Is Your Spouse Your Best Friend?


Well-Known Member
The repair man said this awhile ago. I love repair men, they’re so good at fixing things :giggle: Opps, anyways …

He said that he thinks it’s silly when people say their spouses are their best friends. His words exactly, “My best friend is who I go to when my wife is being a _itch.”

Do you think it’s possible that spouses can be each others best friends or that they can only have a friendship of sorts in addition to being whatever spouses are to each other in a marriage.
DH is my bestfriend. I didn't go looking for that, but that's what happened.
I have another bestfriend whom I've known since very young. I love her dearly, but don't go to her whenever DH is being a &^%$. Actually, I don't go to anyone complaining about DH when he get's on my nerves, but that's a whole other story.

DH is the one I go to whenever I have exciting, sad or confusing news. He's the one I wanna do most activities with.
I have friends and a social circle outside of DH, but I enjoy his company the most.
He said that he thinks it’s silly when people say their spouses are their best friends. His words exactly, “My best friend is who I go to when my wife is being a _itch.”

If his spouse was his best friend, he probably wouldn't have to worry about her being a b****. JMHO :look:

I consider my DH is my best guy friend. I have other really close friends but I won't tell them too much detail about out marriage because when it comes down to it, it's our business. BTW, that is the advice we got from older married couples when we go married a whole month ago, lol.
My dh is not my bf and I do go to my dh when I need to talk , vent and make plans. But my bf and I have a different dynamic.
DH is my best friend and I am his. I genuinely like him as a person and really enjoy his company. If I want to go shopping, I call one of my friends, but anything else, I would rather do with him.
I would like my DH to be my best friend. One of my main relationship goals is to grow closer to my SO on a friendly level so that there is a strong bond between us outside of romance and the relationship. I think the closer you are w/ your SO / DH the better the relationship b/c you really know the person. Also, romance and the feeling of being in love comes in waves so you can't rely on that solely, you have to be pretty good friends w/ the person you are with.

Brings me back to when I went on vacation to a resort in JA w/ my mom this summer, and we both noticed the dynamics of the married couples that were there from young to old. There were couples who were still entertaining one another, playing cards, laughing, playing together on the beach, and then there were younger couples (mostly black) that looked totally disgusted, bored, and uninterested in their DH. My mom told me that you should still change it up and entertain the person you are with, things will get boring and routine, but you shouldn't allow it to get too stale. Have fun w/ each other :yep:. This is why laughter is of extreme importance to me, I've always been drawn to guys who can make me laugh or have a great sense of humor, it's a huge way of bonding for me. Honestly, I'd prefer that more than overly romantic mushy gestures. I love to see my SO laugh. I love when we laugh at people or a good joke together, it warms my heart.
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The repair man said this awhile ago. I love repair men, they’re so good at fixing things :giggle: Opps, anyways …

He said that he thinks it’s silly when people say their spouses are their best friends. His words exactly, “My best friend is who I go to when my wife is being a _itch.”

Do you think it’s possible that spouses can be each others best friends or that they can only have a friendship of sorts in addition to being whatever spouses are to each other in a marriage.

I would ask him who he goes to when his best friend is being a d*ck....I bet the answer wouldnt be his mother.
Nope and he absolutely hates it when I say that. I used to get offended at first but now I understand. Friends are friends and your SO is your SO.
My DH to be is my bestie. I loves me some him! LOL...I'm comfortable enough to do anything around him :look: :lachen: and vice versa. We have soooo much fun when we go out together and as a family with the kids.
DH is my closet/bestest guy friend. We talk about a lot of stuff (not everything). We hang out doing everything and nothing (looking forward to being on lock down with him tomorrow due to the coming snow storm) but I don't tell him everything because as much as we talk, as much as he is my boy...he is still my DH and he goes into protective mode sometimes when I just need to vent. At first it use to bother me but I had to take a step back and realize that he feels it's his job to protect me and he promised my mom and dad (at my dad's gravesite) that he would.
If I'm going to spend the rest of my life with someone, I would like for them to be be my best friend. I think its strengthens the bond of marriage.
If I'm going to spend the rest of my life with someone, I would like for them to be be my best friend. I think its strengthens the bond of marriage.

I agree with this....
Not to say it's not ok to have other best friends, but I think your DH should be one of your best friends.
I wish I could say yes, but unfortunately no he is not.

ETA: Im happy for all the ladies who are bestfriends with their husband's. My husband's bestfriends are his son and his mom(deceased).
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No, He is just my huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusband. Dh already has a best friend and I have what I refer to as my (Dearest)over twenty years of friendship inner circle.
He is, but it was a process. We had to move far, far away from my family for that to happen. I had a female BF, but it was way too stressful so I let that go. She was single, a drama queen and whined when I made my marriage a priority. I like being around my DH as much as I can because he is really a sweet person. He doesn't judge me and lets me be myself. I trust him with my life so yeah- he's definately my best friend.
DH isn't my best friend, I'm probably not his best friend, and both of us are 100% okay with that. :yep:
It's corny but yes he is...I can talk to this man about anything under the sun, even if it's about him... I have really close women friends, but I am very selective in what I discuss with them. I have never ever discussed my relationship with them good/bad. If I have an issue where I need a woman prospective then I go to my aunt.
He is, but it was a process. We had to move far, far away from my family for that to happen. I had a female BF, but it was way too stressful so I let that go. She was single, a drama queen and whined when I made my marriage a priority. I like being around my DH as much as I can because he is really a sweet person. He doesn't judge me and lets me be myself. I trust him with my life so yeah- he's definately my best friend.

That's really good :yep:

It's corny but yes he is...I can talk to this man about anything under the sun, even if it's about him... I have really close women friends, but I am very selective in what I discuss with them. I have never ever discussed my relationship with them good/bad. If I have an issue where I need a woman prospective then I go to my aunt.

That was a tip in one of the marriage threads. A good one too :yep: I've finally learned over the years to watch who you tell things, because you may later resent that they know such intimate details.
This is a good topic, this and the other topic about marrying for love.

I knew for sure that I'd like my SO to be a very close friend to me, b/c in my past relationship, I truly feel my SO didn't really know me on a deeper level. I also didn't respect him as a person. I didn't like the way he treated other people, I couldn't see myself growing with him and I didn't really consider him a friend. So eventhough we were comfortable w/ each other on a practical level and we knew each other's superficial wants, the buck pretty much stopped there. The closest I felt towards a SO was my high school bf, and though that was 10+ years ago, I know a HUGE factor in that was that I considered him not only a romantic partner, but my best friend. When we broke up, I felt that literally a part of me was gone in more ways than one. I lost a very very close friend.
Brittester, I agree with everything you have posted (and the other ladies) who DH's are their best friend.

I believe it's essential that your DH is your best friend. A best friend by my definition, is a confidant, someone you can be yourself with, say what you want, enjoy their company, laughter, dependable, etc.

I would want those things with someone I live with 24/7.

But then again I consider a HAPPY relationship/marriage is nothing but a friendship with intimacy.
If we weren't best friends when we started out, we certainly are now, after all we've been through together over the years.
He is my BF and I am his. I do have a girlfriend that is more like my sister than a friend so DH is her BIL and her hubby is mine. We have the same wacky humor, and we see the same and different sides of the equation. We seem to balance each other out in many ways.

But going home to my DH is what makes our house a home and we can talk about everything.
DH is my best friend. I have strong feelings about taking marriage problems outside the marriage so I don't need to turn to anybody when DH makes me mad or whatever and if I do need womanly advice I turn to my mom she always remained neutral in my older sister's marriage and has done the same for mine. I have close friends but none as close as DH
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My DH and I grew up together and got married very young. So yeah he is my best friend. But I have girlfriends that have been there for me through thick and thin too. He has his 2 best guy friends that went all through school and the army with. but we are a Unit.