Real Housewife of Houston
then why is she irked?!
Not speaking for her, but I'm irked at some of these posters who have been incorrectly applying relaxers all these years, never figued out how to correctly apply one, gave it up, and now since their hair has a chance to rest and recuperate from all the hell they put it through they proclaim relaxers are the debbil because the relaxer did what it was supposed to do but they just applied it wrong. Figure out what the problem REALLY is before you go shouting from the roof tops something that you have no real info to support.
She wasn't talking about people who give it up because of a skin irritation or some other truly legit reason. She is talking about people who relax their hair within an inch of it's life, every 4 weeks, with the strongest relaxer known to man, root to tip, on top of bleach, and expect to still have hair on their head. It's ridiculous!! It's not the relaxer, IT'S YOU AND I WISH YOU'D STOP BLAMING EVERY THING BUT THE RIGHT THING....
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