Is There A Hose I Can Put On My Bathroom Sink Faucet For Washing My Hair?


On break

I tried to search the forum for answer to this but did not find any.

Has anyone purchased a hose that fits on your bathroom sink faucet, so that you can rinse your hair at the bathroom sink?

If so, which hose did you buy, and would you buy it again?

Thanks in advance!
wow, how do you get your head into the proper position?
I want to do this too :lol:
I use a long shampoo cape, and put it on backwards. I attach it very snugly on my neck. I have a short step stool that I sit on next to the tub. I sit on it backwards with the length of the cape inside the tub. As I'm washing my hair, my clothes don't get wet because the water is sliding down the cape.

This way is great since you don't have to get in and out of the shower. Also, my hair doesn't get tangled compared to washing it facing forward.
I use a long shampoo cape, and put it on backwards. I attach it very snugly on my neck. I have a short step stool that I sit on next to the tub. I sit on it backwards with the length of the cape inside the tub. As I'm washing my hair, my clothes don't get wet because the water is sliding down the cape.

This way is great since you don't have to get in and out of the shower. Also, my hair doesn't get tangled compared to washing it facing forward.

Thanks, I can't wait to try this! I've been getting in the tub and bending over, in the forward position. Needless to say, bending over makes a mess!
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