Is your hair boughie of frugal??


Well-Known Member
I have bought so many expensive products to keep her moisturized, juicy and feeling great, but she just curls in on herself and doesn't respond :-/

Anything over £5 she shuns away acting all kinds of crazy. I thought by getting better ingredients in products would make my hair happy. But noooooo.

The most expensive thing I have tried is Miss Jessie's curly meringue and buttercreme. My hair loves these and I think the only reason why is because of the cheap ingredients lol, no matter how much it costs of the actual product.

All natural products just dry my hair out so it seems that it will low end products for me from now on. I don't know why I feel sad about this... maybe because I am product junkie and like to spend money on my hair.

So in the last couple of weeks, my hair has responded really well to S Curl, ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo and the replenishing pak. I REALLY liked those and they all cost under £5. I have also found an awesome detangler/leave in which beats kinky curly knot today and it's less than half price! Aunt Jackies is my new best friend. Used on top of S Curl my hair has been behaving herself and just chillin' lolololol.

I feel so relieved that I am finally figuring all this stuff out.

I wanted to have upper echelon hair but it seems it will be bargain basement and cheapy things that get this girl singing praises:grin:.

So is your hair boughie or frugal? does it like the dreaded cones and mineral oil or does it only like mountain filtered water and exotical ingredients?

*Sorry for the long thread I'm just so excited that I'm understanding this hair of mine*
My hair is boughie. It only likes quality ingredients. I've tried the cheap stuff and it doesn't work in my hair. My hair use to like ors hair mayo but now it can't even stand the little bit of cones it that. IT only likes no cones, no parabens, nothing but all natural and I don't mind paying the money for it.
My hair is a frugal bougie. She likes products without cones, parabens, mineral oil, etc. she currently likes products that fit that description but are under $10.
I tried expensive products like Miss Jessie's Curly Pudding and my hair just turned into a dry crunchy mess and slapped me in the face.

Sent from my iPad...excuse the typos.
frugal. My hair likes to be saturated in product. And that just aint happening when i have to pay more than 15 quid for a 8 oz bottle nope nuh uh.

glycerin, brita filter water, sunflower seed oil and pound shop conditoiner for my leave in, elasta qp creme conditioning shampoo, aphogee green tea, aphogee 2 min and vaseline. My indulgence is tigi dumb blonde reconstructor but it works just as well as aphogee 2 min tbh, I just really like the smell.
My hair is boughie. It only likes quality ingredients. I've tried the cheap stuff and it doesn't work in my hair. My hair use to like ors hair mayo but now it can't even stand the little bit of cones it that. IT only likes no cones, no parabens, nothing but all natural and I don't mind paying the money for it.

Same here. My hair only likes natural ingredients (tho I'm relaxed) and quality products. All of my products are natural based. My hair does not like most if not all bss products, from high end to low end. Mizani, Keracare, Alter Ego, etc... none of them are as good to my hair as many of the smaller independent product lines I've tried over the years. I do however like Kenra MC and Elucence. These are both cone free though. The only mainstream product that I use and love is Nexuss Emergencee.
My hair is eclectic, moody and at times DGAF :) She does well with products in all price ranges. It's all about ingredients though...I can find great stuff in the most obscure places.
ie I bought a GALLON (that's what I said a GALLON) of conditioner for $5 and it's the best thing that i've used thus far for my wash n goes...go figure!
She definitely tends to lean towards boughie. :kiss3: This heiffer will show up and OUT if I use something cheap. At first I thought natural products were just overpriced and overrated... but once I made it through the detox phase I noticed that not only was my hair softer and felt better :locks: , my scalp was on cloud nine. :cloud9:

There are a few cheapies that I can use. Tressemme Naturals (YAY!) but almost everything else makes me itch to high heaven and dries out my hair and scalp. :nono: Anything that leaves buildup on my scalp is a no-go. :burning:
My hair has very expensive taste. The ingredients must be organic and natural. It cannot stand artificial smells or flavors either. My hair immediately rejects anything cheap or cheaply made. It dries, shrinks up, knots , and forms a hard shell. When it gets good ingredients, its soft like butter and the tangles fall out.

She's very specific, too. She only likes Aubrey organics and Komaza products and natural oils. :yep:
It doesn't matter, honestly I haven't paid attention to the ingredients that my hair loves, but I do try to avoid silicones but the creme of nature argan oil is good so I find it doesn't care. Just found out my hair like tresemme and that's cheap and have to see if my hair like the v05 kiwi (78 cents) clarifying conditioner. So I have to pay more attention and see
Annually, I probably spend $150 on hair products/oils. I guess you can say my hair is frugal.
I only use natural products.
im with MrsMe my hair is frugal bougie. she reacts how she wants when she wants. its more abotu ingredients to her. but um....i refuse to let her be bougie. we will find the frugal products from now on. my pocket book doesnt have time for my hair to have a champagne diet! :lachen:
My hair is a cheap date. 99-cent condish gives the same results as $40 condish. I still like to splurge on expensive products - gotta feed the product-junkie in me!
My hair isnt cheap. It responds best to simpler ingredients. Which are usually only found in natural-ish, small, handmade type companies. I get decent results out of other companies but not consistently. Im midde of the road :)
Boughie.......this girl is a mess!! I bought a bunch of cheap conditioners and it does nothing for my hair. Now I use the cheap conditioners when I shave.
My relaxed hair was frugal. Now that I'm natural, my hair is bougie. She likes aubrey Organics, Camille Rose, Oyin and Curl Junkie. The cheapest product I have is the As I Am Cowash. She hates mineral oil, sulfates, and strong synthetic fragrances.

I tried Vo5 and tressemme. She said hell no. She sometimes will tolerate trader joes conditioner but that's about it. I'm going to make a last ditch effort and try the suave coconut.
She is bougie with both hippie and ghetto tendancies :lol:

She likes only all natural products mixtressed by me, her slave. :lachen: she also loves her some grease to seal so go figure. Retains like crazy with just a dab on the ends. She needs to make up her mind!
My hair likes cheap ingredients but bougie products:ohwell:

surprisingly does not respond as well to natural products...
My hair doesn't dislike much, but I try to keep away from the cones, parabens, and sulfates etc.
my hair really hates expensive salon brand stuff it just feels coated and gross. Cheap and narural stuff all the way
My hair is definitely bourgeois!:lachen: Expensive all the way. My hair likes quality ingredients and a higher proportion of those ingredients. I have learned that it is cheaper to pay for the quality products up front. Otherwise then I buy the cheap stuff, it goes in the trash and then I end up having to purchase my go to product anyway :nono:.

Be that as it may I am going to try suave for cowashing. I don't know if my hair will let me though...:blush:
Bourgeois all the way. The only cheapie I can get away with is V05 clarifying conditioner, honey and hot 6 oil.

The rest of my stash is ridiculous and a major investment. All the time. I need a part time job to keep up......LOL
Depends what it is. For shampoos and cowash conditioners pretty frugal, but for deep conditioners and moisturizers very bougie