Is this a stupid question?


Well-Known Member
How do you moisturize your ends? I am on a personal keep my ends moisturized challenge but I must be doing something wrong. Before i came to LHCF all I did was keep my scalp oiled and really did nothing for my ends. I have been searching for a good moisturizer and currently I use BB oil moisturizer with castor oil and aloe, and it is okay but my ends get dry and frizzy overnight. I pour a dime size amount in my hands, rub it in, put my hair in four sections and apply the moisturizer to the ends (the last inch of hair, if that makes sense :confused:). the first time I tried it there were little hairs on my hands after i rubbed the oil in. I tried it again later that day and there were not as many hairs. I tied a scarf around my head (don't know if it was silk or satin) and went to sleep. the next day I took the scarf off and my ends were dry and frizzy again. What am I doing wrong? Is it the product, the scarf or what. I don't get it. Any suggestions/ would be greatly appreciated.
I usually spritz my ends with a little water before I put moisturizer on them. Then I loose bun it and tie it up. I feel spritzing the water adds moisture, the oil or moisturizer seals it and the bun preserves it. HTH
thats a good idea but my hair is not long enough for bunning (I think). I started wearing my hair in braidouts because I am on bedrest from my high risk pregnacy so i can't be on my feet for a long time (10-15 mins at the most just to be safe). The braidouts are okay at first but the next day my hair is flat and the waves are almost gone plus it is hard to keep moisture in my hair with braidouts. Maybe I just need to try a new style. I was co washing every one to three days and afterwards I would put my hair up in a ponytail and apply some type of creme to my ponytail. I eventually got board with that.
A lot of oil moisturizers have protein in them that you may not need and that may be drying your ends. I have to use my oil moisturizers (NTM and Dudley PCA) more sparingly to make them work better.
Hey CAPlush,
Thats a good point and I was surprised when I read the ingredients and there was no protien listed maybe I need to try a different type of product like a creme or grease. I am soooo confused :confused:.
I have to use something in the consistency of grease to keep my ends from frizzing. Oil moisturizers just don't cut it.

I hope everything with your pregnancy goes well!
Thank you LJBFly,

I am def taking it easy I am only 32 weeks and went into labor about a week ago and was in the hospital for 3 days and dialated 1 centimeter.
But anyway I am searching for a good hair care line for extremely dry hair. I am doing lots of research because I plan on making my decision and purchases at the end of this month (shampoo, conditioner, leave ins, moisturizers and a good essential oil like jojoba). I am on a budget for now so I was thinking about using the NTM line or Dominican products since I have been hearing so many good things about them. I am looking for a good regimen also so if anyone has any more suggestions my ears are open :).
I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes by uneventfully, and fast!:)

I moisturize my ends with just a little water and then seal with some oil or avocado butter.
thanks Camellia,

I like your regimen short sweet and to the point. My hair is kinda on the damaged side. I wonder if that would work for me as far as daily moisture?
sweetcoco said:
thanks Camellia,

I like your regimen short sweet and to the point. My hair is kinda on the damaged side. I wonder if that would work for me as far as daily moisture?

You're welcome!:)

When my hair was really badly damaged (fried to death from heat) cutting off the damaged parts and then using water and oils daily really helped. Water does all of the moisturizing, the oil or butter just seals it in.

I use Humectress (just a tiny bit) as a leave in conditioner after washing my hair and seal it with avocado butter. But just water in a spray bottle for every day moisture.

Good luck!
I may give this a try this after I get my relaxer, trim etc. That will not be until the end of feb or beginning of March. I have decided to start stretching my relaxers. My last one was November 10.

Okay my limit is up I am about to go lay my behind down but please feel free to give me more suggestions I really need them and I will be back tommorrow.

Thanks Ladies ;).