Is your hair boughie of frugal??

My hair errs towards boughie, but she's more a lazy diva. She loves freshly handmade, customized treatments but will settle for quality commercial, as long as she's pampered. If I tried to sneak in some Blue Magic though or cone filled shampoo she would outright REVOLT. She prefers some honey/aloe vera/exotic oil/unicorn tears concoction I mix up for a DC but if I'm too lazy or run out, she's happy with Shea Moisture's Deep Treatment Masque. If I tried to DC with Pantene or Garnier Fructis she would shrivel to my scalp and pout.

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My hair is frugal, but she has no choice. :look: I just would hate to try an expensive product and hate it bc I use a lot of it.
I'm just now learning after all these years, my hair may be bougie. I've just decided to try a few Aveda products and my hair has literally transformed. I cannot believe it. I've been thinking all this time my hair was fine with the cheapie products, but it looks like she's been secretly salty and side-eying me this whole time. :nono:
my hair is extremely boughie....she hates cheap stuff.

she will not respond well to hair with natural ingredients..a few natural ingredients are ok...but stuff like shea moisture...she will rebel and throw drying out, shrinking and falling out.

so since I need her, I have decided to go back to some of the stuff I used before and she is happy.
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I use natural and unfortunately expensive products. I did a bentonite detox and my hair looks great. I discussed my hair care regimen with a friend whose hair has not been cared for recently. I gave her some products to use. She told her sister that I use the products that celebrities use. I guess I have celebrity hair. That's boughie it seems.
boughie my hair laughs at suave, v05, dove and herbal essence conditioners and most other local store hair products

thus far it vibes with qhemet, giovanni, some shea moisture products, coconut oil, castor oil and acv
Boughie.......this girl is a mess!! I bought a bunch of cheap conditioners and it does nothing for my hair. Now I use the cheap conditioners when I shave.

I did that before....I thought I was the only one that did that! I got that tip from a white girl I used to be friends with. She shaved her legs with conditioner when she realized she ran out of shaving cream.

My hair likes cheap ingredients but bougie products:ohwell:

surprisingly does not respond as well to natural products...

Your hair in your siggy is purty!

I use natural and unfortunately expensive products. I did a bentonite detox and my hair looks great. I discussed my hair care regimen with a friend whose hair has not been cared for recently. I gave her some products to use. She told her sister that I use the products that celebrities use. I guess I have celebrity hair. That's boughie it seems.

Which products have you found that celebrities use that are really good?
My hair is both bougie and frugal. It ONLY likes expensive shampoos and rinse-out conditioners from Paul Mitchell or Aveda, and will outright revolt if I try to use anything else.

It is very picky about deep conditioners; it HATES most Shea Moisture deep conditioners at $10 a 10 oz. jar, but it LOVES ORS Olive Oil Replenishing Conditioner, which sells for $7 for a quart-size bottle.

My moisturizer costs $4.00 for 10 oz. at the BSS, and it is the ONLY one my hair has liked for the last three years. It's full of cones, but it is water-based as opposed to oil-based, and my hair likes that. The oil I seal with is from Shea Moisture, and costs $10 for an 8 0z. bottle. :ohwell:

So yeah, my hair has eclectic tastes.
My hair is boughetto. Top quality ingredients only,but from the cheapest sources.

Aka yoghurt, honey, cassia, any food grade oil, etc
My hair is boughetto too. :lol:

It only likes Silk Elements products (sulfate-free shampoo, moisturizing treatment, leave-in creme, leave-in conditioner, mild relaxer and other styling products).

But it makes exceptions for any VO5 moisturizing conditioner in Greek yogurt treatments (w/evco) and in Jamila henna treatments (w/evco & coffee).

It's never tried high end products because they never go on sale.
my hurr is upper echelon & green, she loves aubreys conditioners, giovanni shampoos, hydroquench systems or curl junkie for co-washing, no mineral oil or petroleum for her...she gets crunchy/crispy & acts a plum fool! she also like claudies revitalizer moisturizers, komaza sprays & protein strengthener, and she lurves an mix of oils (sapote,hemp,meadowfoam, kukui, castor,evoo, and/or evco)
I just purchased some Dream Weaver Braiding Hair for Box Braids. The hair is more expensive than the braiders fee. Crystal will be out of commission for summer and beyond.
Depends on who's talking LOL . My relaxed hair loves the basics so I guess she's frugal .. But my new growth ??.... Chileeee... She is VERY boughie ! Water is about the only cheap thing she'll tolerate lol !
I do not know what products that celebrities use. My friend told her sister that I use products that celebrities use. I thought that was a wild statement. I purchase from online merchants a lot. That does not give me celebrity hair product status. It was just funny to me to hear someone say that I use celebrity linked products.:lol:
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Extremely Boughie....
Wen, Miss Jessies, Ojon and Dudleys to name a few....huh..but she behaves so I give her what she wants.

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