Is your hair THICKER since you went natural?


New Member
I've always had thin hair growing which I hated. I've been natural for a year and half now and I decided to straighten my hair. I couldn't believe how thick my hair was. My mom was even shocked and thought my hair was naturally thin. I guess it was the relaxer and my neglect that made my hair thinner. Am I the only one who has had this experience?
I can say yes!!! I was actually looking at my hair last night. Aside from the areas that need TLC (temples) my hair is way thicker than it was when I was relaxed. But this could also be because I was always relaxed BONE straight and over.proccessed....So maybe this isn't the case if you were a healthy relaxed head
I wonder if your hair appears to be thicker because you are taking better care of it?

My hair is actually thicker now that I am relaxed.
My hair was very thick as a natural but with my second try at relaxing my hair health is night and day from the first time around. My relaxed hair pre-LHCF was thin but now its much thicker and looks a lot like straightened natural hair.
Yep, definitely. Relaxing took some of the bulk out of my hair plus coupled with the breakage/damage, my hair was quite thin more often than not.
It appears thicker but it is not. However if you ask has your hair gotten thicker since you started taking better care of it then the answer is yes. I was natural pre BC but my hair was thiiiin. Although I do not have thick hair my hair is much thicker now because there aren't as much broken hair so it looks fuller.
Absolutely! My relaxed hair looked so thin because it was highly over-processed. But now that it's natural...goodness! It's weird because it seems like it continues getting thicker the longer it gets. I don't what that is about!
I killed my own relaxed hair when i first stared my HHJ so it was embarrassingly thin...but it was always thin. Now it seems like I have 3 times as much hair when straightened. It still short so I still don't know its full potential.
I also wanted to say that it appears thicker... the thickness of my strands are still the same. But all the curls and coils makes my hair so compact, making it look big.
I gained very little thickness (to me). My grass is very fine.... so even though there's alot of it, when I do a hard press (only once) it looks just like it did relaxed. But to be fair, he drowned it in grease and used a really hot iron.:nono: When I did it, it came out fluffy and full. :lick:
Nope. My relaxed hair was thick as well. Not as thick as my natural hair, but just as thick. Maybe it is because I could never get my relaxed hair bone strait. :rolleyes:
Now that ya'll mention it. I flat ironed like last summer bone straight. To the point that my hair was super thin and I did not like it. I immediately washed and could smell the burnt hair. I had no damage thankful but that's partly why I don't flat iron. I prefer blow outs cause my hair keeps some volume, but still my natural hair is thicker than my relaxed hair because after awhile my relaxed hair became over processed and damaged from me being addicted to getting it bone straight, and a dang Aaliyah bang.
I was relaxed up until the age of 12. I don't remember it being thicker/longer. We never used heat, but we had to manipulate every day to make it look done and to prevent tangles. I don't remember it feeling dry though, but my ends balled up all the time and I think it split very easily. Same problems as my relaxed hair. I wonder if we had dced twice a week, what it would look like sometimes. But I do think my hair is naturally thin or fragile which stops me from going back to natural.
Unfortunately no. My hair density remains the same whether relaxed or not. Eh. I'm at the point that I just say "it is what it is" and praise God I *have* a full head of hair, even if it lacks in the thickness dept. LOL :-)