Your hair looks fine. Don't ever let her near you w/ scissors. Matter of fact everytime you go back and she days you needs a trim watch her so she don't pick up scissors behind your back. Keep up with your reggie and search and destroy yourself.

I would second this one!! My good friend from college who used to be MBL went to the hairdresser, and after a wash, the hairdresser turned her back to the mirror, gently took her hair in what felt like preparation to detangle and cut her hair across the back to ear length. In 34 years, my friend had never cut her hair...only occasionally dusted. If you do go against the advice here and return, watch her at all times like a hawk. Not to give all hairdressers a bad reputation, but it is shocking what some people will do...

I would second this one!! My good friend from college who used to be MBL went to the hairdresser, and after a wash, the hairdresser turned her back to the mirror, gently took her hair in what felt like preparation to detangle and cut her hair across the back to ear length. In 34 years, my friend had never cut her hair...only occasionally dusted. If you do go against the advice here and return, watch her at all times like a hawk. Not to give all hairdressers a bad reputation, but it is shocking what some people will do...

OMG! I would have been arrested that day. My temper would have got the best of me and I would have kicked her ***. Then I would have put signs up all over town warning others not to go her. That's just crazy.
I would second this one!! My good friend from college who used to be MBL went to the hairdresser, and after a wash, the hairdresser turned her back to the mirror, gently took her hair in what felt like preparation to detangle and cut her hair across the back to ear length. In 34 years, my friend had never cut her hair...only occasionally dusted. If you do go against the advice here and return, watch her at all times like a hawk. Not to give all hairdressers a bad reputation, but it is shocking what some people will do...


OMG!!! That chick woulda gotten a straaaiiiight beat down and then I woulda shaved her bald then sue her.
I had a barber do the same thing when I was napptural. I had 5 inches of natural coils and I wanted him to only shape the edges and the nape.

He said he understood this, turned me around, and put a 1/2" guarded clipper right into the top of my head!!!

Your hair regimen is good! Proof is growing out of your scalp!

You've inspired me. About to do my own S & D right now! No more trims!
Your ends look fine from that last picture... your stylist can go kick rocks!

Your "BEFORE" pictures needed a trim. Your "AFTER" pictures are beautiful! Don't you dare let that woman near you with scissors!

Melodie815, that happened to me as a child :perplexed Some people can be so ignorant.

Oh and to answer your question.. So far I have gone from nape length to BSL without trims. My hair is healthy and I have no split ends. I dust and do search and destroys.
I went 2 years without a trim and went from NL to BSL with no problems.

Only reason I finally trimmed was to even out my hair a bit. My hair is super healthy due to the fact that I use no heat and low manipulation.
Your ends and your hair look good. That's some great progress girl! Leave it alone. Don't let your stylist trim it. If you feel you have to trim it initially do it yourself just to make sure. I made from just above SL to full APL without trimming for an entire year. When it got longer I trimmed because I wanted a certain look. Anyway, you doing good so far!
Don't trim it at all. The ends look great and do a light dusting yourself. That stylist will have you back to SL or APL with the biggest smirk on her face. I didn't listen to Cathy Howse advice of not trimming and I am back to APL. I did think my ends were too see-thru, but now that I am totally texlaxed and trimmed, I am NOT trimming!

Your hair looks great.
I think it's less about jealousy and more about the stylist being ticked off that you did a 6 month stretch = less money in her pocket. If she can convince you that stretching is bad for your ends, then you'll come back for relaxers more often.

Your ends look fine to me. If you feel your ends are fine, then don't get a trim. You can just cut the split/damaged ends yourself. Hair dressers like to cut hair, especially long hair. Do not let her cut your hair AT ALL. I wouldn't trust her to follow your directions and she'll end up cutting 4 or 5in because she says your ends are "damaged". And if your ends are dry, DC and put some moisturizer on them.

Great progress. Your hair looks great!
I agree with both of these ladies. I wouldn't let her come near me with scissors.
Girl you better not let her cut your hair. It's beautiful and judging from your know more about growing your hair than your stylist. Your ends look fine to me.
Your ends look fine and your hair is beautiful. You are an inspiration because I'm in the APL by Dec 09 challenge. Thanks for the pictures. Now I see it is possible to reach my goal of healthy and thick APL hair and I don't plan on trimming at all.

I agree with the other posters - if you think your ends need a trim then trim them your self.
I went from SL to APL in 6 months without trimming and after a 10 month relaxer stretch I went to a stylist as I didn't think I could deal with the new growth myself without over/under-processing parts of my hair.
So I let the stylist trim my hair and although my ends looked great afterwards she cut more off than was necessary. So anyway, I'm now only just passed APL, when I could have probably been a lot closer to BSL right now. It's set me back a couple of months.
I don't want to trim my hair until I'm at least an inch past BSL, so I can trim back to BSL.

You've made great progress BTW OP, and you're hair looks great!

3 inches :blush:... maybe your stylist was jealous for real!

Your ends look fine to me in the pics.
I agree with the others who said DIY :yep: Not only is she probably jealous of your length, but she probably doesn't know the diffrence between uneven ends and split ends. I recently had a stylist tell me I had A LOT of splits and she begged me to let her "trim" it. I said no way :nono: I know my hair, I do search & destroys regularly and I hardly ever use heat. There was no way for me to justify her cutting my hair to so I didn't let her.

BTW, you're making wonderful progress and your hair is gorgeous! :yep:
I agree that your ends are just fine. Reach your goal and then trim (and not too much unless it's needed). In your case just do search and destroys until you get there and you should be good to go with minor trimming. Your hair looks fine and you've had great progress, don't let her undo it.
Wow, you've made wonderful progress in 10 months... I can't really tell from the pic, but it doesn't look like you need a trim, especially not 3 inches.
They always cut more than they tell you so if she's saying 3 inches it will probably turn out to be FIVE!!! Don't let her do it!!! :pullhair:
Your hair looks AWESOME, and it does not appear that you need a trim, least of all three inches. Keep up the good work! I think your stylist may have been pinched by the green-eyed monster.

I have successfully grown my hair from shoulder length to APL without trimming. I did not dust my ends until I was a little past my 1st goal, which was APL, and that was just to even it out, not because of split ends. And note it was just a dusting. I attached pics in case you wanted to see.

Your hair looks great girly :weird:


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WOW do not listen to her. Your hair looks wonderful. Your stylists is a HATER! Now, I am in a no cuts, or trims in 2009. So, I went from full APL to SL in September 08. Now my hair was all even when my hair grew out in from September 08 to Jan. 09 my hair is growing back to APL the same way I had to cut the first time. So, no more cuts/ trims for a while.
dont even THINK about cutting it! they look fine! If you feel like they need a lil something, DC twice a week with a good moisturzing cond...
hairstylist are human too, and jealously is a human characteristic..DONT DO IT!! lOl
Wow, great progress! I'm doing the same trimming until I reach my goal. I wouldn't trim as long as you know your ends are fine. I had a trim in Aug 08 and I think that's what set me alittle back from reaching my apl goal by dec 08 so now I'm going w/o trimming until I reach bsl. Again, great progress and keep up the good work! :)
Your hair looks amazing congrats on your progress! It sure doesnt look like you need a trim, don't know why she said that. Thats a big reason i stopped going to the salon for a long time too, i had a stylist who was sizzor happy. Its like when they see you making progress on your own, they want to find reason to set you back. (Atleast the ones i have dealt with)

I can count the times on one hand that i have gotten a trim since i started taking care of my hair in 06. Trims are not needed in my opinion to obtain growth, they are just for maintenance purposes.
Great progress! Do not listen to that stylist. Don't just walk away from her but, run. If you need a trim, go to a place like Super Cuts or Great Clip where they will be scared totrim more that half an inch or so off. Some people are just jealous hearted.