Is there a natural equivalent to Aphoogee 2 min?


Well-Known Member
I want to start using more protein. My hair breaks and breaks and my Komaza care protein treatment does help, but I think I need to add more protein either in a rinse out or a leave in. I feel my hair getting hard etc i will stop the protein. But for now I need it to combat this breakage. Everyone raves about aphogee two min, but I cannot bring my self use mineral oil or cones. I also do not like the Aubrey orgnics GPB. I need something stronger.

Mill creek biotin. There is a thread in here with your exact question already.

ETA: I bumped the thread for you :)
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Beamodel said:
Mill creek biotin. There is a thread in here with your exact question already.

ETA: I bumped the thread for you :)

I use mill creek biotin and mill creek keratin.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
sparkle25 said:
HanaKuroi how do you use these? Rinse outs, leave in? Is your hair protein friendly? I think mine is...

Rinse out. I also like to put Giovanni Nutrafix on top. I believe it is a reconstructor. I like the slip it has. My hair loves these proteins in these products. When I was growing my nape and edges in, I used them daily in the shower followed by Curl Junkie Rehab and I never had protein overload. I use them a few times a week now. My hair is thriving.

My hair doesn't like animal protein and plant protein occasionally. My hair loves keratin and biotin.

I am a tester. I will apply a product to a small section of my hair and then monitor how my hair reacts. I would rather deal with a section of hair rather than my whole head, if my hair hates a product.

Make sure to monitor your hair when using protein while it is in your hair. If it starts feeling hard rinse it out.

Start with clarified hair if you use products with waxes or cones so your strands can absorb the protein easier.

Always deep condition after. Always. Use an actual dc not regular conditioner.

You have me wanting to do my hair. I love how my curls pop. I have 4ab hair.

I have never used Aphogee products because of tge ingredients either.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
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