Is there too much spacing on this bone comb?


Active Member
I found this bone comb on Go to the 3rd page and look for Prof Detangle Hand Made Bone Comb. It's only $6.50 plus shipping.

Can anyone tell me if the spacing between the teeth are too wide? This site is actually managed by but this comb is not on their site yet. This comb is not as wide as their Jumbo Rake which is 3 inches wide. This one for $6.50 is much shorter at 1 1/2 inches wide. Should the width and spacing make a difference? Is it me or does this comb look cheapie?
I bought this comb. The teeth are pretty spaced out, but for my hair (I'm natural) that's not too big of a deal for me. The comb is OK overall, except that the teeth can feel a bit sharp on your scalp when combing your hair. It's a good comb to have on hand if your hair is VERY tangled and VERY matted and you need a comb to help detangle your hair gently. However, IMO the other combs that Hairsense offers (the jumbo one and the regular one) are much, much better for general everyday use. So in summary, the 5 toothed-comb is OK for really bad hair emergencies (especially if you're natural), but the other 2 combs that Hairsense offers are much more useful.

Hope this helps