Is this a cult? Should I be concerned?


Well-Known Member
Hey all!

Okay, so a while back i was approached by this really nice girl in my English class if I was interested in a modeling program/Bible study developed by this international group that had a program at my school. I've been trying to break my aversion to groups/clubs so I decided to attend the program.

So I have gone to a few Bible study sessions, and they have been very interesting, offering a different type of interpretation on scripture. The main philosophy of the study is to break down the scripture so that "both scientists and believers" can agree on the word, so the entire book is seen as a parable, for example, Jesus in Matth.(i think) referring to catching a fish and taking jewels out of its mouth, meant that he wanted to find a man who would give him money to pay the temple tax.

In the beginning I was like "wow! this is a whole new side to the Bible that I never thought about..etc". But lately I have been feeling kinda weird about this continuing with this study. I later found out that the study is based on a man from Korea's intense studying of the Bible and revelations that he received in meditation and study.

This is fine, but I noticed that everything that my teacher say is prefaced with "XYZ says this..XYZ says that.,etc", and last week we watched a video and in it XYZ alluded to him being THE messenger from God sent to illuminate the scripture:perplexed, and I later spoke to a girl who used to be part of the group and she said that they do NOT believe in the Trinity or the deity of Jesus.

The funny thing is that as I'm typing this I'm just thinking "Girl, you betta hightail yaself out of this group before they try to recruit you". I just feel kinda bad because all of the girls are really nice and Ithey wanted me to get dinner with them on sunday, but I'm just feeling really weird about the whole thing now.

I'm sorry for writing so much,and thank those of you who read all of I being paranoid?
Hey all!

Okay, so a while back i was approached by this really nice girl in my English class if I was interested in a modeling program/Bible study developed by this international group that had a program at my school. I've been trying to break my aversion to groups/clubs so I decided to attend the program.

So I have gone to a few Bible study sessions, and they have been very interesting, offering a different type of interpretation on scripture. The main philosophy of the study is to break down the scripture so that "both scientists and believers" can agree on the word, so the entire book is seen as a parable, for example, Jesus in Matth.(i think) referring to catching a fish and taking jewels out of its mouth, meant that he wanted to find a man who would give him money to pay the temple tax.

In the beginning I was like "wow! this is a whole new side to the Bible that I never thought about..etc". But lately I have been feeling kinda weird about this continuing with this study. I later found out that the study is based on a man from Korea's intense studying of the Bible and revelations that he received in meditation and study.

This is fine, but I noticed that everything that my teacher say is prefaced with "XYZ says this..XYZ says that.,etc", and last week we watched a video and in it XYZ alluded to him being THE messenger from God sent to illuminate the scripture:perplexed, and I later spoke to a girl who used to be part of the group and she said that they do NOT believe in the Trinity or the deity of Jesus.

The funny thing is that as I'm typing this I'm just thinking "Girl, you betta hightail yaself out of this group before they try to recruit you". I just feel kinda bad because all of the girls are really nice and Ithey wanted me to get dinner with them on sunday, but I'm just feeling really weird about the whole thing now.

I'm sorry for writing so much,and thank those of you who read all of I being paranoid?

Hey miss!
I personally think you have a right to be concerned. If you can feel the Spirit "nudging" you on the inside about this circumstance, don't ignore him!:assimilat
But seriously, sure everyone seems to have different "revelations" to share with one another, but they should never contradict each other. The Spirit is one...
You may have to mention to some of these people that while you do enjoy thier company, you feel this is all too much for you and get out of there. Otherwise you could just uh... leave:sekret:
Hi Duchesse-

I want to share something with you and everyone who reads this thread. About 10 years ago, I was faithfully watching TBN and not reading my Bible. I was just depending on the preachers for interpretation.

I went to church one Sunday and this lady walks up to me and held my hands. She said, You need to know the Word for yourself. And since that day, I depend on myself for the final interpretation on scripture.

I went to a church for a "Bible Class". Well, the teaching didn't line up with what I believed. And there was the nudging :naughty: (like Aviah mentioned). I didn't go back.
Hey all!

Okay, so a while back i was approached by this really nice girl in my English class if I was interested in a modeling program/Bible study developed by this international group that had a program at my school. I've been trying to break my aversion to groups/clubs so I decided to attend the program.

So I have gone to a few Bible study sessions, and they have been very interesting, offering a different type of interpretation on scripture. The main philosophy of the study is to break down the scripture so that "both scientists and believers" can agree on the word, so the entire book is seen as a parable, for example, Jesus in Matth.(i think) referring to catching a fish and taking jewels out of its mouth, meant that he wanted to find a man who would give him money to pay the temple tax.

In the beginning I was like "wow! this is a whole new side to the Bible that I never thought about..etc". But lately I have been feeling kinda weird about this continuing with this study. I later found out that the study is based on a man from Korea's intense studying of the Bible and revelations that he received in meditation and study.

This is fine, but I noticed that everything that my teacher say is prefaced with "XYZ says this..XYZ says that.,etc", and last week we watched a video and in it XYZ alluded to him being THE messenger from God sent to illuminate the scripture:perplexed, and I later spoke to a girl who used to be part of the group and she said that they do NOT believe in the Trinity or the deity of Jesus.

The funny thing is that as I'm typing this I'm just thinking "Girl, you betta hightail yaself out of this group before they try to recruit you". I just feel kinda bad because all of the girls are really nice and Ithey wanted me to get dinner with them on sunday, but I'm just feeling really weird about the whole thing now.

I'm sorry for writing so much,and thank those of you who read all of I being paranoid?

Sorry in advance because I didn't even read the whole thing. When I first entered college, they warned us about groups posing as Christian groups that were actually cults. This sounds like one of them. Runnnnnnnnn!!!!
Thank you ladies!

I know, this persistent nudging hasn't left me since Saturday, something doesn't feel right about this whole thing. I'm going to listen to my spirit, there is a reason why I'm feeling uncomfortable.

Metamoforsis..that is the same thing my mother said to me. Just read the Bible for myself, so very true..

Stinistina-Yes...cultish folks are very friendly:lachen:, now I just need to figure out to how to nicely reject them:ohwell:..

Aviah-Most likely I will just be like this :sekret: and disappear.
Hey all!

I noticed that everything that my teacher say is prefaced with "XYZ says this..XYZ says that.,etc", and last week we watched a video and in it XYZ alluded to him being THE messenger from God sent to illuminate the scripture:perplexed, and I later spoke to a girl who used to be part of the group and she said that they do NOT believe in the Trinity or the deity of Jesus.

These are your clues. As a Christain, your leader is Jesus Christ and the only help you need to help illiminate scripture is the Holy Spirit. Beware anyone who tries to supplant Jesus Christ or equates himself with Jesus. They deny the deity of Jesus because they want his glory. I was caught up in a very high control group for too long. Please don't ignore the warning as I did.
Hi Duchesse-

I want to share something with you and everyone who reads this thread. About 10 years ago, I was faithfully watching TBN and not reading my Bible. I was just depending on the preachers for interpretation.

I went to church one Sunday and this lady walks up to me and held my hands. She said, You need to know the Word for yourself. And since that day, I depend on myself for the final interpretation on scripture.

I went to a church for a "Bible Class". Well, the teaching didn't line up with what I believed. And there was the nudging :naughty: (like Aviah mentioned). I didn't go back.
I agree. The campus ministry (one of them anyway) at my University is linked to a local church. They go through a series of studies and it is my understanding that in order to join the church you have to complete these studies with an urging to be baptized by the church whether you have previously been baptized or not. I did one of the studies and was asked questions like "do you think you're seeking God?" then given a VERY basic interpretation of scriptures by some fellow students. I was also probed about my sincerity, whether I was "open" enough. This was enough to turn me off, but I began to pray about it because I do not have a Church home at this time. Finally, I got an answer through one of the messages. The pastor began talking about why understand the bible is so important (the studies) and truly being baptized. Their motto seems to be that you cannot accept Christ without going through this. I don't argue with the idea that you need to KNOW the Word, however for them it is not good enough to study the Bible for yourself. They are not at all big on individual spiritual discernment. I don't consider it a study when you can only be dictated to by people who are "ready". Plus they do not believe in prophetic word. I got my answer...
Hey miss!
I personally think you have a right to be concerned. If you can feel the Spirit "nudging" you on the inside about this circumstance, don't ignore him!:assimilat
But seriously, sure everyone seems to have different "revelations" to share with one another, but they should never contradict each other. The Spirit is one...
You may have to mention to some of these people that while you do enjoy thier company, you feel this is all too much for you and get out of there. Otherwise you could just uh... leave:sekret:

I totoally agree.
Thank you ladies!

I know, this persistent nudging hasn't left me since Saturday, something doesn't feel right about this whole thing. I'm going to listen to my spirit, there is a reason why I'm feeling uncomfortable.

Metamoforsis..that is the same thing my mother said to me. Just read the Bible for myself, so very true..

Stinistina-Yes...cultish folks are very friendly:lachen:, now I just need to figure out to how to nicely reject them:ohwell:..

Aviah-Most likely I will just be like this :sekret: and disappear.

I would not worry about it. I would just say I am not interested very firmly. Do not be surprised if they tell you you are going to hell or try to guilt you in some other fashion. You hold onto your faith and what your spirit tells you, not some folks in a cult.