isoplus gel (dark kind)


New Member
has anyone used this gel before? if so can u give me a review of it?
is it alcohol free? does it flake? does it hold your hair down good and does it dry soft or hard? i never tried it before so, i'm thinking about ordering it online tonight. thanks in advance??
I've never used the dark one. I like the light colored one and it smells pretty good. I don't get much hold, but it doesn't flake.
i got my gel today and as i was reading the back of it where the directions are it says (caution: gel may cause staining on light or gray hair.) i would like to know what that means. although i don't have light hair my hair is black, but i have a couple of gray hairs but not alot. but if anyone knows what that means please respond because all i want to know if it's safe to use on my hair. tia!!!!!!!!