Is this too much?


Active Member
Am I using too much product?

I pre poo with a thick conditioner like mayo, cholestrol, or perfect reslts motions

I shampoo

I use a cheapy to detangle like vo5 But I want something else

I rinse and DC
It would be too much product for me...but it looks pretty standard as far as what everyone else does. I've never understood why people DC and then shampoo but it seems to work for a lot of folks.

Why do you think it's too much? Do you get a lot of build up? Or are you just worried your hair isn't going to be able to absorb it all?
That sounds like part of my reggie and my hair is doing pretty well. It really depends on what your hair likes and doesn't like.
I'd nix the co wash. Since you've already pre pood and then dc'd, your hair is plenty moisturized. I don't see the point in the co washing.
Cause someone (in my house) said I use too much stuff on my hair. I pre poo because I want to soften my hair because I wear cornrows before I wash. But I guess im just confused on detangling it still. I used to detangle it when I pre poo. But I dont know. Im just lost when it comes to natural hair
Cause someone (in my house) said I use too much stuff on my hair. I pre poo because I want to soften my hair because I wear cornrows before I wash. But I guess im just confused on detangling it still. I used to detangle it when I pre poo. But I dont know. Im just lost when it comes to natural hair

I detangle as I'm putting my hair into a style. As I'm twisting/braiding on wet hair I add moisturizer (shea butter or coconut oil) and detangle with my fingers then twist/braid. My hair needs to be detangled before stretching it out so that I don't get tangles. If I'm doing a wash-n-go I don't detangle, maybe just run my fingers through my hair while in the shower.

When the mood strikes me I detangle with a comb...usually every few weeks. I wet my hair in the shower, add evoo (makes my hair slippery), and comb through sections.