Is this too much hair or am I just tripping? *pics*


Well-Known Member
Ladies, please tell me if this is too much hair? or am I just tripping?

I washed and rollerset my hair today. No hair shed while I was showering and max 5 strands came out as I rollerset, basically not a lot, untttiiilllllll I wrapped my hair. :ohwell:

All the hair in the picture came out as I wrapped my hair.

I kinda wanted to cry.:sad:

Am I just tripping over nothing???? :perplexed


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Qualitee's question is important I think.

But, for me It depends.

I know my hair and body. I do shed MORE right after my period starts. Not sure why. I bet its hormones or something.

I expect it. before I realized the pattern, it freaked me out.

Other times I don't shed that much at all.

I also get a lot of shed hair when I wash my hair after a week of low manipulation or if I have a lot of NG. It is tangled all up in there and although I detangle under the runing shower why my shower comb, some still gets caught up in there strangled by my ng. :)

It is when my hair is dry and straight that I will see a lot of the shed hair come out.

If that pic reflects mostly breakage, I would say that it is too much. I would be on alert to figure out why I got so much breakage and how I can stop it.,
Ladies, please tell me if this is too much hair? or am I just tripping?

I washed and rollerset my hair today. No hair shed while I was showering and max 5 strands came out as I rollerset, basically not a lot, untttiiilllllll I wrapped my hair. :ohwell:

All the hair in the picture came out as I wrapped my hair.

I kinda wanted to cry.:sad:

Am I just tripping over nothing???? :perplexed

You're trippin'.... now go sit down some where!
yeah girl you tripin in my opinion:lachen: you should see the ball of hair that comes out my head. don't feel bad, i did a thread like this too. it's part of the process.
hi there

well when i've rollerset i too have loss many hairs. more than your picture as a matter of fact. everytime i would wrap my hair after my hair dried...i would have lots of hair and it was so i'm not against rollersetting...which i still do enjoy!

however, for the past month i've been flat ironing once a week, after i deep condition my hair...and I tell you for some reason when i flat iron my hair I do not lose alot of hairs at is amazing to me. well i hope i helped some. oh and by the you are not trippin at all :) actually that is not alot of hair imo :)
Yea that's why I'm so bothered by it. It's never this bad! :nono::nono::nono:

I guess I am a breakage police.

Unlike others have mentioned, i don't think you are trippin. if that is breakage I WOULD be concerned.

If it does not happen again, eh - no big deal.

But if I see breakage like that at one time, I get concerned.

maybe because a few years ago I blew something like that off for month, and ended up with chew up ends.

Now, I don't take breakage lightly.

If I did get that much, I would monitor my hair closely that week. If I comb it and get breakage, um yeah - time to regroup and figure out what the heck of going on. If all is good and I only got breakage on that day, then I would try to be more careful next-time. Maybe it was just manipulation breakage.
trippin. HARD.



I guess I am a breakage police.

Unlike others have mentioned, i don't think you are trippin. if that is breakage I WOULD be concerned.

If it does not happen again, eh - no big deal.

But if I see breakage like that at one time, I get concerned.

maybe because a few years ago I blew something like that off for month, and ended up with chew up ends.

Now, I don't take breakage lightly.

If I did get that much, I would monitor my hair closely that week. If I comb it and get breakage, um yeah - time to regroup and figure out what the heck of going on. If all is good and I only got breakage on that day, then I would try to be more careful next-time. Maybe it was just manipulation breakage.

I must add though - nothing to cry about.

Just raise an eyebow and be on alert.

All sound observtions/advice.
Ladies, please tell me if this is too much hair? or am I just tripping?

I washed and rollerset my hair today. No hair shed while I was showering and max 5 strands came out as I rollerset, basically not a lot, untttiiilllllll I wrapped my hair. :ohwell:

All the hair in the picture came out as I wrapped my hair.

I kinda wanted to cry.:sad:

Am I just tripping over nothing???? :perplexed

:) i think you may be trippin'. :) i think i lose about that much or slightly more when i wash and set but it's always shed hair.

everyone is different. i lose more hair when i roller set. imagine how much shed hair you lose when you are washing your hair and don't see it go down the drain.
I've tried cross wrapping once and my ends were all funny when I woke up the next morning.

But you're right.

I should try again.

i tried cross wrapping last night and i did like how i didn't feel stress on the area where i start my wrap (which is usually my side part). i also woke up with funny ends. my hair isn't long enough to wrap from the back all the way to the side. it stops slightly over the center and it's a weird overlap. perhaps tying a scarf around your head would help? if you don't already wear one. keep the ends flat...
i was going to say tripping coz i lose bout the same maybe more when i detangle on wash days.....which is once a week or less......i use a shower comb and denman (i like it coz it helps get rid of sheds....some dont like using it though).....BUT

if u are a regular comber then u really shouldnt lose a lot of hair (whether yours is alot or not depends on your hair and how much u usually lose) ouwld probably be breakage.


i will add that if u take steps to stop the breakage....whether its adding a bit of protein/reducing it and balancing that with you moisture (adding or reducing) then u souldnt be too worried. jus do something about it sooner rather than later. hth hhg!
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That is nothing to be worried about... probably shed hairs that you didn't get out while washing, conditioning or rollersetting.
They were broken

Ok well I can understand your frustration. What's your regimen again? When I was you should see the big ball that come out of my head, but that is because I only detangle once every two weeks, but I would be concerned if the hairs were broken.
You're trippin'.... now go sit down some where!

From someone that used to have hair all over her bathroom floor that is nothing. To combat it I've made sure I've kept that protein/moisture balance in check. Now with detangling and combing the leave in conditioner in my hair I get at max 10 hairs in the comb.
Okay I don't feel so bad about my hair seeing the posts in this thread.

I would not settle for that amount of breakage. Classic red flag for me.

So if others don't think that is a lot of breakage, I'm doing okay.
For the ladies in regards to cross wrapping: My hair JUST became long enough for it to reach the sides.

In any case, when my Hair was barely SL and just a bit longer, what made it work for me is that I didn't try to have it flat against my haead, or circular and stuck to it.

What I did was split the hair, and then just pin each piece up, going to opposite sides. So I took the bottom of the right piece, and pulled it to the left, and did the same to the left side. I pinned the chucnk of hair, and the ends. The ends, since that seems to be the issue, I would curl flat against the head, just the tip, and pin them. I used 4 pins total, unless I pin curled my hair in the front. I did not try to have them against my head the way the would be if I did a normal wrap, because I realized that would make the ends come out funny.

I will maybe do a pic tutorial of this eventually.

Another option is to do big barrel pin curls, that are round, and not flat. The bigger, the smoother (meaning not curly) your hair will be, and it gives better body.