
Well-Known Member
I know both are made up of keratin, which is a type of protein....but My nails are extremely hard, rarely break or chip and grow extremely fast. my hair on the other hand...i believe grows so darnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn slow.
LAdies....describe what kind of nails u have......dry, brittle, strong, slow to grow, fast to grow ..........with whateva term u like

And describe u hair growth rate b4 the boards and/or b4 taking any supplements or vits
I would like to see if there is any growth relationship(for lack of a better term.....the term im looking for has completely escaped me:lol: ) between the two!
there is a direct connection between Nailgrowth and Hairgrowth..the things used to make hair also make nails. Are you on vitamins? Maybe they are going to the nails first and then the hair?

For me, I know that maybe there is an imbalance. If my body gets nutients, it doesn't just send half to my hair and half to my nails. I might do reasearch on how the body chooses to give nutrients to hair and nails. But at the same time, it night not be anything to worry about, that might just be how you body works.
I always hated taking pills so i never took vitamins....but....i just started on viviscal....but im talking about before LHCF, viviscal, healthy hair practices...the whole nails have always been like this while my hair was so slow to grow...........
As a matter of sis and mother have nails like mine but our hair grows so slow .....maybe its our genes...i almost wish it was the reverse bcos now i work in the healthcare (OR) and we're not allowed to have long i basically cut my nails low:ohwell:
scarcity21 said:
....but My nails are extremely hard, rarely break or chip and grow extremely fast. my hair on the other hand...i believe grows so darnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn slow.

Sounds like we are both in the same boat. Good question!
scarcity21 said:
.i almost wish it was the reverse bcos now i work in the healthcare (OR) and we're not allowed to have long i basically cut my nails low:ohwell:

Again, sounds like me again. This is funny.
There typically is a link, but in my case the health of my hair is good. My nails, that is a different story. Although hard they are dry and chip easy and I have ridges and dark lines that show that my over all health is deficient. I have started on Vits/Supplements to improve, but as always it takes sometime to see results. The nails will grow if I baby them like I do my hair. :lol:
There typically is a link, but in my case the health of my hair is good. My nails, that is a different story. Although hard they are dry and chip easy and I have ridges and dark lines that show that my over all health is deficient. I have started on Vits/Supplements to improve, but as always it takes sometime to see results. The nails will grow if I baby them like I do my hair. :lol:

Same here. My nails are nothing to write home about so I just keep them low.:lol: It would seem like there is a link, though, even with the skin. Usually when you hear about people taking supplements their nails benefit right along with their hair and skin.

Then also, the hair is easier to take care of once it has emerged than the nails. The nails are up against so much more daily trauma being apart of the hands. We don't hurt our hair when we type, open mail, lift things, open jars, etc. And our hands are washed alot in a day. We can do conditioning treatments and protein supplementation for the hair-- but nails aren't so lucky. :lol: It may be that our nails are chipping off and breaking off faster than they are growing in-- same problem many of us have with our hair. The hair is just easier to get a handle on I guess.

Also, Hair and nails always get the leftover nutrition from the rest of the body. Whatever the body doesn't need goes to the hair and nails. Maybe the hair's needs come before the nails in that ranking too? I don't know. :scratchch
I've always had strong, long nails no matter what I eat. I think my hair grow pretty fast too, I just have to retain the lenght now. My scalp and and nails aren't the only part where I see a lot of growth. :look: I do my eyebrows every other day:perplexed
That's genetics all the way for me and the 2 have a link for me...
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I don't think there is a link for me :lol:.My hair will grow in strong and healthy, my nails, ehhh not so much at all. Everyone on the boards seems to have nails that take off when they start taking vits, not me. I've been on powdered MSM and biotin for one month so far, and I still haven't seen much of a change in my nails. My hair on the other hand, if growing in strong, coarse and healthy. i will continue to stick with these two supplements simply to see what effects it will have over a course of 3-4 months. I've never been one to have nails though, while my hair was pretty much always healthy, for the most part.
Im sure there is, they are both made out of keratin, however how fast your nails grow doesn't dertermine how fast your hair grows and vice verca (IMO). My hair growsfast, but my nails are just radicolous (sp), i can bite my nails off everyday/other day.
I believe there is a connection. My nails grow fast, but unfortunately they don't retain length. Why, because I keep my darn hands in my hair too much. :lol: Too much moisture in my nails causes peeling. But if I am consistent with Nailtiques or Nail Tek II, I retain length better. My nails benefit from the protein in these formulas. But I am not always so diligent.
i have a question...i've been taking 2000 mcg of biotin daily, plus an additional 150 ug of biotin that's in my multivitamin for nearly 2 months now...about 3 weeks ago, i noticed that i could literally break a nail tip off on monday, and by friday, it would be back to its pre-break to now, where i can break a nail and it takes maybe 2 or 3 times as long for my nail to get back to the pre-break length...if there is a correlation between nail growth and hair growth, does my now slower nail growth mean that my hair is growing slower too? or is my hair now using the what i assume was extra biotin that i attributed to my faster nail growth? or do i just need to up my biotin intake by 1000 or 2000 mcg to speed up the growth? TIA