Is this chart realistic?

Does the chart accurately reflect your growth rate

  • Yes. My growth rate matches the chart.

    Votes: 50 46.7%
  • No. My growth rate is much shorter than the chart reflects for the time period.

    Votes: 26 24.3%
  • No. My growth rate is much longer than the chart reflects for the time period.

    Votes: 7 6.5%
  • Damn that chart. I'm keeping hope alive!

    Votes: 33 30.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I think it's pretty accurate. Is that four years to waist length? I think it took 3 years and two months for my longest layers to reach waistlength, stretched. I say this because I transitioned for 14 months, did the bc and two years later I reached waist length. But I did NO trims at all during that time.
yup its accurate,

and most ppl will reach waist length at about 3 years because that chart measures from the top of the head, but your nape hair which can be 7 inchs lower than the top of your head will reach waist length at the 3 year mark. while hair at the top will get there at the 4 year mark

thats why you reached waist at 3 yrs 2 months Cichelle you were right on target :)
yup its accurate,

and most ppl will reach waist length at about 3 years because that chart measures from the top of the head, but your nape hair which can be 7 inchs lower than the top of your head will reach waist length at the 3 year mark. while hair at the top will get there at the 4 year mark

thats why you reached waist at 3 yrs 2 months Cichelle you were right on target :)

This makes sense. :yep:
See that's what I'm getting at. If I stretch the hair at my nape, then yeah I'm right in line with ole girl, but if I stretch hair from my crown...not so much.

Exactly; my hair's longest layers are in the back, but not in the top or the sides, at least not yet. And I too, because of the ends, have to get trims that allow me to only retain about 4 inches a year, not 6.
I don't think it's accurate. Many people's hair grow in layers and it takes much longer than 3 years for the hair at the crown/bangs to reach bra-strap. That is, if you're starting with a buzz cut which this chart implies. I rarely see anyone whose bangs and crown grow out longer/faster than the nape hair. To get that blunt look, one would have to keep trimming the hair. The hair at the occipital bone and below will reach waist length in about 4 years, so that's accurate for me at least. Basically, hair just doesn't grow continuously without taking breaks, there will be layers and it will take longer than what is shown on the chart.

ETA: D*mn the chart. Get there when you get there, even if it takes 10 years :look:
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I don't think it's accurate. Many people's hair grow in layers and it takes much longer than 3 years for the hair at the crown/bangs to reach bra-strap. That is, if you're starting with a buzz cut which this chart implies. I rarely see anyone whose bangs and crown grow out longer/faster than the nape hair. To get that blunt look, one would have to keep trimming the hair. The hair at the occipital bone and below will reach waist length in about 4 years, so that's accurate for me at least. Basically, hair just doesn't grow continuously without taking breaks, there will be layers and it will take longer than what is shown on the chart.

ETA: D*mn the chart. Get there when you get there, even if it takes 10 years :look:

You're right. I don't think that the hair at the crown is going to reach the longest length regardless what length you are. There are going to be shorter pieces and longer pieces because hair naturally grows in layers. Unless you cut the hair at the nape. I don't think thats what the chart is showing. Because even if you have layers in your hair, if you comb it all back the layers will blend in anyway. It'll all look like one uniform length.
In my case, this chart is realistic...boy am I relieved. I thought my hair was growing slower then normal.
The chart is accurate for my fastest growing areas. My crown consistently grows 1/2 inch per month. I'm three months from my 2 year natural anniversary, and the hair in the crown area is already 11 inches. If the rest of my hair grew at that rate, my goodness, I would have me some hair on my head! Some areas are 7 or 8 inches, and the slowest growing area is just 6 inches (after almost 24 months!) So I just set my own goals for the different areas and pretty much ignore the chart.
My hair grows at least 1/2" per month...
so based on that... I made my own...
You can make your owns... it's easy...
You'll need a ruler and a friend... and PhotoShop.
or just have a friend hold a ruler to where your
hair ends now and then have them draw lines that correspond
to whatever your monthly growth rate is (use an eye pencil
or something) and then just photograph it.

I think if I had retained all the hair I grew over the years my hair growth would match the chart. I voted "yes".
My last relaxer was December 2005. I no longer have any relaxed ends and my hair is longer than the 2-year mark on the chart. Maybe If I got regular trims (or trimmed at all) thatwould be realistic. But since I don't my hair grows faster than the chart
So I been up in this hair game for 2 1/2 years now. I've had good progress and I truly believe in the techniques, methods, product uses that the board teaches.

But looking at the chart, I wonder if the time frame is really realistic. I KNOW it doesn't consider all the damn knots I gotta trim outta my head. I think I'm going to have to add 2 years to their estimate to hit the milestone targets. Obviously I know that my hair doesn't encompass the spectrum of what's normal hair growth.

Does anyone's growth correspond with this chart? Please note that the tape measure begins at the crown of the head. So if are BSL, the hair at the crown runs the entire length to the bra strap

I'm going to add a poll to this bad boy to get a better idea.
ETA: Omit the word "much" from the no answers in the poll. sowwy.
IMHO, I think that it's a comb of you growth rate (genetic) and your retention (we have a bit more control over). I mean you can grow 6 inches a year, which is normal for many. Some get more. If you don't really take care of your hair it can break off and that 6 inches your hair grew can only retain 1 or 2 inches at best. Soooo with that being said, I think that it's not only genetics but also your hair care regimine. I know that my hair doesn't like to be messed with at all. It likes to be left alone with lots of water care :)
It's a realistic chart.

Genetics control how fast your hair grows. Not how long it grows.

For example, genetics can say one person will get 12 inches in 2 years. But for another person, it may say that person will get 12 inches in 3 years.

I think sometimes, people think genetics control length. But it doesn't. It controls growth rate. So if the average person has 1/2 inch a year, then yeah, it's pretty accurate.
yeah i think it's accurate but if you're 5'9 or taller you have to take that into consideration. it's 26 inches from my crown to my waist not 24
yeah i think it's accurate but if you're 5'9 or taller you have to take that into consideration. it's 26 inches from my crown to my waist not 24

Height doesn't matter. This chart is saying that at the end of 4 years, you should have 24 inches on your hair.

If you are 5'4" or 6'4", the chart is not reflecting that, it's just saying you still should have those 24 inches grown out of your hair at the end of 4 years if you go by nature.
I'd say its pretty realistic, give or take a few months/inches. I have growth spurts in the fall/winter months so i'm not sure how that factors in. I do know that I'd be at BSL by May 08 if I hadn't chopped off my hair from SL to chin length:ohwell:

But......I'm not setting any length goals for a year:nono: I refuse!!!! That's what got me in trouble last time.......

You gotta excuse me....setting length goals for me (right now) is like a PJ going through withdrawal. Bear with me ladies!!!! :grin:
I think the chart's accurate, but I voted damn that chart, because as my siggy shows, my hair grows UP, not down. :lol: