Is this going to look crazy: a small strip of dark hair in the front & the rest red?

Lady S

Well-Known Member
My hair dye addiction is flaring up again. Aaaannnd the only way to solve it is to dye my a vibrant shade of red. You know, because I'm subtle like that.

But, I also want to occasionally slap on a half wig.

The shade of red I'm dying it, strangely enough, doesn't show up as an available shade in synthetic hair. I don't have the patience to dye the hair on my scalp AND a half wig.

I'm still considering sticking with highlights, but. . . . .

Would it look horrible if I left an inch of my hair out front my natural color. Funky or *****?

Oh, I'm wearing my hair in a 4a natural,is that changes things.
Re: Is this going to look crazy: a small strip of dark hair in the front & the rest r

Yes, i think it would look off/strange personally but this is without knowing how you'd be wearing your hair when it's not in wigs. Up, down, parted, straight ,curly, etc....
Re: Is this going to look crazy: a small strip of dark hair in the front & the rest r

Yes, i think it would look off/strange personally but this is without knowing how you'd be wearing your hair when it's not in wigs. Up, down, parted, straight ,curly, etc....

Twist out. Hmmm. . . .
Re: Is this going to look crazy: a small strip of dark hair in the front & the rest r

Well, You could buy a lighter colored human wig and dye that....or streak you hair...or add in clip ins, etc....I wouldn't personally do what you want to do to my hair, but I'm all about self expression....

Here is a link to a former member who used to dye her hair interesting ways!!/page2.html

She's got some cute styles!

Got the box of texture and tones, now what to do with it. . .
Re: Is this going to look crazy: a small strip of dark hair in the front & the rest r

I dyed my hair a deep blue/black in the front and its a brownish red in the back. Now its a deep green blue.
Re: Is this going to look crazy: a small strip of dark hair in the front & the rest r

I dyed my hair a deep blue/black in the front and its a brownish red in the back. Now its a deep green blue.

All of it or just the front is deep green blue?