It is not fair!


Well-Known Member
I have this friend who has APL hair and she does not take care of it at all........ but yet her hair is still long and growing:ohwell: . She doesn't deserve her length (I know I sound like a hater... that's because I am hatin on her right now:lol: but she is a good friend so I am only 1/2 joking:look: )

So anyway, she was just at my house and she told me that she was going to relax her hair today but she need to go to the BSS to pick up some stuff which is right down the street from my house. So she goes to the store a picks up a bunch of stuff. She bought some Hawaiian Silky Normal Relaxer and some Pantene Relaxed and Natural shampoo and conditioner and a few other misc stuff. So I open the bag to look at her products and im like...... Candice, where is you neutralizing shampoo?? And then she say "I bought shampoo don't you see it" and Im like yeah, I see some shampoo but it is not NEUTRALIZING shampoo! So then she says (and I kid you not) "what is neutralizing shampoo?" :eek: :eek: :eek: And she was DEAD SERIOUS! I had to actually sit her down and explaining to her the basic stuff that she should have already known as a self-relaxer. So basically for as long as she has been self relaxing, she just used a regular shampoo and her hair is still there and growing:ohwell:

This is the same girl who only washes her hair once maybe twice a month, if she's feeling daring! She greases her scalp with DAX (which I will admit I would use that faithfully when I was younger) and flat irons her hair every morning AND she uses rubber bands in her hair. She's only been self relaxing for the past year and a half, and I don't see how she is not bald headed from not using a neutralizing shampoo after a relaxer. Well she does stretch her relaxers to about every 5 months and her hair is VERY thick so maybe thats why she can get away with it:ohwell: .

I swear this girl could wake up every morning and pre treat her hair with rubbing alcohol, put a relaxer in and let it sit for an hour, rinse it with bleach, comb it with a rake, lay her head beside the muffler of a running car to blow dry it and clip her end with a chainsaw, wake up the next morning and repeat the process all over and still have all her lenght:ohwell:

Okay let me stop because now I really do sound like I am hating. It's just not fair:( .

Rant over:) !
lol, your post is too funny :lol: sounds like she can get away with poor treatment due to her thick hair and stretching. i would be envious too.
This is too funny, no but seriously I know what you mean. One of my sisters never protects her hair at night, never moisturizes, washes her hair every two weeks (or when she feels like it, which is rarely), relaxes every 5-6 weeks, yet her hair grows so long. I just don't know!
SexySin985 said:
I have this friend who has APL hair and she does not take care of it at all........ but yet her hair is still long and growing:ohwell: . She doesn't deserve her length (I know I sound like a hater... that's because I am hatin on her right now:lol: but she is a good friend so I am only 1/2 joking:look: )

So anyway, she was just at my house and she told me that she was going to relax her hair today but she need to go to the BSS to pick up some stuff which is right down the street from my house. So she goes to the store a picks up a bunch of stuff. She bought some Hawaiian Silky Normal Relaxer and some Pantene Relaxed and Natural shampoo and conditioner and a few other misc stuff. So I open the bag to look at her products and im like...... Candice, where is you neutralizing shampoo?? And then she say "I bought shampoo don't you see it" and Im like yeah, I see some shampoo but it is not NEUTRALIZING shampoo! So then she says (and I kid you not) "what is neutralizing shampoo?" :eek: :eek: :eek: And she was DEAD SERIOUS! I had to actually sit her down and explaining to her the basic stuff that she should have already known as a self-relaxer. So basically for as long as she has been self relaxing, she just used a regular shampoo and her hair is still there and growing:ohwell:

This is the same girl who only washes her hair once maybe twice a month, if she's feeling daring! She greases her scalp with DAX (which I will admit I would use that faithfully when I was younger) and flat irons her hair every morning AND she uses rubber bands in her hair. She's only been self relaxing for the past year and a half, and I don't see how she is not bald headed from not using a neutralizing shampoo after a relaxer. Well she does stretch her relaxers to about every 5 months and her hair is VERY thick so maybe thats why she can get away with it:ohwell: .

I swear this girl could wake up every morning and pre treat her hair with rubbing alcohol, put a relaxer in and let it sit for an hour, rinse it with bleach, comb it with a rake, lay her head beside the muffler of a running car to blow dry it and clip her end with a chainsaw, wake up the next morning and repeat the process all over and still have all her lenght:ohwell:

Okay let me stop because now I really do sound like I am hating. It's just not fair:( .

Rant over:) !

:lol: I just spit out my coffee you are too funny. Some people just have that type of luck. Unfortunately I don't and I have to baby my hair every step of the way.:)
You're too funny, that post just made my day:lol:

But anyway, yeah some people are lucky like that, she must have really strong hair. I don't know much about relaxing but not using a neutralizing shampoo will catch up to her...but you're such a good friend and i'm sure you set her on the right path.
SexySin985 said:
I swear this girl could wake up every morning and pre treat her hair with rubbing alcohol, put a relaxer in and let it sit for an hour, rinse it with bleach, comb it with a rake, lay her head beside the muffler of a running car to blow dry it and clip her end with a chainsaw, wake up the next morning and repeat the process all over and still have all her lenght:ohwell:

That was too cute! :lol: :lol:
I totally understand where you're coming from. My cousin is like that. She constantly bleaches her hair...not colors but BLEACHES her hair. She relaxes about once a month, sleeps in a cotton head scarf, and curls her hair every morning. Her hair still looks thick and healthy.
SexySin985 said:
I swear this girl could wake up every morning and pre treat her hair with rubbing alcohol, put a relaxer in and let it sit for an hour, rinse it with bleach, comb it with a rake, lay her head beside the muffler of a running car to blow dry it and clip her end with a chainsaw, wake up the next morning and repeat the process all over and still have all her lenght!

My coworker just asked me if I'm ok... I'm cracking up! Too funny! :lachen:
:lol: I just spit out my coffee you are too funny. Some people just have that type of luck. Unfortunately I don't and I have to baby my hair every step of the way.:)

I was laughing at the post too :lol: Super funny. I wouldn't go that far but sometimes less is more with haircare, although not using a neutralizing shampoo after a relaxer is a big no no.
I have a friend with past BSL color treated hair (hispanic female, hair type 1 or 2). She fries it with a curling iron every day, uses hairspray from an aeresol [sp] hair, and it always looks perfect. Not one split end. WOW. I don't get envious though. But it is truly a wonder that her hair looks so healthy.
Is your friend's hair really coarse? Coarse hair can take more of a beating that fine hair. But I agree with the other ladies, its just a matter of time, it will catch up with her.

But, I have heard of some ladies never using neutralizers with their perms and their hair was fine. I think some regular shampoos neutralize even though its not sold as one.
SexySin985 said:
I swear this girl could wake up every morning and pre treat her hair with rubbing alcohol, put a relaxer in and let it sit for an hour, rinse it with bleach, comb it with a rake, lay her head beside the muffler of a running car to blow dry it and clip her end with a chainsaw, wake up the next morning and repeat the process all over and still have all her lenght:ohwell:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: