is there anything potentially damaging about this regimine


Well-Known Member
currently, I'm taking a break and wearing capweaves:

weekly/daily regimine:

wash w/ either Aveda Damage Remedy line or Joico K-Pak Line (alternating)
deep condition
rinse w/ cool water
part sections of hair w/detangler and cornrow
air dry

nightly - spray with activator and apply castor oil to ends
morning - mist w/ Giovanni vitapro fusion

under the cap weave, I usually wear a satin/spandex scarf and apply extra moisture to my edges.

I usually make a fresh cap weave every other week (so far most people think its my hair....oddly enough)

I want to do this for 3 months and see how my hair responds...either thickness, growth, or just better health condition of my hair.
It looks pretty good.

Have you thought about incorporating any protein/reconstructors in the rotation?
You may want to incorporate a light/medium protein biweekly. I think the Joico k-pak should be fine, especially since your hair will be conrowed most of the time anyway and won't be manipulated much.

Moisture/protein balance can one of the biggest and most difficult parts of building a regimen, so proceed with caution. Do your research and start slowly. There are so many different products and ways to incorporate them, and YOUR hair has it's own unique needs.

The goal is to get the hair moisturized but with minimal/zero breakage consistently.:yep:

HTH Good luck!
breakage is what caused me to think of a low manipulation regime. But since I work in a professional enviornment that kinda shuns braids-n-things....I figured wiggin' it would work. So far my breakage has decreased tremendously w/ this regimine....hopefully, I gain some length but honestly, I just want to gain health and thickness.

Thanks ladies...I'll continue on w/ this process for a while and incorporate some form of protein