is this board VAIN??


New Member
i don't think it is, but my mother thinks i'm very vain for caring so much about my hair and doing so much research on the computer for it (i check this board every day and scan it for about an hour to see any new tips or advice everyone has ) she thinks i do waaaay too much, like always oiling my ends and clipping split ends and washing my hair often and stuff...but i'm only doing it because i want longer hair!! so my question here this overly vain? are we all just on this quest for longer, healthier hair strictly for vanity purposes? i know i am...i'm ashamed to admit it but it's true...i'd like to hear other reasons for it though...

what can i say?? i'm a long hair fiend... =)
No, I don't think this board is VAIN. I think this board is helpful to me and the other LHCF members and lurkers.
Nah, i don't think the board is vain. It's filled with wonderful tips and you always get advice on your mistakes. There are product reviews for free here! If it didn't work for someone who has similiar hair to yours, you stay away from that product. This board has a wealth of information for people who want to grow long hair. I mean we could be out there doing other things such as drugs etc, but we having fun typing about hair :-)
Some folks will react like that. I have a cousin that has horrible hair and she has NO interest in taking care of it. Just do your thing..
I don't think it's vain. People like to look nice. This includes hair. It could be considered vain to wear makeup, dress in nice clothes, wear perfumes and scented body lotions or a number of other things.

People who look good usually put a little effort into it.
I mean we could be out there doing other things such as drugs etc, but we having fun typing about hair :-)

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I think it's vain to sport a weave or wig and pass it off as if it's growing from your scalp (like almost every sistah in the spotlight - except for Gabrielle Union)....we're on this board so that we can grow our own hair and focus on health and to show the world that yes, sistahs too can grow healthy hair beyond our ears. So no, this board isn't vain
Nope, I don't think caring about yourself and the way you look is Vain unless that's all you care about. I am on this board all the time, not just for hairtips but also because it's like a community to me and it helps me keep my mind off some of the harsher realities of life.
As long as I can remember, black women have been led to believe that they cannot grow their hair long. A black woman has every right to desire long hair since it is so challenging for most of us to achieve. This board is one of the things that tells us that we can grow our hair long. It not only tells us how to do it, but it shows us ladies who have done it.
Absolutely not. For someone like me who has never really had a hair regimine, this board is putting me on track to healthier hair. I've noticed the difference in only a few short months and they are tips that I will keep for life

Happy hair growing...

Well, if it is so? I mean we're not hurting anyone, or promoting unhealthy attitudes, or spending time talking about people negatively or thinking we're better than any other group. What a nice habit. Your mom should be thankful you're on THIS site and not some others....
Absolutely not. For someone like me who has never really had a hair regimine, this board is putting me on track to healthier hair. I've noticed the difference in only a few short months and they are tips that I will keep for life

Happy hair growing...


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I totally agree! I think because these boards impart knowledge, they give us power. Power to control the health and appearance of our hair instead of allowing our hair to control us

Yup i agree with the everyone we're not vain. alot of important info here,and plus its fun!

@ chichi i like the jon b. pic
I believe that one's goals for longer, stronger, healthier hair are personal, whether they be based on vanity or not.

However, there are some things which do concern me. I have been rather hesistant to raise them, as I am a relative Newbie, but I would like for the concerns to be considered in the spirit in which they are being offered.

First, I am concerned re: the amount of vitamins some Forum members are taking for hair growth. One of the first things I did when I entered the LHCF website was view the Monthly Hair Features, and my mouth dropped when I noted the amount of vitamins some of the members were taking to encourage hair growth. Natural or not, I am leery, especially with respect to some of the negative side effects some of the Forum members have experienced. Given the fact that I have been taking a very powerful medication for a condition I have, let's just say that perhaps my feelings re: vitamins for hair growth make me less inclined to use them. Understand that I am *not* making a judgement on what anybody here at the LHCF does. I am just saying that there are pros and cons to the vitamins that we as new members to the long hair quest must research and consider in order to make informed descisions re: what is in our own personal best interest.

Second, we all must remember that life does not revolve around one factor. Yes, hair is very important; thus the reason each of us was led to join the LHCF. Having said this, I am on a personal quest for balance of body, mind and spirit. Therefore, in addition to striving to provide my hair with the best possible care that my money, time and energy can afford, I am also committed to eating right, drinking plenty of water, exercising daily, reducing stress, sleeping 7-8 hours during the work week, doing things I enjoy - in addition to caring for my hair...

Just some thoughts.

Thank you, SweetPea.

Please understand: the LHCF is 'da bomb! I have not only learned so much in a short period of time, but also have gained an entire community of new friends. I have been truly blessed this summer! I simply wanted to share what was on my heart.

Nope, it is not vain. There is nothing wrong with sista coming together to encourage and share with one another.

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DSD, this is so true.
NO!! That's crazy! I want to grow my hair and my little girls. do not mean to offend but i do not wear weave. I work at getting my hair to grow. and I'm proud of that. I come here and to another hair borad to get tips,idea ect! All my hair fell out due to some Meds I was taking. and in a few short months it has grown back and then some. So is it vain to feel better about myself?? like i said that's crazy!!!
This board is not vain because it is just trying to help people to grow longer and most importantly healthier hair. With this board, I have learned of all of the stuff I was doing wrong with my hair as a 15 year old. I was over combing it and over touching it. With this forum I have learned which foods I needed to eat more for not just my hair but also my body. I have learned to take my vitamins everyday just like my mom used to tell me. This bored has helped me so when I'm 18 years old my hair will be healthy, long and all mine. I love this board for helping me and I love all the people on the bored who have been so encouraging.
This is one of those cases where vain is GOOD! Actually, I don't see this board as vain, but as a university where we learn the Truth about how to take care of our hair. And a lot of us attend this university every single day!
@ chichi i like the jon b. pic

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soulchild. That one is my favorite! He looks so sweet in it.

Hmmm...good question. I don't think the board is inherently vain, but there are some vain people posting here. I'm all for longer hair and sharing that information, but some of the comments ('I wanted to show off my hair this weekend but had a waxing accident at the shop!', or 'I couldn't wait to straighten my nappy mess so I could do the white girl hair swing!' makes me roll my eyes so hard, I'm afraid I'll dislocate them.

Having said that, I'm happy to be a part of this community. But to deny the vanity aspect of it all is a tad naive.
Hmmm...good question. I don't think the board is inherently vain, but there are some vain people posting here. I'm all for longer hair and sharing that information, but some of the comments ('I wanted to show off my hair this weekend but had a waxing accident at the shop!', or 'I couldn't wait to straighten my nappy mess so I could do the white girl hair swing!' makes me roll my eyes so hard, I'm afraid I'll dislocate them.

Having said that, I'm happy to be a part of this community. But to deny the vanity aspect of it all is a tad naive.

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i agree w/ your statement 100% some people on here are vain but having a few vain people on the board doesn't make the board as whole vain
LOL @ the white girl swing--thats a mess right there!
Maybe it's just me, but I personally don't see anything vain about the "white girl swing or toss". I think of it more as a "long hair swing". If you've got it like that I say swing away, you've earned the right.
Hmmm...good question. I don't think the board is inherently vain, but there are some vain people posting here. I'm all for longer hair and sharing that information, but some of the comments ('I wanted to show off my hair this weekend but had a waxing accident at the shop!', or 'I couldn't wait to straighten my nappy mess so I could do the white girl hair swing!' makes me roll my eyes so hard, I'm afraid I'll dislocate them.

Having said that, I'm happy to be a part of this community. But to deny the vanity aspect of it all is a tad naive.

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i agree w/ your statement 100% some people on here are vain but having a few vain people on the board doesn't make the board as whole vain
LOL @ the white girl swing--thats a mess right there!

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lol ok i'll admit it, i do the whit girl swing, on top of which i go outside just to see people looking at my hair blowing in the wind... lol i know i need help! HELP!!!

i don't think the board is a vain pursuit; but i have to admit that i am; and the board just feeds my narcisistic hair complex. where else can i talk about my hair non stop without scorn? i love yalll! you're my enablers. *L*
Maybe it's just me, but I personally don't see anything vain about the "white girl swing or toss". I think of it more as a "long hair swing". If you've got it like that I say swing away, you've earned the right.

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Same here.
Yeah, I actually thought the "white girl hair toss" was a fun thread. People only think of it as a "white girl hair toss" 'cause they think that black women haven't got hair to fling like that. Hmmmph.
(I'd flip mine for emphasis here, but its cornrowed...