Israel Houghton And Wife Are Divorced After 20 Years


Well-Known Member
So sad for them, in marriage our guard must ALWAYS be up when it comes to adultery.

“It is with a collective heavy heart that we announce that after over 20 years of marriage and a long separation, Meleasa and I are officially divorced. Several years ago I failed and sinned in my marriage. Though this is new to many, it is not new to us as we have been working through this for over 5 years. Although we tried, the challenges in our relationship have proven too much to overcome. We have always handled our family and ministry with grace and generosity toward others, discretion, and privacy. So, for the sake of our amazing kids, we are also handling this privately with pastoral oversight and assistance. We choose to remain friendly and kind to each other going forward. I am in the process of restoration and I have repented for my actions. Although I am sincerely sorry, and forgiven, I soberly realize that I will live with the consequences of my failings for the rest of my life. As this has become a public matter I want to apologize to the many who have supported my ministry through the years. I’m sorry for the many who will be hurt to learn of my personal failure. I regret any pain or disappointment that this news may cause you. We thank you for your prayers and for allowing us to handle this privately with those who are set over us in this process.


Israel Houghton
I am so sad to hear this ... the enemy has launched such an attack on Christian marriages, trying to keep men and women of God apart. This couple in particular always struck me as being so in love ...Through it all, God is still faithful and the enemy will not win, no satan is not winning!
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Adultery begins long before taking someone else to bed. Sounds like he committed this many times over and probably after being caught. Sad. I wouldn't take him back, personally. It's like working for a bank and stealing from it. You can't come back to my bank to work. But I'll pray for you. I know people will say, "oh, the kids will suffer.." and overlook the suffering the wife is going to face for years to come, esp. when the kids become angry over the divorce and start blaming her for quitting. If anybody needs prayer, it's that mother. I'm glad he openly repented even though I don't know of this couple.

I have repented for my actions. Although I am sincerely sorry, and forgiven, I soberly realize that I will live with the consequences of my failings for the rest of my life.
Oh my Lord, nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

My heart aches for the both of them and their children. I'm so sorry that Israel fell, but if he is a child of God and has removed that type of behavior from his life, permanently, The Lord will raise him up again, help him to re-focus his vision, and allow him to be able to keep on going and growing, even though the consequences of his actions will be horrific.

I am so sorry for his ex-wife because of the horrible pain that she will have to be healed from. I hope that she doesn't become bitter. But if she is a child of God, her broken heart will be healed by the Great Physician. She will be able to forgive Israel and obtain a mind of peace.

I'm watching the powerful song that he wrote on youtube called Israel and New Breed Alpha And Omega Full Version. When he falls down on his knees, a young lady who is crying heavily, walks up to the stage as if to comfort him. I wonder if that's Israel's Wife?

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I'm watching the powerful song that he wrote on youtube called Israel and New Breed Alpha And Omega Full Version. When he falls down on his knees, a young lady who is crying heavily, walks up to the stage as if to comfort him. I wonder if that's Israel's Wife?

@mensa Yes, that's his wife. If you watch the entire recording, you will see where he refers to her as the love of his life. That album was recorded live in South Africa and it was a very powerful album.

To say I'm devastated is an understatement. He's my favorite praise and worship leader. I'm still in shock.
I read an article that said that Israel divorced his wife. I assumed that she had divorced him, since she was the offended party.
Hey Shimmie, I really hope the writer got it wrong.

I have two bil who met their current wives on their respective jobs while they were still married to their ex-wives. They divorced their ex-wives to marry their current ones. The mil says that because they asked God to forgive them for committing adultery, God will forgive and bless their current union. :nono::perplexed:

Their ex-wives were heartbroken when their husbands divorced them.:cry4: :crying3:

The first one said that he divorced his wife because he had a large amount of debt that she would not help him get out of. He met a woman on his job who "understood" him and would help him pay it off.

The second one met a woman who is almost 30 years his junior. He wanted to marry her cause she probably was fertile and could give him children while his ex-wife was barren.

As I said, their mother is very happy that both of her sons have found the women of their dreams.:(
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I often wonder why is it so hard for two Christian people to stay married. I know that marriages have a lot of ups and downs sometimes hard times but to me Christians have the BEST free marriage counselor out there - GOD.

But since I am not married, I have no idea how hard or easy a marriage is.
Hey Shimmie, I really hope the writer got it wrong.

I have two bil who met their current wives on their respective jobs while they were still married to their ex-wives. They divorced their ex-wives to marry their current ones. The mil says that because they asked God to forgive them for committing adultery, God will forgive and bless their current union. :nono::perplexed:

Their ex-wives were heartbroken when their husbands divorced them.:cry4: :crying3:

The first one said that he divorced his wife because he had a large amount of debt that she would not help him get out of. He met a woman on his job who "understood" him and would help him pay it off.

The second one met a woman who is almost 30 years his junior. He wanted to marry her cause she probably was fertile and could give him children while his ex-wife was barren.

As I said, their mother is very happy that both of her sons have found the women of their dreams.:(
They both (the Bil's) not only abused their former wives, but also God's word.
James 1:14-15

James 1:14-15 - King James Version (KJV)

14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

The death of a good Marriage has taken place here. Yet, God has been known to resurrect even so dead as the 'Valley of the Dry Bones'. To God be the glory, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen
WOW!!! Never thought he would cheat!

Boggles the mind how married folks can cheat more than once.....although once is bad enough! But how can you continuously cheat on your spouse?

Well I pray for his ex-wife to let him go and move forward with her life.
Hey Shimmie, I really hope the writer got it wrong.

I have two bil who met their current wives on their respective jobs while they were still married to their ex-wives. They divorced their ex-wives to marry their current ones. The mil says that because they asked God to forgive them for committing adultery, God will forgive and bless their current union. :nono::perplexed:

Their ex-wives were heartbroken when their husbands divorced them.:cry4: :crying3:

The first one said that he divorced his wife because he had a large amount of debt that she would not help him get out of. He met a woman on his job who "understood" him and would help him pay it off.

The second one met a woman who is almost 30 years his junior. He wanted to marry her cause she probably was fertile and could give him children while his ex-wife was barren.

As I said, their mother is very happy that both of her sons have found the women of their dreams.:(

Hello @mensa The mil is happy that she has new dil's. The woman sounds like a real meddler. What a sad situation to occur in a family:catfight: It sounds like there was a lot of strife...
This is so painful to read, so sad

Honestly - I was really bothered by the fact that his announcement was sandwiched in between all these advertisings for upcoming concerts.

One brave soul commented on his FB post saying she was praying for him and she hoped that he would take some time off. They tore her up. We don't want to hold anyone accountable anymore.
Poor woman.. lol But I'm more prone to believe the concerts are prior engagements / contracts that he's legally binded to (well, he was legally binded to his wife, too :ohwell:) Also I see divorce as a death... and everyone deals with death in different ways. Some keep busy to keep from crying/losing it and may appear nonchalant. Others take time off or retreat, to re-group and may appear near suicidal. No matter how a person reacts/deals with a life crisis, everyone would have something to say about it. Can't please folks... gotta do what's best for you as an individual.
If I ever hear about Heather Lindsey and her husband...Boy Oh boyyy

I can't ever imagine this happening. I don't really follow her husband like that but Heather is so devoted to that man and her children(or at least that's how it seems), I can't imagine her leaving her marriage for any reason.

Sidenote, their daughter is the cutest! :)
Honestly - I was really bothered by the fact that his announcement was sandwiched in between all these advertisings for upcoming concerts.

One brave soul commented on his FB post saying she was praying for him and she hoped that he would take some time off. They tore her up. We don't want to hold anyone accountable anymore.
Momi, I so agree with you.
Oh my Lord, nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

My heart aches for the both of them and their children. I'm so sorry that Israel fell, but if he is a child of God and has removed that type of behavior from his life, permanently, The Lord will raise him up again, help him to re-focus his vision, and allow him to be able to keep on going and growing, even though the consequences of his actions will be horrific.

I am so sorry for his ex-wife because of the horrible pain that she will have to be healed from. I hope that she doesn't become bitter. But if she is a child of God, her broken heart will be healed by the Great Physician. She will be able to forgive Israel and obtain a mind of peace.

I'm watching the powerful song that he wrote on youtube called Israel and New Breed Alpha And Omega Full Version. When he falls down on his knees, a young lady who is crying heavily, walks up to the stage as if to comfort him. I wonder if that's Israel's Wife?

Yup that was his wife.