wise as i am too. In her mind my age (22) ain't that far from a teenagers' age...... yea she know that much
The only thing about her hair and chemicals is that it doesnt get along with it... AT ALL. She left a relaxer in her hair one time for a HOUR AND 30 MINUTES! THAT IS RIDICOULUS!
She didn't burn or anything but it still didn't process....

I just don't think its for her.

It's not that they don't get along, it's that she misuses them
Relaxers aren't supposed to be left on that long or used the day after washing your hair
Maybe you can show her some fotkis or websites of relaxed (like macherieamour/healthy textures or sylver2) and natural hair ladies who use healthy hair practices. She can decide if she wants to be relaxed or natural later
ETA or traycee (the KISS website). I believe she has both natural and relaxed members
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It's not that they don't get along, it's that she misuses them
Relaxers aren't supposed to be left on that long or used the day after washing your hair
Maybe you can show her some fotkis or websites of relaxed (like macherieamour/healthy textures or sylver2) and natural hair ladies who use healthy hair practices. She can decide if she wants to be relaxed or natural later
ETA or traycee (the KISS website). I believe she has both natural and relaxed members
Yea i did that already. It didn't inspire sh$t. lol the most i got was, wow their hair is so pretty but thats about it. I didn't even go straight to the naturals, i went to the relaxed heads.
I do the same to my sister. And my mom..... lol. They were all so skeptical about everything I did. I told them my hair tingled from Cathy Howse's protein conditioner (the tingle comes from the menthol) and they'd scream at me "Your hair's going to fall out!" I'd cowash... "Your hair's going to fall out!"

I said "Okay" and carried on. My hair's grazing MBL and now my mom and sister cowash and use all my products. My mom wants to stalk up on Cathy Howse products before we go to Nigeria in December :lachen:

Moral (I sound so old lol): The best way to teach someone is to lead, LizziA. Maybe she'll copy what you do now ;)
my sister decided on her own she didn't want relaxers at like 11 or 12, so i can't take responsibility for her transition....

....but she DID pick up things from me doing my hair in front of her for the last 2 years, like DCing, washing in braids and keeping her hair moisturized... I say go for it. my sister turned 15 the other day and has hair down her back -- your sister(s) can be the same. preaching won't work the way showing will.